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大家好,我是一位目前住在美國灣區的台灣媽媽,育有一女一子(8歲、6歲),美國電腦科學研究所博士 (電腦輔助醫學、電腦視覺、機器學習)。曾經入圍2018年信誼基金會幼兒文學獎。喜愛收集優質的教育資訊及推廣好書,希望能在此園地和您交流~ :)
*中英文各科目教育資源整理 原文網址 (持續更新中)
#中文節目 #英文節目
🌼[YouTube免費收看:優質兒童/青少年節目整理] 中文繪本故事、英文繪本故事、運動、美術、音樂、科學魔術、科學實驗、科普知識、哲學思辨、中英雙語學習、食育科學烹飪、藝術、讀書辯論、名人讀書訪談、青年夢想實踐、漢字探討、兒童認字、保健科普等
2020年三月美國開始 Shelter-in-Place 學校停課後,社團陸續整理了許多台灣優質的兒童及青少年節目,以及美國老師課堂上常使用的YouTube頻道,希望小朋友即使在家閉關防疫,也可以從這些精采的節目中習得知識並感受到樂趣。
P.S.文末也附上翰林版國小/國中/高中課文習作電子書和國文朗讀官方下載資源、台灣圖書館電子書借閱平台、英文學習App (Khan Academy Kids)、美國小學線上教學軟體經驗等資訊整理供參考。
歡迎推廣本社團給親朋好友,感謝大家! :-)
📍 中文繪本故事
Good TV: 神奇故事屋 (+實地訪查)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaphkk9pAYCLnEJYJKI2rmbmNGbHez4DL
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/326693245003898
Good TV: 烤箱讀書會 (+甜點製作)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaphkk9pAYCITBfMYF4UKu1QaQTu-dVsl
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/336377934035429
富邦文教基金會: 藝起說故事 (目前共50集,每集約10分鐘) (藝人說故事+動畫)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4S3BKKtW2jL1eAVpT08M4A/featured
Brightly Storytime (Miss Lina或作者親說,Penguin Random House出版商合作)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQagFNHMrGgQpYunk4rHXg
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/487230112283543
Storyline Online (美國藝人說故事)
Story Time from Space (來自外太空的故事時間)
艾瑞卡爾博物館 (Eric Carle Museum): 繪本說故事 (知名作者:好餓好餓的毛毛蟲)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJC4ZhubfgnXk02jlRGbjIAbkMSSN9loA
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/526476528358901
YOYO TV: 博物館探險趣
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_HY74ov2N0QlGht468fvn2IHhju8n5B
MOMO 親子台: 運動練習生 (每集45分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KroRNGNi9dIrAJZsaWlWUHM
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/509871293352758
Cosmic Kids Yoga (兒童瑜珈+背景卡通動畫)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/331341251205764
MOMO 親子台: 就是愛瑜珈
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KpKpu904jRKiukybfQsW88I
GoNoodle (英文歌曲、動畫,運動)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames
Kidz Bop Kids (美國著名兒童歌唱舞蹈團體)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKE0Xnj818IDaHvIcRiq0Bg
MOMO 親子台: 動物大明星 (全五季共65集,每集22分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KoP6Rcuw3zYZio_oGEFtxCF
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/523722395300981/
YOYOTV: 好好玩自然 (全三季共40集,一集24分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpVLNX2G8UIt4mm0RX9jL9BAH8yatJ9JA
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/338306687175887/
大愛電視: 妙博士的異想世界 (共26集,一集24分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfJOvcvKb2SBlZyPhyFRyczbkSa5Ud12
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/386251849048037
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/c/Ngtaiwan/featured
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/user/Dogs101TW
YOYOTV: 科學偵探團 (共13集,每集23分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgZx3ncZz696LsICrTuzMAB0LR7O6y9L7
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/439198003753421/
YOYOTV: Hello! 瑪奇課
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_HY74ov2N2ieJN6PTii5Zt9vpqkIXHM
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/332617654411457/
MOMO親子台: 魔法小學堂
大愛電視: TRY科學 (目前共 59 集,一集 24 分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfJOvcvKb2RzPaNrVaRHIrgZwOOcjU9s
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/352366659103223/
大愛電視: 生活裡的科學 (共 250 集,一集 24 分鐘,2013 ~ 2018年)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfJOvcvKb2Qwr7Q4G1gMgxC3qDR35cy5
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/347642409575648
📍食育科學 / 烹飪 / 農業種植類
MOMO 親子台: 快樂小廚房 (共20集,每集22分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-Ko9wRe7s5PK8srkoIEV18fH
公視兒少: 神廚賽恩師 (目前共22集,每集 25分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR9-cXLksRCsqtoAMPM8zxrgi6WnGHt9f
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/439816230358265
MOMO親子台: 快樂小農夫 (全1季20集,每集22分鐘) 食農教育
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KoJSt2-8F8It8x4VUm6E101
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/524818501858037/
做菜ABC (共61集,每集11/22分鐘) 中英雙語
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-Krs6NwdaoAX5U424DAngxN2
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/509297763410111
Good TV: 烤箱讀書會 (每集24分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaphkk9pAYCITBfMYF4UKu1QaQTu-dVsl
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/336377934035429
Good TV 貓道上的哲學家
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaphkk9pAYCKrzmPezCXTryQxtLs6KfF-
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/444048586601696
公共電視: 古典魔力客 (主持人: 黃韻玲,完整三季共 39 集,一集25分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR9-cXLksRCucS4yR8pGWOUwxhUiRhwFn
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/337109500628939
安迪老師 (德國漢堡音樂大學教授,指導鋼琴曲的詮釋)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZg4j8q1h0fT_j48R3aN4Lg
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/493494354990452
MOMO親子台: 牛奶與麗麗 (烏克麗麗教學,共76集,每集11分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KroPNGb6a_QlmBoDaSaDnAs
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/523209112018976/
🔗第一集 (陳敏華教授)
🔗第二集 (盧易之教授)
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/520109028995651
好和弦: 不可不知的基礎樂理 (21部影片)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmVjZfPp5kiNVtlRBphjzBUIH_Xa15h08
Muzik 大師悄悄話 (目前共21集,一集3.5~7分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9OkC31rPuMaDrvfcjGQyuG3o5APk6EpA
