GIN?London Dry Gin可能有不少人領教過,但是其他地方,大廠至細廠的GIN呢?
英格蘭的酒莊,通常集中在倫敦以東,或西南方向,肯德郡的Chapel Town出產的氣酒,最近在上環歌賦街的西餐廳Gough on Gough's的酒牌上出現,星期日的早午餐,只要付大約三百多,便可無限添飲。
當日一共試了7款汽酒,個人最喜歡是Bolney Wine Estate的Blanc de Blancs,芳香的花卉氣息是第一個印象,輕輕的檸檬清香、礦物、水果的味道,乾身但爆炸性不強,中等身段顯出其well balance。暫時香港並未有零售,上網訂的話,大約三百元一瓶,值得我在倫敦買一兩瓶回來與眾同樂。
除此之外,Chapel Town的一陣香水加香草味,用上Sussex酒花,入口柔順,結尾帶著陣陣果香, hoppy的Mayfield,挺特別的風味。
全場留下最佳印象的,不是倫敦GIN,而是Brighton,南部的白禮頓,當我見到酒廠的女主人,我打趣地說:(哈哈,我隊波剛剛贏你隊Brighton AFC 2:0!當然我還喜歡聽你哋個Fatboy Slim。)
於2014設廠,上年推出第一瓶威士忌的Cotswolds Distillery,剛好三年陳,合乎威士忌最低年份的法例,不過label以NAS (Non-age statement)示人。波本桶與wine桶的結合,是充斥著雲呢拿、香橙、香蕉、皮革、焦糖等味道,酒身柔和而不刺激,很難想像這只是三年陳的出品!
tradegovukhk 在 Explore_HongKong Facebook 的精選貼文
Christmas activity ideas ----------------------------------------------
Have a 30-second tour with us at the "Connecting HK and the UK - A review of Aviation Development" Exhibition in the Hong Kong Museum Of History. ----------------------------------------------
This Exhibition walks you down a memory lane with photos, videos and models, highlighting the relationship between British Airways and Hong Kong. How long has this relationship been sustained? 80 years! Do you know the flight between Britain and Hong Kong was operated 10 years before Cathay Pacific (the flag-carrier of Hong Kong) was even created?
The exhibition also brings you to the modern London Heathrow Terminal, showcasing the developments of aviation technology, air navigation systems, route developments and more.
Apart from this exhibition, you should also visit the permanent exhibition: the Hong Kong's Story and other special exhibitions in the Museum of History. All are free of charge. Come and know more about the history of Hong Kong!
Hong Kong Museum of History
Address: 100 Chatham Road South
How to go: Take MTR to East Tsim Sha Tsui Station, Exit P2. Walk along the Chatham Road South for 10 minutes.
Admission fee: Free
Date of the "Connecting HK and UK" exhibition: From today until 9th
January 2017 (Closes on Tuesday) ----------------------------------------------
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