[三條六返大陸](&)堅係反大6事情(#)仲Big 悉匙?Big 快乎 Big 科咗好耐啦喎。定英超球會?定想搵個大陸仔Big 6 guy?
1. 係架啦,3萬點,就寫下呢啲無聊嘢。別人貪婪時我恐懼嘛。買股票?舊年叫你買啦。仆街財演呃鳩你推你去死冇良心咁時勢仲叫人買股票嘛。
2. 慎防真係有讀者唔知(雖然多數普通人都應該知),根據上文下理理解,應該係指Big Six 會計師樓。問題係,變咗Big Four好耐啦喎
3. 除非係想個會計佬踢過英超啦,或者可能想請個大陸仔Big Six guy.下次可能寫NDS好啲。
4. Big Six有幾耐?想講,我讀大學Year one,ACCT101時(*)已經聽呢樣嘢。實情除咗呢樣嘢我都唔記得學咗乜,教嗰個Edward Chiu(港大老鬼可以相認下),當時我覺得會計部真係廢到一個點—後來發現大錯特錯,其他部門都係咁上下。(edit:似乎好多其他學生話佢幾好,咁應該係我問題)
5. Anyway,Edward Chiu就話我知,拿,而家我地講Big Six,好快就要變Big Five,時為1997年。
6. 雖然本人唔係讀會計又唔係讀Finance又唔係讀BBA(你以為係?),但,三年嚟,都真係每年讀一個會計哥時。貪多女,同埋相對地比較易拎分(讀精算嗰啲個個都學霸嚟架,我呢啲包尾的,事實亦係,最後我二十人考尾二)。第一年introduction to accounting,第二年咩financial accounting,第三年咩management accounting ,都係咁上下,常餐特餐快餐咁。天地良心,第二件有條洋腸教就還不錯,又靚仔,講英文又好聽(真係意大利連乞兒都講意大利文,幾咁浪漫)。第三年?已經冇上堂,唔記得咩人教。呀仲有,普遍三年啲tutor都係教得不錯的,在野黨永遠最落力。拎咗教席咪同你講Big Five
7. 無論如何,Big Six.邊Big Six?AA(丫花安達臣),Deloitte (事隔咁多年我都唔知有冇T音,但香港人當然就咁叫De-loy,正如電訊盈科係PCC Dub),KPMG(Keep Play More Golf,佢地自己講嘅)(***),Price Waterhouse(水記,有人叫水房,因住畀人拉),EY(年中總有一百幾廿個CV寫錯或見工讀錯,Ernst當咗Earnest,as per EY嘅老嘢講話即時掉走) ,同埋Coopers & Lybrand。邊間唔見咗?咪你冇聽過嗰間,Coopers & Lybrand食咗入Price Waterhouse,所以之後咪Price Waterhouse Coopers。正式結合係1998年,但宣佈當然更早,證明我冇記錯,Edward Chiu冇老點我。
8. 然後,Big Five都變埋Big Four,比較近代嘅事(廿年前之嘛!),Enron醜聞,AA摺埋咗。都未夠100年。
9. 講返,呢個Big Six,實在唔知想點。不過同情地理解,有時老啲嘅人,甚至明知係變咗Big Four,都仲用返當年嘅詞語。一來可能叫慣咗,二來亦都有返啲古風。等於我老細都仲會講「Matric」(讀作「覓戚」。尋尋覓覓,冷冷清清,淒淒慘慘戚戚),三十歲以下應唔知係乜?即係,「預科」
10. 定真係想搵個做過Big 6年代嘅人?咁就唔係咁人工啦下話。
11. 慎防有人係都要拗人地行內係咁叫(即係,我係行外?聽講呢個Job Ad係彈畀我的),本人上過去查,Big6 就得呢個Ad.Big4 Big Four 就唔少。「乜撚嘢呀?多人就啱呀?以前啲人夠覺得太陽圍住地球轉啦」。真有你的,講Big6講到哥白尼都出埋。又,有冇Job Ad寫Big5?可惜係冇嘅
(*)而本人讀嗰時根本唔係咁叫。嗰時港大甚至唔係行學分制。上學期(First Sem是也)讀完四五科,聖誕。下學期再讀。然後五月先一鑊過考晒所有嘢。而到五月時正常上學期嘅嘢都唔記得晒,甚至女都換咗第條。關女乜事?「你要借書借筆記咪關事」。同年中大科大都已係學分制。「其他?有其他架咩?」(**)
(**)OK,當然嗰時都有其他大學,城大都好出名,啲女出名得。浸會Poly都不錯。中大就土,港大嗰啲就太強勢,科大還好,但數量少。當時有人話係同學術水平成反比,我是同意的。鳩up不用深究,亦唔好低能到講乜撚「你上過晒七大八大嘅女咩?」。你夠冇上過晒北面十三萬萬同胞,doesn’t’ t stop you from commenting.不信還不信,我話有你都係唔信架啦。
(***)講開KPMG仲有個故事,當年我朋友(真係我朋友)做KPMG,有隻鬼由北歐飛嚟,同佢地講係地球最北嘅KPMG Office.朋友放工就同啲junior講,我地就係地球最西嘅KPMG Office。類似故事我去芬蘭都講過,當時Rovaniemi 三樣嘢出名:假波(芬假嘛),聖誕老人村,同埋全地球最北嘅麥當勞。你話,冰島唔係有麥當勞咩?你打開個地圖睇下,睇下冰島入咗北極圈未?梗係Rovaniemi最北。後來就畀俄羅斯某間搶咗,後話。嗰時打卡話呢間係全世界最北嘅麥當勞,當然有朋友話我知最西嘅麥當勞在邊。(****)
你嘅2020年點?我嘅2020年就幾好。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100唔使,5個月已1200人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。年費仲有85折,仲係睇13個月添。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過175萬的網紅MeleTOP,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#MeleTOP #ProjekLepasSkolah # NabilAhmad Nabil Ahmad Junior harini datang set MeleTOP, mmg sebijik muka El Farabi ni dengan Nabil Subscribe Astro Me...
「tutor junior」的推薦目錄:
- 關於tutor junior 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於tutor junior 在 Lee Chong Wei 李宗伟 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於tutor junior 在 thefamily.uk Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於tutor junior 在 The Family UK Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於tutor junior 在 Re: [幼教] 有人訂TutorJr嗎- 看板Preschooler 的評價
- 關於tutor junior 在 資優生文教機構- Tutor junior 安心線上學 - Facebook 的評價
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- 關於tutor junior 在 有人可分享小孩上Tutor Jr的心得嗎? - Mobile01 的評價
tutor junior 在 Lee Chong Wei 李宗伟 Facebook 的精選貼文
Ever since meeting her 20 years ago, she with her ponytail has always been the princess of my heart.
I watched her grew up. From being a girl next door, to Malaysian top junior female player, to Malaysia best ever female player, to become first Malaysian women and only the second non-China player to win China Open, to become my best wife and now the best mother one can ever hope for.
The reason she comes out top in everything is because she really use her heart fully in everything she focuses in. She is the driving force to me to prove myself as well.
Now with the Covid phenomena, I watch her everyday juggling her job between a homemaker and a home tutor. Homemaker is way harder than badminton training, and harder than any jobs on Earth.
She is really the pillar of the family, and me. Love you, my dear. Happy anniversary.
tutor junior 在 thefamily.uk Facebook 的最讚貼文
My school day started out like any other, until my form tutor handed me an envelope and told me "Well done, Mukhtar!" Huh? I was wondering whatever could be in that envelope, but I decided to save it until I got home to open it - whatever it was, it sounded like something worth opening with the rest of the family.
Little did I know that on that same morning, Mrs Mom and Mr Dad had received an email saying that I had gotten a big prize - but what!? Since it was sent in the morning, it meant that they had to wait anxiously all day long - it seemed to just drag on and on! When I got home, everyone was so excited, and, like me, they all wanted to know what was inside that envelope.
This was the moment we were all waiting for; everyone was there, Mrs Mom and Mr Dad, Fatimah, Ali, and @drauntie.uk as well. All of us had butterflies in our stomach as I opened that envelope…to find out that I had been awarded not one, but TWO PRIZES - the Junior Drama Prize and the W.R. Buttle Prize! I was completely filled with happiness, and I was over the moon to have received this great honour - Alhamdulillah! This was beyond anything I could have asked for.
These awards may have been addressed to me, but I know I couldn’t have done it without all those who are responsible for getting me where I am today. I thank Mrs Mom, Mr Dad, Fatimah, Ali, @drauntie.uk and each and every one in the family for their constant support and belief in me. Their unshaken faith in me warms my heart!