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/479799183026636/
Muzik Air 網站: 免費古典音樂 - 系統式學習與聆聽
(分有 聽樂/讀樂/赴樂/影片等四大分頁)
🔗 https://www.muzikair.com/tw
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/482734636066424
久石讓@日本武道館 吉卜力工作室動畫25周年紀念音樂會 (高清)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY1XtWyKlJA
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/470230423983512
大愛電視: 小主播看天下wow 的 "Oh! 這就是美" 集數 (約 30集,一集 24分鐘)
以下 Google Document 是我整理的有關美術的集數
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/365302857809603
英文 Let's Make Art 頻道 (透明水彩、不透明水彩、壓克力繪畫、混和技法)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/c/LetsMakeArt/playlists
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/487800005559887
MOMO親子台: 紙箱做玩具
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-Krz5HIrzWC_fvtgXpseR6R9
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/510904863249401
MOMO親子台: 一起玩摺紙
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-Kp2rF49rBbiYcbSwzfgViPx
Art for Kids Hub (美國小學老師也喜歡出這裡的影片當美術小作業)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtforKidsHub
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KrG1zik81TRYjknZOaqEvNE
MOMO親子台:ABC故事屋 (各國經典故事、名人傳記雙語,真人解說+動畫)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KocjS3RsH4pd2x50mb7Q_DX
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-Krs6NwdaoAX5U424DAngxN2
👓 這三個節目的文字介紹
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLbYagPqVZbr1aoAU5DV4KQ
TED-ED 中文短篇課程
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDYWZUcGbh494_GlcJjd3SlF5p4JPAsUF
MOMO親子台: 跟哥哥姐姐學國字 (共70集,每集2分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-Kpq8ZOhGIJyPLZSKYdRL0zp
MOMO親子台: 一起來認字 (共69集,每集1.5分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KoXclQzjy9QCF0b1qgOUKq2
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/523234642016423/
MOMO親子台: 一起學成語 (每集 4.5 分鐘,共50集)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-KoAVB287Jm1vM1UKyMdF0YD
MOMO親子台: 聽聽成語故事 (每集 3 分鐘,共50集)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1IigiWrn-Ko0wLUgluV3bspykpjDqohd
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/513286399677914/
大愛電視: 伯源哥哥的祕密屋 (每集24分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfJOvcvKb2QXZsXlrqqkHqjB9_Xuf21b
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/375341600139062/
公視: 藝術很有事
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8T9CzvHiDeYnwWFFKkEePFG68OxEwNl5
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/328724158134140
大愛電視: 立德路2號 How ART You
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfJOvcvKb2TFepEuECTIJWNRBaeMV14k
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/477585453248009
大愛電視: 青春愛讀書 (主持人:謝哲青)
大愛電視: 熱青年
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYfJOvcvKb2S3FuOmfgqHrdU452UbKrjO
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/395788288094393
公視: 小孩酷斯拉
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR9-cXLksRCv1Yft8gIDyT_IoMf5nN7uc
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/355501372123085
PanSci 泛科學
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/user/pansci
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWWBL-WFsEcHI_V0XaOsANQ
Minute Earth
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/user/minuteearth
Mystery Doug
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPRCRM3JKm3sw55lB_427qg
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/user/mobytherobot
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/c/%E6%95%B8%E6%84%9F%E5%AF%A6%E9%A9%97%E5%AE%A4NumeracyLab/featured
大愛電視: 國民漢字須知
🔗 https://www.daai.tv/program/P1391
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/474727143533840/
改變世界的密碼 - 郝廣才在中視 (根據 "今天" 這本書,共366集,每集5分鐘)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_yoBy_pbO3Yi-GS1Jk6exWwXxbhvyrn
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/499774861029068
名人書房 (主持人: 詹慶齡 + 來賓推薦書籍)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsGup_2nYgcl9YNpACUHrfw/featured
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/326786041661285
大雲時堂 (主持人: 李四端,+ 來賓享用精選料理)
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk00QFZ8-KpSaC0nPPWAJ4896dwnade8F
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/456096738730214
📍台灣翰林國小國語課本 - 課文內容下載與國文朗讀影片 (官方免費資源)
📍台灣免費電子書各平台整理 (HyRead各圖書館、台灣雲端書庫、華藝電子書)
📍英文學習免費App: Khan Academy Kids (包含大量優質有聲書)
📍中文筆順字詞學習App/網站: 萌典
📍美國灣區小學線上教學軟體使用經驗 (SeeSaw, Clever, Zoom)
📍國語日報週刊 / 中學生報/ 國語日報 近期數期 PDF免費下載
「防疫自學 公益閱讀」全版報紙 PDF 下載專區https://www.mdnkids.com/MdnRead-Covid19/
其他優質節目介紹 (Amazon Prime Video/ Netflix/中英雙語 DVD)
📍 兒童科普卡通: 戴帽子的貓
Amazon Prime Video / Netflix / 中英雙語 DVD
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/498119837861237/
📍 幼兒早期英語學習卡通推薦
Amazon Prime Video 會員觀看
Word World 字的世界 (英文拼字、Phonics 發音學習)
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie 如果你給老鼠一片餅乾
Guess How Much I Love You 猜猜我有多愛你
The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 戴帽子的貓懂很多 (知識科普)
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/500854484254439
📍 吉娃斯愛科學 (台灣製作科普卡通)
YouTube 幾集 Samples / DVD
👓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/326160951723794/permalink/432885827717972
📍 魔法校車 (Magic School Bus),魔法校車再度啟程 (Magic School Bus Rides Again)
Netflix 觀看
同時也有91部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅Edwin H.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Special Cyber Deal!68% Off 訂閱NordVPN 再送多一個月:https://nordvpn.com/edwinh 優惠碼:EdwinH AirPods Pro有問題可以換貨 https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-p...
