Yen Sid 說完剛踏出門口,淘氣的米奇便迫不及待地拿起師傅的接骨木魔杖,對家具施展魔法,將它們喚醒 ⋯⋯
一群大大小小的廚具敲擊樂器從廚房裡湧出來,首當其衝的是湯鍋大鼓,還有興致勃勃、爭先恐後的餐碟鍋蓋銅鈸 ⋯⋯ 它們浩浩蕩蕩地站在狹小的客廳裡,已經好久沒被用過的家具抖抖身上的塵埃,全都看著蠟燭台,而蠟燭台又無助地看著把它們叫醒的米奇。
這次到很有自信的燭台明白了,它用力地把雙手一揮,兩邊的白色蠟燭點燃了,於是它指揮所有樂器先用四個短-短-短-長的音符雄偉地開啟命運之門,他們不但沒有摸不著頭腦,還彷彿早已彩排過似的,一同奏起激昂的貝多芬「第五交響曲」,拉開米奇幻想曲序幕 ⋯⋯
Storyteller: MOViE MOViE
Illustrator: 麥東記 DONMAK & CO.
Text:木由 @debutante.sight
🎬 StoryTeller 請你看電影:《幻想曲》 Fantasia (MOViE MOViE: Life is Art 2021)
米奇老鼠戴上魔法帽,指揮棒一揮,想像立刻隨著音樂起飛,投入絢爛、浪漫又夢幻的《幻想曲》⋯⋯ 1940年,迪士尼大膽的進行一個動畫與古典音樂的大型實驗 —— 蒐集了多位導演的碎片、動用超過 1000 位動畫師和 500 多位迪士尼經典角色,以貝多芬、柴可夫斯基、巴赫、舒伯特等八首永垂不朽的古典樂章,拼湊出浩瀚無限的《幻想曲》,並由斯托科夫斯基(Leopold Stokowski)帶領費城管弦樂團演奏,再結合迪士尼動畫,帶你走上一趟最奇幻的視聽旅程。
由即日起至8月25日(星期三)23:59,在此貼文下留言:我想與 @(標記一位朋友) 一起看《幻想曲》!即有機會獲得指定場次戲票兩張。
地點:MOViE MOViE Cityplaza(香港太古城道18號太古城中心1期5樓)
片長: 126 分鐘
名額:5 位
【關於 MOViE MOViE Life is Art 盛夏藝術祭】
MOViE MOViE破天荒與香港小交響樂團合作,聯合呈獻這個橫跨戲院、電視、線上平台及社區的藝術電影節,這一年以 "per aspera ad astra" (由微塵到繁星,從黑暗到光明) 為題,表達縱使疫情期間命運顛沛流離,音樂人和藝術家依然無畏無懼,決意用樂韻和畫面為觀眾帶來晨曦,用藝術燃亮我城。
MOViE MOViE 總經理蔡靄兒(Joycelyn Choi)更提到:「這些電影不只是音樂會,還紀錄了香港以及世界在新冠肆虐期間的光景與心情。日出之前,讓我們毋懼黑夜,心存盼望以繁星作伴。」
Ticketing: www.cinema.com.hk/tc/movie/special/18
Online Booklet: https://bit.ly/LIA2021_booklet
#LifeisArt盛夏藝術祭 #MOViEMOViE #mmFestival #EveryoneisStoryteller #沒有你的故事也是你的故事
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同時也有140部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅ロイドごはん,也在其Youtube影片中提到,肉寿司の食べ放題も!極上なのにリーズナブルな肉料理を爆食!東京都渋谷区恵比寿『よしにく EBISU NIKU BAR』に伺いました。こちらは国産黒毛和牛の様々な部位(ハラミやホルモン、タンもあり)から馬肉までバリエーション豊かな肉を揃えており、肉寿司やステーキ、炙りタタキなど多彩なメニューで堪能でき...
