2015 CNY Predictions For the Year of the Wood Goat
(English version below)
文:廖文豪 先生 Written by: Mr James Liaw Boon How
我開始瀏覽師父的網站和閱讀一些他的文章, 想在與他有任何互動前,更了解他。這過程持續了幾年。只要師父有新的文章上載,我一定會去閱讀。不久後,師父設立了自己的臉書專頁。從那時起,我就一直關注著,因為師父的每一篇文章都豐富了我的人生。
相反的,師父奉勸我的太太,應該把她那頭長髮剪短。 太太照做後,自己也感覺到有所不同。她的脾氣比較穩定,我也察覺她的生活比較順利,及很多事情幾乎即刻就有頭緒了。
茶會詳情 (免費入場):
I am writing as follow, in recognition of Master Dai Hu's unerring predictions of the 2015 world events, as shared during the Lunar New Year dinner last year.
It is truly amazing as Master Dai Hu's predictions unfolded event by event through the year, it left me in awe of Master's prowess.
It is through fate that I was introduced to Master Dai Hu through an ex-colleague from Singapore Airlines. I was chatting with Kelly, my batch girl from the airline and she connected me to Master Dai Hu - in this case, I am referring to her sharing about Master's existence.
I started to look through Master's website and some of his articles as a form of research before any form of engagement. And this process went on for a few years, reading Master's articles whenever he posted any on his online portal. And shortly after, Master has his own Facebook Account which I have since followed closely as his articles are enriching.
Finally, in 2015, Master has an open invitation on his Facebook account to his followers to gather for a Lunar New Year dinner on the third day of the Year of the Wood Goat. We are truly blessed to be able to attend the dinner and eventually witness Master's Dai Hu prowess and knowledge.
Master Dai Hu has unselfishly shared to all his followers out of concern and care to avoid certain geographical areas, particularly anywhere South or bearing the word South (Also geographically south of Singapore). Master advised to avoid travelling to Europe, and specifically pointed out cities such as Paris and London.
The reason to avoid such places include possible extremists activities carried out in the European cities and assimilated by the same group of attackers that has been stirring much troubles in the Middle East. Truly, Paris was under siege by the ISIS in 2015.
Master Dai Hu also predicted a new epidemic and a possible evolution of a new form of virus in 2015. It may be through coincidence, or not, that the Zika virus was detected in South America continent.
We shared with Master our concerns about his predictions about travelling to Jakarta, as it is located in the Southern region of Singapore geographically. Master assured us that it is safe to travel during the Lunar New Year but to avoid after the Lunar New Year.
Truly, we made another trip in the later part of the year and things did not went very well - I was not feeling my best and my 1 year plus old toddler suffered from ailments such as tummy ache and also flu. I was in the city with my family to attend my spouse's grandma 80th birthday celebration but I almost missed the dinner, due to consumption of the wrong medication. That caused me to be drowsy. (It was a high dosage sleeping aid)
And if we all remember clearly, Indonesia suffered a bomb blast in early 2016 (late part of Wood Goat year).
The events unfolded through 2015 and the predictions were shared in Jan 2015 - it just proves Master Dai Hu's accuracy unless he has a part in the plot.
On a personal note, Master Dai Hu also advised some key points for my family such as keeping longer hair for myself and donning a sleek hairstyle, having it all combed backwards. I noticed things went smoothly for me personally after heeding his advice.
On the contrary, my spouse was advised to crop her long hair which she has also followed. She also personally felt the changes with the new hairstyle, having a more stable temperament. I also noticed things began to flow smoothly and falling in place quite instantly.
Lastly, Master advised us to keep the toddler's hair very short in order for him to be obedient. It is very true that we have better control of him. We tried to keep his hair slightly longer to look "cuter", but the effects were really undesirable.
It is really through fate and perhaps good karma to be connected to a true Master. I feel truly blessed to have Master's blessings and advice appended to lead a better life. Master only encourages all mankind to heed Buddha's good teachings to cultivate good karmic for oneself and his family.