「tv program中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於tv program中文 在 三寶媽艾莉絲的生活紀錄 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於tv program中文 在 彭文正 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於tv program中文 在 多糖教室 毛小孩教育訓練 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於tv program中文 在 Edwin H. Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於tv program中文 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於tv program中文 在 RinRin Doll Life in Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於tv program中文 在 VITAS 2007/01/22 電視台整蠱(2)_ TV Program (中文字幕) 的評價
- 關於tv program中文 在 Watch Great Love TV Program Anytime 隨時上網看大愛節目 的評價
tv program中文 在 彭文正 Facebook 的最讚貼文
轉載Chenchen Chen fb
🛠《大家來找碴welcome strict proofreader 》
看到Christopher Chen附在獨立觀察的連結,披露日本記者黑木亮著手調查東京知事小池百合子的埃及開羅大學學歴史,所以整理了文章一半的中英對照如下,另外一半預期周末整理好再另外貼新版。
大家可以比較東京知事和她的大貴人(埃及前副首相Dr Hatem)如何促使她主張她1976年確從埃及開羅大學畢業的做法。台灣媒體不敢報導此日本疑似假學歷的新聞,倒是刷了很多東京知事抗疫好棒棒的中文報導-想必是要洗嬰粉的腦「會做事就好了,學歷有什麼重要」哈哈😄⋯⋯
✳️原文連結: https://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/60643
Allegations of fake university degree haunt Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike (vol.4)
💥自從現任東京都知事小池百合子(Yuriko Koike)於1992年成為國會議員以來,一直有謠言流傳稱,小池百合子(Koike)文飾美化她的學歷。
Ever since the incumbent Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike became a Member of Parliament in 1992, rumors have been circulating that Koike embellished her academic credentials.
Koike claims to have graduated from Cairo University but if an Arabic speaker listens to her Arabic, her published academic credentials as a Cairo University graduate seems more than dubious.
There are strong evidence about her fake academic credentials such as testimony by the flatmate supported by documentary evidence, Koike's self-contradictory statement in her book to have graduated in four years despite failing her first year, her rudimentary Arabic, her lie about the graduation thesis and her stubbornness in refusing to submit her graduation documents to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly.
身為一個通曉阿拉伯語並從埃及大學(開羅美國大學的中東研究專業)畢業的人,我自有一種任務感,因此我決定對這些指控進行調查。 經過兩年的調查,我找不到任何證據,甚至沒有一絲一毫的最低線索,可以證明小池是從開羅大學畢業的。
Feeling a sense of duty as someone who learnt Arabic and graduated from an Egyptian university (MA, Middle East Studies from the American University in Cairo), I decided to investigate the allegations. After two years of investigation, I could not find any evidence, nor even the slightest hint that Koike graduated from Cairo University.
In this six-part article, I present the results of my investigation in detail.Here is the fourth part of it;
Was Koike eligible to transfer?
Koike claims in her books and other places that she entered Cairo University as a first year student (freshman) in October 1972.
However, in the ""Fake CV"" the flatmate says, ""Koike entered Cairo University in October 1973 as a second year student.
Koike happily told me ‘My father asked Dr. Hatem, then Egypt's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information, to swap my few months at Kwansei Gakuin University, a private university in Hyogo prefecture, and a few months at the language course at the American University in Cairo for the first year at Cairo University. ‘
「哈特姆博士接受了這一要求。此外,我的學雜費和申請費全免除了。 」
‘Dr. Hatem accepted the request. In addition, my tuition and admission fees have been waived’ .
這顯然是寫在室友1972年11月19日給她在日本母親的信中的。根據“假簡歷”該部分陳述的內容,她(室友)大部分信都附有信件日期和郵戳。 如果是這樣,他們這些人都將會被埃及法院起訴。
This is apparently written in the flatmate’s letter to her mother in Japan dated 19 November 1972. According to the ""Fake CV"" most of her letters were dated and postmarked. If so, they will be admissible to court."
