Prego no hap (panic buying CB) ... no worries, home made spaghetti sauce. #throwbacklunchtime at 4pm #trialanderrorCBmoment #rembatcook
1. 4 white onion
2. 10 cloves garlic
3. 10 tomatoes
4. 1 can puree
5. 2 table spoon tomato sauce
6. Bunch of parsley
7. 1 table spoon mix herbs
8. 1 table spoon fennel seeds
9. 1 and half table spoon salt
10. 1 table spoon sugar
11. 1 cup of Chicken or beef broth
12. Beef ball, prawns, mushrooms, slices of hot dog. (up to youlah you want to put daging gajah or squirrel oso can. Eh hot dog NOT DOG meat uh!!!)
How to cook.
Slice and dice (item 1 to 3), then slow cook all (item 1 to 11) for 2 freaking hours ( netflix moment) oh dont forget to cover the kuali in this moment. Once done blend it (or hand blend) no no dont use batu lesung or batu giling.
Once blended , put in all item 12. Lastly PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH lah.. then where? Thanks. 😁
Finish liao.