“It’s a boy!” 聽到這句話應該是我們這一胎最大的驚喜。(我真的以為會是一個女生!)現在家裡有兩倍的小孩,兩倍的小男生們,兩倍的挑戰(或麻煩?)
“It’s a boy!” That was probably our biggest surprise when Dylan was born. We have now doubled the amount of children we had just a few weeks ago. Double the amount of BOYS in the family. And does that mean double the trouble?!?!
While we’re still adjusting to life as a family of four, I have taken inventory of some of the things which have doubled since Egan got a little brother. Parents of multiple children, maybe y’all feel the same? Or maybe I’m missing something?
Things which have doubled since Dylan was born:
Double the stress about parenting and if we’re doing it right/wrong.
Double the anxiety about the health and safety of these two boys.
Double the questions about how to raise these two boys into decent human beings.
Double the fun(ny business) - just when we thought we had a good handle on one kid, the second addition really keeps us on our toes. And keeps us laughing.
Double the photos. No, make that TRIPLE the photos.
Double the waste. And by waste, I’m not talking about plastic or other non-recyclables. I’m literally talking about poop. My boys can really erm… keep us busy with their bowel movements.
Double the grey hairs. Probably. Who’s counting? Not me. Definitely not me. (37 as of this morning.)
Double the love - check. (Awwww….)
-生活用品:我們會儘量保持極簡,家裡也沒有大兩倍,所以只好不要讓東西增加太多,很多東西可以重複使用。Egan有很多二手的東西可以給Dylan用(嬰兒床、衣服、 尿布台、寶寶包巾、棉被、媽媽的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ等)
Things which have NOT doubled since then:
Sleep. Nope. Sleep has been halved if anything.
Stuff - We’re trying to keep things as minimalistic as possible. Most things are second hand from Egan (crib, clothes, swaddles, blankets, mom’s boobies…).
Which also means that our COSTS haven’t doubled (yet anyway).
-基本消耗品: 尿布、濕紙巾、奶瓶頭、消毒品等。
-汽座跟嬰兒推車:有兩個小孩之後,我們的手真的是不夠。會需要從A到B、B到C、C到Z。 有兩個推車卻不夠多手可能不是那麼實際,所以我們升級到一台可以讓兩個小孩一起坐,或是可以讓Egan像騎單車一樣,可以自由選擇站著或坐著,累的時候可以休息一下。
所以呢,雙倍小孩不代表雙倍麻煩。我們的手/背/腿/腰 也是需要放假的。哈哈
There are a few things which needed to be upgraded or which we definitely need to buy however:
Disposable items like diapers, wipes, nipples for baby bottles, sanitizers, etc...
Car seat and stroller. Sometimes, you just need a little help shuttling these things from point A to point B, and rather than have TWO strollers, we’ve upgraded to a stroller which works with two kids. And, the best part is it has TWO options for Egan: sitting, or standing at the back like he’s riding a scooter! Because… our arms need a little break sometimes too!
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