呈現在“假簡歷”的內容中,含當時也正在埃及另一所大學就讀的另一名日本女性,她說,她對小池當時可以轉入開羅大學二年級就讀感到驚訝。 我(作者:黑木亮)所採訪過的另一位開羅大學的日本畢業生也記得:小池當年是[直接]轉入開羅大學二年級。
In the ""Fake CV"" another Japanese woman who was attending another university in Egypt at the time says she was surprised that Koike had transferred in the second year at Cairo University. Another Japanese graduate of Cairo University whom I interviewed also remembered that Koike had transferred to the second year."
然而,轉學到包括開羅大學在內的埃及國立大學訂有嚴格的規定。為了進行轉學,學生必須在另一所大學獲得與埃及國立大學課程相同或相似的內容和學習時數的學分,並且必須獲得一定程度的成績。 開羅大學轉學中心辦公室向我證實了這一點。
However, strict rules are in place to transfer to Egypt's state universities, including Cairo University. In order to transfer, a student must have earned credits at another university with the same or similar content and number of hours as the Egyptian state university’s curriculum and must have earned a certain number of grades. This was confirmed to me by the Central Transfers Office of Cairo University.
-轉學實務研究學院,則必須從其他大學獲得至少jaiid jiddab(非常好)的成績。
-轉學理論學習研究學院,則必須從其他大學獲得至少jaiid (好)的成績。
In the case of the 2016-17 academic year, for example, students are required to have at least imtiyaaz (excellent) grade from other university if the student wishes to transfer to the Faculty of Engineering or Medicine and at least jaiid jiddan (very good) grade in the case of faculties of practical study and at least jaiid (good) grade for those of theoretical study.
前面如曾經提到的記者,達莉亞·施貝爾(Dalia Shibel)這樣告訴我:“在埃及,國立大學和私立大學是兩個完全不同的系統。即使您在開羅的美國大學學習了10年並獲得了必要的學分,您還是必須從開羅(國立)大學的一年級學生重新開始。這是我國的法律”。 因此,像小池這樣沒有在另一所大學讀完一年(也沒有獲得任何學分)的人是完全不可能被核准轉學的。
The aforementioned journalist Dalia Shibel told me that ""In Egypt state universities and private universities are two completely different systems. Even if you study at the American University in Cairo for 10 years obtaining necessary credits, you have to start as a first year student in Cairo University. This is the law of our country"". Therefore it is totally impossible that a person like Koike who has not finished a year at another university (and has not earned any credits) would be allowed to transfer."
小池最多只在關西學院大學學習了幾個月。 她在開羅的美國大學CASA那裡學習阿拉伯語只是一所語言學校,不提供任何學分或學位。 如果像一些日本人指出的那樣,小池真果真是在1973年轉入開羅大學第二年級的話,那不過是欺詐性的轉學而已。 這意味著她從一開始就沒有資格畢業。
Koike only attended Kwansei Gakuin University for several months at most. CASA at the American University in Cairo where she learnt Arabic is just a language school and does not offer any credits or degrees. If, as some Japanese people point out, Koike actually transferred to the second year at Cairo University in 1973, that is nothing but a fraudulent transfer. That means she was not eligible for graduation from the beginning.
No answer to the question about Koike’s admittance
In 2019, 51 people were prosecuted in the United States for paying bribes under the guise of charity to an organization that allows celebrities and others to increase their children's SAT (college aptitude test) scores and fraudulently admit them to prestigious universities.
其中一位女演員費利西蒂·霍夫曼(Felicity Huffman)曾出演電視劇《欲望師奶(台灣翻譯)》,被判處14天監禁,並於去年10月在加利福尼亞州的女性監獄中被監禁。 霍夫曼的女兒索菲亞(Sophia)尚未上大學,據報導他將重考SAT。
One of them, actress Felicity Huffman, who starred in the TV drama Desperate Housewives, was sentenced to 14 days in prison and was incarcerated last October in a women's prison in California. Huffman's daughter Sophia has not enrolled in college and is reported to be retaking the SAT.
Stanford University expelled a Chinese student, whose parents paid $6.5 million to the organization for misusing a sports endorsement slot to enroll in the program, citing irregularities in submissions.
As Koike does not appear to have fulfilled the requirements for transferring to a state university in Egypt, I sent a letter to Koike, to ask whether she was admitted in 1972 or 1973 but received no response (the full text of my questions to and response from Koike will appear later in this report).
開羅大學是阿拉伯世界著名的大學之一,醫學,工程學,經濟和政治學係有許多優秀的埃及學生。 但是,該校在全球地位並不是很高。
Cairo University is one of the prominent universities in the Arab world and there are many excellent Egyptian students in the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering, and Economics and Political Science. However, its global standing is not very high.