I’d also like to give a huge thank you to the teachers and the School for this acknowledgement. I am truly humbled by it - even one prize would have been ever so generous!
And not forgotten, all of you who have been supporting me continuously - thank you from the bottom of my heart!
And of course, I thank Allah for guiding me along the path to this achievement. I pray that He opens up more opportunities for me to reach higher…Aameen ♥️
Omar Mukhtar
#DoublePrizeWinner 🏆
p/s: Can’t wait for next week’s ceremony!
tutor junior 在 MeleTOP Youtube 的最佳貼文
#MeleTOP #ProjekLepasSkolah # NabilAhmad
Nabil Ahmad Junior harini datang set MeleTOP, mmg sebijik muka El Farabi ni dengan Nabil
Subscribe Astro MeleTOP, http://bit.ly/ytmeletop
Episod penuh MeleTOP di Astro Go, http://bit.ly/meletophd

tutor junior 在 The Family UK Youtube 的最讚貼文
My school day started out like any other, until my form tutor handed me an envelope and told me "Well done, Mukhtar!" Huh? I was wondering whatever could be in that envelope, but I decided to save it until I got home to open it - whatever it was, it sounded like something worth opening with the rest of the family.
Little did I know that on that same morning, Mrs Mom and Mr Dad had received an email saying that I had gotten a big prize - but what!? Since it was sent in the morning, it meant that they had to wait anxiously all day long - it seemed to just drag on and on! When I got home, everyone was so excited, and, like me, they all wanted to know what was inside that envelope.
This was the moment we were all waiting for; everyone was there, Mrs Mom and Mr Dad, Fatimah, Ali, and @drauntie.uk as well. All of us had butterflies in our stomach as I opened that envelope…to find out that I had been awarded not one, but TWO PRIZES - the Junior Drama Prize and the W.R. Buttle Prize! I was completely filled with happiness, and I was over the moon to have received this great honour - Alhamdulillah! This was beyond anything I could have asked for.
These awards may have been addressed to me, but I know I couldn’t have done it without all those who are responsible for getting me where I am today. I thank Mrs Mom, Mr Dad, Fatimah, Ali, @drauntie.uk and each and every one in the family for their constant support and belief in me. Their unshaken faith in me warms my heart!
I’d also like to give a huge thank you to the teachers and the School for this acknowledgement. I am truly humbled by it - even one prize would have been ever so generous!
And not forgotten, all of you who have been supporting me continuously - thank you from the bottom of my heart!
And of course, I thank Allah for guiding me along the path to this achievement. I pray that He opens up more opportunities for me to reach higher…Aameen ♥️
Omar Mukhtar
#DoublePrizeWinner ??
p/s: Can’t wait for next week’s ceremony!

tutor junior 在 資優生文教機構- Tutor junior 安心線上學 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Tutor junior 安心線上學、教育不停歇! 小孩在家太無聊 24小時隨時可以線上上課 全英語暑假遊學團提前開跑6/1㊁至8/31㊁ 活動再加碼❤️上完10堂, ... ... <看更多>
tutor junior 在 Tutor Junior - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. ... <看更多>
tutor junior 在 Re: [幼教] 有人訂TutorJr嗎- 看板Preschooler 的推薦與評價
體驗了Tutor Jr跟Oikid後,
1. 方案彈性。以我們夫妻雙薪家庭,有時要出差的情況下,ㄧ週2-3次上課差不多。
2. 可以選老師上課。我覺得可以選老師應該蠻合理,但Tutor業務說:「媽媽,這是教育
3. 費用。我沒認真算單堂費用,但我們的方案是24個月內上104堂1對1跟40堂1對多,月
Tutor Jr前後連絡3次(電話跟line),完全不透露價格跟方案,而且ㄧ直強調他不是要
4. 另外我遇到的tutor業務真的很囉唆。因為我是很乾脆的人,我覺得既然我原本就有興
5. 其他。後來看其他媽媽分享Tutor老師有包含非英語系(澳美英加)的老師,例如菲律
的對於澳洲腔就有障礙(還有印度腔 )(囧)但我覺得我既然付了錢,應該有權利知道
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Preschooler/M.1567321707.A.5B1.html
※ 編輯: mavisQ ( 臺灣), 09/01/2019 15:09:16
... <看更多>