「us to yen」的推薦目錄:
- 關於us to yen 在 StoryTeller 說故事 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於us to yen 在 林郁晉- Yu Jun LIN Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於us to yen 在 Cindy Yang Art Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於us to yen 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於us to yen 在 japanesestuffchannel Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於us to yen 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於us to yen 在 US Dollar, Japanese Yen - The Currency Report - YouTube 的評價
us to yen 在 林郁晉- Yu Jun LIN Facebook 的最讚貼文
《 #籠罩下的巨大哀愁 》
A Dark Cloud of Sorrow Looms Over
by Yu-Jun LIN
Late mornings and sleepless nights. Frustration. Anxiety.
They seem to have infiltrated our consciousness and entered our dreams. We recognize the shape of eaves, the folding line of streets, and return to our dwelling coordinates where we hide and live. We see restless men and women in full feather wandering through the brightly-lit city and then sitting shoulder to shoulder with countless strangers, between countless walls.
In the 1970s, urbanism started paving its way into Taiwan. Bidding farewell to the landscape of an agricultural society, life thus became crowded and repressive in cities. The meaning of “urbanism” does not merely lie in towering skyscrapers but in altered landscapes, living conditions, isolation and loneliness as well as increasingly complex social issues. Submerged in the capitalist system, every person has been assumed as a tiny component, whose labor force is needed by the whole mechanism, but not with one’s individuality as well.
However, the construction of liberalism constantly reminds us of our own subjectivity, along with the importance of being viewed as a whole. Such contradictory values leads to extreme unease and confusion that keeps building up and ceaselessly floods our minds with external chaos. As worries that never subside loom over us, we are forced to retreat to our dwellings, where we are perfectly alone, and safe. We can uninhibitedly be ourselves – yet under the lingering dark cloud of sorrows.
Frustrating questions as “Who am I?” seem to return in lonesome nights, invariably. When night falls, myriads of dazzling lights glisten in innumerous windows at the near distance. Gazing into the dreamlike, transient light, we recall things we hope to seal for good in our troubled mind. We question again and again, about what role we should be playing to integrate into the society but still maintain the integrity of our own subjectivity.
A Dark Cloud of Sorrow Looms Over features eight selected pieces and delineates the question of how people, as individuals, should coexist with others, a question deriving from urbanites’ perceptual conflicts experiences.
Zheng Er Qi | People
“People” mirrors the phenomenon of Taiwan’s transition from being an agricultural society to city since 1970. It precisely portrays everyday urbanity that people nowadays are familiar with: Although millions of people reside on one spot, their recognition of one another fails to grow with urbanization, despite the presumable nearness.
Chung Chih Ting|I Am by Your Side
With the explanation by an offscreen sound and the roleplay image, “I Am by Your Side” depicts how urbanites try to be in company, revealing people’s natural urge for social connection. Yet it ends up to be talking to oneself or pointless mumbles, simply a futility of communication.
Wu Bo Sian | Chimps with Mona Lisa’s Smile
In the video, the chimpanzees form a spectacle, say, abnormality, in a seemingly normal context. “Chimps with Mona Lisa’s Smile” is a response to conflicts between public administration and individual freedom, zooming in on the contradictions or constraints between all the intervenable and the non-intervenable in everyday scenes.
Wang Ding Yeh | One-One
“One-One” depicts how people try to maintain an intact, rational space of survival while sometimes fail to avoid transgressing, under limited resources in a highly competitive society. With much precision, it captures the specific default interpersonal distance, and poses the question: How should each person navigate to find the best living posture at the moment?
Tsai Jie | When the Dust Settles
“When the Dust Settles” shows people restlessly beating on a possible exit to get out. However, does such an exit really exist? Or is it simply a delusion stemming from one’s untamable impetuosity? The work reflects the desolation of men and women, who are rumbustious, but aimless.
Huan Yen Chiao | 1, 2, 3. Are You Already in Hiding, Fish?
Fish in the bowl resembles people trapped in cities: extravagant outfits, splashing neon lights; sensational visual effects indeed. “1, 2, 3. Are You Already in Hiding, Fish?” presents how people escape from their anxiety and weariness for the time being. The work highlights the entire incompatibility and a sense of solitude after one’s subjectivity is highly developed.
Wong Shu Lian | I found myself floating and sinking down once in a while
The work addresses the enduring controversy between liberalism and capitalism that have been engendering people’s inner conflicts. It captures one’s self-doubt and angst in a profound way while, by exploring how to determine one’s best position, raises the ultimate question – Who are we after all?