在英國Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd.發布的2020年QS世界大學排名中,開羅大學在全球排名521-530,在埃及排名第二,與日本的熊本大學和長崎大學相當。 埃及最好的大學是開羅的美國大學(私立和美國認可大學),在世界上排名第395(與日本神戶大學並列)。 埃及排名第三的是艾因沙姆斯大學,亞歷山大大學和阿修特大學(所有國立大學),在世界範圍內排名第801-1000。
In the 2020 edition of the QS World University Rankings published by Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd. in the United Kingdom, Cairo University ranks 521-530 in the world and second in Egypt, on par with Kumamoto University and Nagasaki University in Japan. The best university in Egypt is the American University in Cairo (private and American-accredit university) which ranks 395th in the world (tied with Kobe University in Japan). Third place in Egypt are Ain Shams University, Alexandria University, and Assiut University (all state universities) which rank 801-1000th in the world.
💥小池與Abdel-Kader Hatem博士的關係
Koike’s Connections with Dr. Abdel-Kader Hatem
協助小池進行了“可能是欺詐性轉學"的埃及政客的名字出現在“假經歷”這部分的內容中。 這個室友證明,小池在1973年通過著名的埃及政治家阿卜杜勒·卡德爾·哈特姆博士的關係轉入開羅大學二年級。
The name of an Egyptian politician who assisted Koike's possible ""fraudulent transfer"" appears in the ""Fake CV"". The flatmate testifies that Koike transferred to the second grade at Cairo University in 1973 through the connections of Dr. Abdel- Kader Hatem, a prominent Egyptian politician."
Hatem於1917年生於亞歷山大。他畢業於軍事學院和開羅大學。 他參與了1952年的埃及革命(是一個推翻君主制的政變,次年埃及共和國成立),當時他是在由Gamal Abdel Nasser中校領導的自由軍運動中的一名年輕成員。
Hatem was born in Alexandria in 1917. A graduate of the Military Academy and Cairo University. He participated in the Egyptian revolution in 1952 (a coup to overthrow the monarchy which was followed by the foundation of the republic the following year) as a young member of the Free Officers Movement led by then Lieutenant Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser.
他於1957年成為國民議會議員,總統府副部長,1959年廣播電視國務部長,1962年文化部長,國家指導和旅遊部長,1971年副首相兼文化信息部長 ,曾任全國專業委員會常務理事兼埃及-日本友好協會主席。 他於2015年去世,享年97歲。
He became a member of the National Assembly in 1957, Deputy Minister in the Presidential Office, Minister of State for Radio and Television in 1959, Minister of Culture and Minister of National Guidance and Tourism in 1962, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information in 1971, then longtime General Supervisor of the Specialized National Councils and President of the Egyptian-Japanese Friendship Association. He died in 2015 at the age of 97.
1974年2月,當時掌控文化和信息的副首相,哈特姆,以正式外賓的身份訪問了日本,並會見了日本首相田中角榮,副首相三木武夫,並參觀了皇宮與天皇會面。 1982年,他被日本政府授予"旭日東昇頭等大勳章”。
In February 1974, Hatem, who was then the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Culture and Information visited Japan as an official guest and met Japan’s Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, Deputy Prime Minister Takeo Miki and visited the Imperial Palace to meet the Emperor. In 1982 he was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun, First Class by the Japanese government.
"在1974年Hatem訪日之際,日本駐埃及大使Tsutomu Wada在1974年2月12日給日本外交大臣的正式電報中寫道:“埃及政治的最新發展,哈特姆副首相的職位(曾擔任首相的代理者)得到了進一步鞏固,正如我經常報導的那樣,埃及副首相在6名媒體記者的陪同下訪問日本,這是非同尋常的,這清楚地表明了哈特姆博士的權力,並表明了他認為這次訪問的重要性。”
On the occasion of Hatem's visit to Japan in 1974 the Japanese Ambassador to Egypt Tsutomu Wada wrote in an official telegram dated 12 February 1974 to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan ""As a result of recent developments in Egyptian politics the position of Deputy Prime Minister Hatem (who had been acting as a substitute for the Prime Minister) has been further strengthened as I have often reported. It is remarkable for an Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister to visit Japan accompanied by 6 media reporters and that clearly shows Dr. Hatem’s power. It also shows how important he thinks this visit is."""
"哈特姆的阿拉伯文傳記《阿卜杜勒·卡德·哈特姆日記-十月戰爭政府首腦》於2016年在開羅出版(由埃及記者易卜拉欣·阿卜杜勒·阿齊茲撰寫)指出,哈特姆與中曾根康弘保持著良好的關係, 自1954年起擔任日本前首相,中曾根將當時的在校學生,小池百合子-他朋友的女兒,介紹給哈特姆,哈特姆照顧小池,小池稱哈特姆為教父,並給了小池零用錢, 每月14埃及鎊。(小池在《長袖和服的金字塔攀登》第250頁上寫道,她每月從埃及政府獲得12英鎊的獎學金)。
The Arabic-language biography of Hatem “The Diary of Abdel-Kader Hatem - Head of the October War Government"" published in Cairo in 2016 (written by an Egyptian journalist Ibrahim Abdel Aziz) states that Hatem had been on good terms with Yasuhiro Nakasone, former Prime Minister of Japan, since 1954 and that Nakasone introduced Yuriko Koike to him, a student at that time, as the daughter of his friend. Hatem took care of Koike. Koike called Hatem a god-father, and he gave Koike an allowance of 14 Egyptian pounds a month (Koike wrote on page 250 of “Furisode Climbing the Pyramid"" that she received a scholarship of 12 pounds a month from the Egyptian government)."