I truly hope to be able to tap on Master's knowledge and to cultivate myself to be a better person in this world.
Thank you to Mr James Liaw for the generous and selfless sharing of his personal story. Mr Liaw had only met Master Dai Hu twice at the CNY dinner sessions but the few hours of learning had already reaped tremendous benefits for him, his wife and his son. This goes to show that Master Dai Hu's dinner and tea sessions are truly incredible!
Master Dai Hu holds tea sessions irregularly and the theme for each session varies. To maintain the personal intimacy of each session, slots are always kept limited.
The Dharma purifies our human world. It beautifies our lives and it rescues the human heart from sufferings. If you wish to have a smoother path in your life, with less karmic and demonic obstacles, come and meet Master Dai Hu in person at his 10th Tea Session on this Thursday, 17th March!
Tea Session details (free admission):
travelling the world with a toddler 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文
【玳瑚師父茶會課室】 《以茶會友–第八場 :新春大年初三餐會》
8th Recap : 2016 Lunar New Year Dinner With Master Dai Hu (English version below)
2016年二月十日,大年初三,玳瑚師父在新加坡文华东方酒店的MELT ~ The World 咖啡廳,舉辦了《新春大年初三餐會》。餐會開始前,出席者們和玳瑚師父互贈年柑賀年。
丙申年世界動態 ~
一、 哪兩個國家最好不要去?
二、 哪一地區的國家會有病毒感染?
三、 神洲大地會有什麽天災人禍?
四、 新加坡的哪一區會有瘟疫?
五、 猴子的年份,有何寓意?
六、 天災為何而來?
七、 有天災為何不一定是壞事?
丙申年家庭運勢 ~
八、 家中有寵物,為何會離婚?
九、 真心愛一個人,應該期盼她他幸福,不應該在爭吵時,白刀進去,紅刀出來。
十、 單身女子今年的愛情運。
十一、 屋子裡的哪一個方位,會問題多多?
十二、 家中大門開在哪一個方位會特別旺?
十三、 今年家中誰最旺?
十四、 家中哪一位成員,最易沖犯和生病?應該如何防範?
十五、 已婚男主人,丙申年裡的展望、問題及化解方法。
十六、 家中女主人,丙申年裡的展望、問題及化解方法。
十七、 家中長子,要事業與情場兩得意,一定要這麽做!
十八、 家中長女,丙申年裡的展望。
十九、 家中次子,要注意的事項。
現場答客問 ~
二十、 為何不同人拜太歲會在不同的日子?
二十一、 參加寺廟的謝太歲與安太歲同修,卻無法攜帶師父所交代的供品,怎麽辦?
餐會後,玳瑚師父帶領出席者們去觀看設在酒店內的菩薩像。 兩歲孩童見到玳瑚師父向菩薩像合掌頂禮,竟也可愛地模仿師父,向菩薩像合掌禮拜,真是「近朱則赤」啊!
On 10th Feb 2016, the third day of the Chinese New Year, Master Dai Hu held a Chinese New Year Dinner Session at Melt - The World Cafe at Mandarin Oriental Hotel. The attendees and Master Dai Hu exchanged mandarin oranges and Chinese New Year greetings before the dinner session commenced.
The youngest participants that night were two youths in their early twenties. Master Dai Hu is glad for them, having the affinity to grow their knowledge at such a young age. It is Master Dai Hu's hope that everybody can make good use of their youth, to take the initiative to learn the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics. The younger we begin, the earlier we can learn the ways to rewrite our destiny, and truly stand head and shoulder above your peers in this lifetime.
Master Dai Hu also pointed a participant out, for having the brightest facial aura among all present. He further explained the cause of it, and highlighted that the influence our ancestors have over the descendants is more intricate and closely knitted than many of us realise!
Highlights of 2016 Annual Luck Cycle Talk:
Global Outlook in the Year of the Fire Monkey ~
1) Which two countries should we avoid travelling to?