Abdel-Kader Hatem與中曾根康弘
Abdel-Kader Hatem with Yasuhiro Nakasone
"另一方面,小池於1985年出版的書《音譯:Onna女性 no 的Jinmyaku-Zukuri人脈建立 ((我如何以女人的身分經營人脈關係)》指出,她的父親(小池裕郎)很早就認識中曾根。她本人是在小學時代即已見到中曾根,在每個冬天,中曾根都向家人送去了一堆在中曾根選舉區群馬縣產的韭菜,並與他的兄弟一起吃了。
On the other hand Koike's book, ""Onna no Jinmyaku-Zukuri (How I made personal connections as a woman)"" published in 1985 states that her father (Yujiro Koike) had known Nakasone for a long time. She herself first met Nakasone when she was an elementary school student, every winter Nakasone sent her family a bunch of leeks produced in Gunma prefecture, Nakasone’s electoral district, and she ate them with his* brother." 🌐*Chenchen註:應該是She ate them with HER brother.,,
1973年10月6日,埃及爆發了十月戰爭(Yom Kippur War)。 埃及和敘利亞軍隊對部署在蘇伊士運河和戈蘭高地的以色列部隊發動了進攻,試圖奪回1967年六日戰爭(六月戰爭)中以色列佔領的領土。
🌐Chenchen註:這是知名的第四次以阿戰爭,後來引發第一次石油危機,各界認為這是阿拉伯國家在二戰之後,第一次聯手反對西方帝國主義。維基百科:贖罪日戰爭,又稱第四次以阿戰爭、齋月戰爭、十月戰爭...起源於埃及與敘利亞分別攻擊六年前被以色列佔領的西奈半島和戈蘭高地。戰爭的頭一至兩日埃敘聯盟佔了上風,但此後戰況逆轉。至第二周,敘軍退出戈蘭高地。在西奈,以軍在兩軍之間攻擊,越過原來的停火線蘇伊士運河。直到聯合國停火令生效為止,以軍甚至包圍了埃及的主力部隊。 https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E8%B4%96%E7%BD%AA%E6%97%A5%E6%88%B0%E7%88%AD
On 6 October 1973, the October War (Yom Kippur War) broke out in Egypt. Egyptian and Syrian forces launched an attack on Israeli forces deployed in the Suez Canal and Golan Heights in an attempt to recapture territory occupied by Israel in the Six Day War (June War) in 1967.
"為了支持埃及和敘利亞,阿拉伯石油輸出國組織(OAPEC)將石油價格提高了1.4倍,並引發了第一次石油危機。 日本被OAPEC視為“不友好”國家之一,由於採取了削減石油供應的措施,日本遭受了經濟危機。 日本政府派副首相三木武夫和前外交大臣小坂健太郎等人前往沙烏地阿拉伯,埃及和阿爾及利亞,要求這些國家將日本改變為“友好國家”類別(所謂的“石油乞討外交”)。 。
In support of Egypt and Syria, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), raised oil prices by 1.4 times and caused the First Oil Crisis. Japan was considered one of the ""unfriendly"" countries by OAPEC and suffered an economic crisis as a result of measures to cut oil supplies. The Japanese government sent Deputy Prime Minister Takeo Miki and former Foreign Minister Zentaro Kosaka and others to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Algeria to ask those countries to change Japan to a ""friendly country"" category (the so-called ""oil begging diplomacy"")."
tv program中文 在 多糖教室 毛小孩教育訓練 Facebook 的最佳貼文
一封給國家地理頻道「Dog: Impossible」節目負責人的公開信:
An open letter to the leadership team of Nat Geo Wild Dog Impossible:
Translate: Yu-Hwa Su 翻譯: 蘇昱華
Proof: Yen Ke 校對: 葛雁
The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) applauds National Geographic’s mission to offer intelligent, relevant and captivating non-fiction entertainment. This is a crucial objective, especially as an introduction to children and viewers largely relying on television for their scientific information.
However, your stated mission is in direct conflict with your show Dog: Impossible. In fact, the irresponsible treatment of the dogs and people on this show flies in the face of all best practices in animal training and behavior. Rather than promoting science and scientifically-proven methodology, Dog: Impossible sacrifices learning science for more dramatic television.
然而,貴頻道所提供的節目「Dog: Impossible」卻與貴頻道「提供正確的科學知識」的一貫立場衝突。節目中對犬隻以及飼主的不負責處理方式與應有的動物訓練及行為操作的準則相違背。「Dog: Impossible」並沒有提倡科學以及經科學驗證的方法,這節目犧牲了對科學的學習,轉而追求吸睛的電視節目效果。
Matt Beisner appears to have no credentials or education in training and behavior, yet he refers to himself as a behaviorist. His claim that “energy is the one language that every animal on the planet speaks” makes clear he is not one.
Matt Beisner並沒有動物訓練或行為學的相關學習經歷與證照,卻宣稱自己是一位行為學家。從他的主張:「能量是地球上所有動物都會使用的共通語言」,便能明白他並不是行為學家。
His statement, “You don’t need tricks, you don’t need treats, you don’t need force,” shows just how unaware of his own actions he is. His misuse of scientific terminology leads viewers to believe they are learning demonstrated, safe and accepted strategies in helping their dogs. In fact, Mr. Beisner is forcing these dogs from start to finish of each episode. His own “tricks” are that of over-stressing dogs until they’re in a state referred to in psychology and science as “learned helplessness.”