2) Which region of countries will see the occurrence of infectious diseases?
3) What natural disaster or man-made tragedy will surface in China?
4) Which region in Singapore will experience an outbreak of contagious diseases?
5) What is the implied meaning in a Year of the Monkey?
6) Why are there calamities?
7) Why is the occurrence of natural disasters not necessarily a bad thing?
Family fortunes in the Year of the Fire Monkey ~
8) Why would having a pet at home increase the risk of a divorce?
9) If you truly love a person, you should wish for his or her happiness, and not draw the dagger during fights and arguments.
10) How is the romance luck for single ladies this year?
11) Which sector in your house will bring you the most problems?
12) Which front door direction is the most auspicious?
13) Which family member will experience the most prosperity this year?
14) In the year 2016, which family member is at the biggest risk of getting sick and experience spiritual disturbance?
15) The outlook, obstacles and solutions for married men in this Year of the Fire Monkey
16) The outlook, problems and solutions for the woman of the house, in this Year of the Fire Monkey
17) To have success in both his career and love life, the eldest son must do this!
18) The outlook for the eldest daughter this year
19) The precautions the second son must take this year
Live Q&A
20) Why do diffferent groups of people make prayers to the Grand Duke of Jupiter, on different dates?
21) You took part in a temple puja, to thank the Grand Duke of Jupiter and welcome the incoming Grand Duke of Jupiter. But you are unable to bring the offerings, as suggested by Master Dai Hu. What should you do?
22) Clashes with the Grand Duke of Jupiter not only depend your Chinese zodiac sign. It could also happen in such situations!
23) A married couple, with contradictory zodiac signs, fluctuates between feelings of sweet bliss and emotional distance.
24) Why is Master Dai Hu never short of money?
25) If you have been advised to stay on the defensive this year, how do you proceed with your plans to buy a property or a car?
26) What kind of living environment is a natural beautifying tool, for the woman of the house to look more gorgeous?
27) The way to recite the Rebirth to Pureland mantra, for the numerous animal spirits in the meats, at a supermarket.
Master Dai Hu also expounded the significance of making offering to the Heavenly Jade Emperor on His birthday, on the 9th day of the Lunar First Month.
A participant, Mr James Liaw, voiced out his positive experience with Master Dai Hu, from last year's CNY dinner gathering. Master Dai Hu had advised him and his wife, on the ways to enhance prosperity for themselves and each other. Those recommendations would help Mr Liaw to make money easier and Mrs Liaw to be more even-tempered. The couple followed Master's advice, and indeed, witnessed the results in a short time. Mr James Liaw also praised Master Dai Hu for the accuracy of his predictions last year!
After the dinner session, Master Dai Hu led all participants to view statues of Bodhisattvas, which was placed in the hotel. Seeing Master Dai Hu put his palms together and bow in respect to the Bodhisattva, a two-year-old toddler mimicked the same act and adorably prostrated to the Bodhisattva too! It was a classic case of positive influence when one is with a good role model.
Master Dai Hu explained in detail to all present, the difference between a statue of a Bodhisattva in a standing position and one in a sitting position. He further reminded us that every one of us came from a original state of purity, but unfortunately got all tainted with the filth of the secular world. There is nothing in this world that absolutely and permanently belong to us, including your beloved children. Do not hanker after the life in this human realm.
Please do not keep feeling that you are lacking. In fact, you are already living a very fortunate life.
The poison in a man derives from his own heart. The only way to detoxification from inside out lies in the Dharma, and not some health food or the fruit juice of the moment.
When you genuinely learn the Dharma and attain true accomplishment, the bounds of the Five Elements will lose their grip on you. And when that happens, there will be no need to do a Feng Shui audit or destiny consultation anymore.
travelling the world with a toddler 在 The Chill Mom Michelle Hon Facebook 的最讚貼文
Inspiring story of a family that continues to travel around the world with 4 kids in tow. Not that I would do it though, not until I get over the nightmare of our SG-SYD flight last year with only ONE toddler.