他主張「你不需要技巧、零食、或蠻力 (去訓練狗)」,這顯示出他對於自己的所做所為一無所知。他對科學術語的濫用也會誤導觀眾,讓觀眾以為他們正在學習經證實有效而且安全可接受的方法來幫助狗狗。但這位訓練師在每一集節目上從頭到尾都是在逼迫這些狗,而他所擁有的「技巧」,就是讓狗進入過度緊迫的狀態,直到牠們進入心理學和科學上所指的「習得無助」(learned helplessness)狀態。
Learned helplessness occurs when a subject endures repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control. Originally thought to show a subject's acceptance of their powerlessness, for more than half a century it’s been known instead to be the emotional “shutting down” of the subject. Anxiety, clinical depression, and related mental illnesses are common consequences of this technique in humans.
「習得無助」發生在動物沒有任何控制權,且重複地被施加嫌惡刺激的時候。最初,人們認為習得無助狀態意味著動物「接受」了自身無法改變、無能為力的情形,超過半個世紀以來,人們認為這是動物情緒「關機(shutting down)」的表現。在人類身上,習得無助的常見結果包含焦慮、憂鬱症、以及相關的心理疾病。
Allow us to note some aspects of the trailer and his shows, but first, to point out a few well-documented and commonly understood aspects of dog behavior so that we may better make our points understood.
Canine body language indicating stress and severe stress:
Compressed bodies
Dry, raspy panting
Wide, open eyes with dilated pupils
Heavy drooling
“Whipping” head and body back, pushing off a handler in order to get away
Eleven seconds into the trailer, Mr. Beisner rubs his hands together, smiling, and says, “This is going to be gnarly.” All professionals know from that statement what the series will spotlight: A poorly (if at all) educated non-professional pushing dogs way beyond therapeutic limits, in the name of “results.”
Flooding, the term for inundating a subject with their fears, phobias and triggers, is ethically questionable at best, cruel and unnecessary, always. There's also a common danger of spontaneous recovery of the phobia. This is because flooding doesn't replace the fear-response with a different response, it just replaces it with no response. “No response” is simply suppression, not cure.
「洪水法」,指的是故意將動物置於恐慌或恐懼的觸發刺激情境,這樣的方法不道德、殘忍、而且沒必要。另外,恐懼的自發性回復(spontaneous recovery)也是洪水法常見的風險,這是因為洪水法並沒有將害怕的反應重新制約成其他不同的情緒行為,它只是讓動物沒有反應。「沒有反應」只是壓抑,動物並沒有因此感到不害怕或恐慌。
Throughout the trailer dogs are flooded with aversive stimuli such as other dogs, people and equipment, something an ethical professional would not, and could not do per any answerable guidelines of animal training and behavior care.
Systematic desensitization and counterconditioning, gradual exposure to the feared object, and replacement of a negative emotional association with a more pleasant one, are the recommended techniques used to treat such fear and aggression cases, per all legitimate veterinary, training and behavior organizations.
Beisner’s statement that “We know at the Zen Yard that dogs help other dogs come out of their shell and face their fear and get past their aggression” isn’t just scientifically unsupportable, his words ring hollow during the very scene playing while he says those words: Beisner restraining one dog, while his co-host pulls a leashed dog to the first in a completely unnatural gesture perhaps intended to either mimic natural dog greeting (it doesn’t) or to flood the heavily drooling dog who is unable to move or get away. The dogs end up in a fight. They have been set up to fail, and the outcome is inevitable.
Beisner宣稱「我們在Zen Yard(他的訓練中心)知道狗會去幫助其他狗融入外界、面對牠們的恐懼並且克服攻擊行為」,這句話不只是缺乏科學支持,在影片中他講出這句話時搭配的畫面,亦表現出他的說詞缺乏支持:Beisner限制了第一隻狗的行動,由節目的共同主持人以牽繩將另一隻狗以一個完全不自然的姿勢拉到第一隻狗身邊,他們可能是在試著模仿狗狗自然的社交打招呼行為(但並不是),或使用洪水法訓練那隻狂流口水(顯示牠很緊張)並且無法逃脫的狗。最終兩隻狗打起來,訓練師製造的這個情境,讓失敗的結果無可避免。
In the trailer, the assistant host, Stefanie DiOrio, states, “Nervousness can easily turn to fear which can lead to aggression.” This is an accurate statement, which is why it’s so confusing that the entire show would be predicated on pushing dogs to the very edge of survivable stress and into predictable aggression, doubling down on the issues that their owners are struggling with.
在預告片中,節目的共同主持人Stefanie DiOrio說「緊張不安很容易變成真正的恐懼,並且導致攻擊行為」,這句話是正確的,但也讓人更加困惑為何整個節目的走向都在將狗推向牠們所能承受壓力的極限、觸發根本可預測的攻擊行為、並使飼主所面對的問題加倍惡化。
We know that the dramatic changes in behavior, from stressed and wildly aggressive to “calm” dogs, make for compelling TV. To an average pet owner it looks like these dogs are making huge improvements. All clients just want their dog to “Stop being aggressive.” However, we also know that behavior suppression is not the same as behavior modification, that a stressed and shut-down dog is a more dangerous animal than one who is actively showing aggression, and that the long-term prognosis of this kind of intervention is poor for both the client and their dog.
我們知道行為上戲劇性的變化,從一隻緊迫且兇猛攻擊的狗轉變成“冷靜”的狗,這個過程代表了高收視率,在不十分了解行為學的飼主眼中看來,這些狗狗似乎有巨大的進步。飼主都只是希望他們的狗「不要再有攻擊性」,然而我們也知道單純抑制攻擊行為的出現,並不是真正的行為改善技術。舉例來說一隻高壓力但看似沒有反應的狗,遠比一隻會表現出攻擊性的狗要危險許多 (譯註: 因為這樣的狗可能會沒有徵兆地開咬),因此這種抑制攻擊行為的訓練法,以長遠來看對飼主以及狗狗都是有害的。
It is also worth pointing out that, like his predecessor, Mr Beisner’s assessment of cause for much of the issues he’s asked to address is simple, made especially clear in episode 4 where he not only saves a dog, he “saves a marriage:” Women are unable to effectively lead, must be stronger, must change their ways.
Misogyny, it seems, cures dog behavior problems. Real exploration and explanation regarding the antecedents and consequences around behaviors are ignored in favor of client blaming.
The clients on the show represent thousands of clients throughout the US and beyond with whom we work every day, helping them to help their dogs. Far from being dogs “other people won’t work with,” the dogs on your show are exactly the clients and dogs that IAABC Certified Dog Behavior Consultants, as well as all members of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists, and other certified behavior specialists see and successfully work with every day.
We do so using the best practices of our field (see https://m.iaabc.org/about/ethics/), adopted by the leading behavior and training organizations, without psychologically or physically harming the animals we work with.
The IAABC urges Nat Geo WILD to stop promoting this public miseducation. The tactics employed in the name of entertainment are unnecessarily harsh and potentially dangerous to the public, and they teach yet another generation of Nat Geo watchers absolutely incorrect and harmful practices.
IAABC呼籲國家地理頻道(Nat Geo WILD)停止傳播此系列誤導公眾的資訊。以娛樂包裝節目的策略對於觀眾是不必要的粗糙而且有潛在風險的,甚至是向頻道的年輕一代觀眾灌輸完全不正確且有害的做法。
It remains a mystery why your network is so intent on harming dogs. After years of Cesar Milan, to now bring in a man equally unskilled, who equates terrified, angry or entrapped dogs to his own addiction history is remarkable. Are we really satisfied conflating ego with compassion, self-focus with an understanding of animal behavior? Is this the “science” your mission stands for?
我們仍然不知為何貴頻道這麼多年來如此堅持持續傷害狗的這些作為。在西薩 (Cesar Milan) 的節目播映多年之後,現在又引進一個同樣缺乏正確訓練技巧,以自身藥物成癮困擾歷史去錯誤的同理恐懼或憤怒的狗的人。我們能接受一個膨脹自我,而非真正擁有同情心、適當自我聚焦、了解動物行為的「專業人士」嗎?這就是貴節目所宣稱的「科學」立場嗎?
The damage Nat Geo is doing to dogs by choosing this type of programming is astounding. We can only assume that the producers are unaware of this, as it’s hard to imagine such harm and cruelty would be deliberate.
Would you show a reality program on heart surgery with a photogenic “self-taught” practitioner, simply stating the star was not a doctor before showing him mutilating a real patient?
I leave you with the clearest image of suffering and abuse from your trailer: the Aussie, stressed to the breaking point, thick ropes of drool streaming from its mouth, being choked by a slip lead to compensate for the host’s inability to even effectively muzzle a dog. This dog is at the point of collapse. This dog is being tortured, and that is not hysteria. That is an assessment by any educated measure.
作為結尾,我希望指出貴節目預告片中明確顯示出狗狗受苦或受虐的畫面:那隻澳洲牧羊犬已經瀕臨壓力的極限,您可以看到口水掛在其嘴邊 (大量口水為壓力徵兆),口罩因為沒有確實的配戴而滑脫,導致牠被勒到快要窒息,已在崩潰邊緣。具備專業與適當教育的人員指出,這隻狗因在節目上被虐待而情緒崩潰,並非其本身歇斯底里。
Please stop this cruel and dangerous programming. To do otherwise is to support that self-taught heart surgery and all the consequences it would bring; that this show is currently bringing to families struggling with their dogs.
Professionals refer to Cesar Milan’s influence on dog training as “job security” because so many dogs ruined or made far worse by his teachings are brought to us by well-intentioned, often weeping owners desperate for real help. Often it is too late.
We do not want more work due to this same phenomenon.
We’d be happy to provide you with any education and resources you need to inform your producers about what would qualify as responsible, effective, safe and thoughtful work with the same “red zone” dogs you sell so well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Marjie Alonso
Executive Director, IAABC
For the Board of Directors
Marjie Alonso
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★ Today’s COORD ★
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Onepiece: Desigual
Overlay: lilLilly
Tights: Calzedonia
Earrings: MocA Tokyo
Necklace: milhae
Setup: Xgirl
Tshirt: meisje
Earrings: no brand
Ring: WALL
Color Contacts: loveil
Hair color: Hair Salon NALU http://www.nalu-style.com
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Collaboration Eyelashes
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Dear Carousel Dreams Doll (Purple Blue)
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Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com
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