Chen Chia Jen | SWEETWATER
“SWEETWATER” was born under Chen’s reflections during his artistinresidence experience in Southeast Asia. Between people living in urban and rural areas, there is a grand difference of perspectives, regarding how to survive and live a good life. It implies the fact that the widely-recognized future image, constructed by our society, might not be as clear or real as it seems, or perhaps what people accepted is simply a vague, even somehow out-of-focus, prospect.
展覽日期|2021/08/07(Sat.) ─ 09/12(Sun.)
展覽地點|台北當代藝術館廣場電視牆 MoCA Plaza LED TV Wall
播映時間| Mon. ─ Sun. 16:00-21:00
特別感謝| 贊助單位
厭世會社 @mis.society
#王鼎曄 #吳柏賢 #陳嘉壬 #黃彥超 #黃淑蓮 #蔡傑 #鄭爾褀 #鍾知庭 #林郁晉 #A_Dark_Cloud_of_Sorrow_Looms_Over
us to yen 在 Cindy Yang Art Facebook 的最讚貼文
Me and my friend made this animation short about Taichung City, Taiwan which is my hometown. it took us a whole year but absolutely worth it. I hope you enjoy!! 🥰 🥰 🥰
click "CC" to choose the subtitles you need!
English subtitle available!
sous-titre français disponible!
2020 台中動畫短片製作
2020 Taichung Animation Short Film
Producer|Information Bureau, Taichung City Government & Paddy Studio
Production|Paddy Studio
Director|Tzu-Hsin (Cindy) Yang
Art Director|Yen Chen Liu
Music/Song|Wei Jie Huang
Animation|Tzu-Hsin (Cindy) Yang, Hiho Lin, Edith Lu, Hsin Lin
us to yen 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最讚貼文
肉寿司の食べ放題も!極上なのにリーズナブルな肉料理を爆食!東京都渋谷区恵比寿『よしにく EBISU NIKU BAR』に伺いました。こちらは国産黒毛和牛の様々な部位(ハラミやホルモン、タンもあり)から馬肉までバリエーション豊かな肉を揃えており、肉寿司やステーキ、炙りタタキなど多彩なメニューで堪能できるお店です。和牛の中でも特にA5、A4ランクの雌牛(未経産牛。より柔らかい肉質が特徴)にこだわって提供!ちなみに雌牛は雄牛よりもキメ細やかな肉質のため美しいサシが入るそう。オレイン酸をより多く含んだ肉は旨みがとても強く、サシの溶ける温度が低いため口溶けがよく胃もたれしにくいそうです。そんな最高級和牛がリーズナブルに食べられるのはかなりの魅力!また、動画内でご紹介している「肉寿司」食べ放題&飲み放題がついて5,000円(肉寿司のみ食べ放題3,500円もあり飲)のコースもかなりの人気だそうです(詳しくはHPをご覧ください)。!
*よしにくHP : https://yosinikuebisu.owst.jp
All-you-can-eat meat sushi! Explode a reasonable meat dish though it is the best! We visited "Yoshiniku His EBISU NIKU BAR" in Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. This is a restaurant where you can enjoy a wide variety of meat from various parts of domestic Kuroge Wagyu beef (including Harami, hormones, and tongue) to horse meat, and you can enjoy a variety of menus such as meat sushi, steak, and roasted tataki. Among Japanese beef, we are particular about A5 and A4 rank cows (heifers, which are characterized by softer meat quality). Cows have a finer meat quality than bulls, so they contain beautiful sashimi. Meat that contains plenty of oleic acid has a very strong taste, and the temperature at which the sashimi melts is low, so it melts in the mouth and does not cause stomach upset. It is a big attraction that you can eat such finest Wagyu beef at a reasonable price! In addition, the all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink course of "meat sushi" introduced in the video for 5,000 yen (there is also an all-you-can-eat meat sushi for 3,500 yen) is also quite popular (please see the website for details). ). If you like meat, please take a look at this irresistible shop!
* We take thorough measures against infection.
* When shooting, we take the shop and the customers around us into consideration.
いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )
#焼肉 #肉寿司 #ステーキ #ロイドごはん #恵比寿 #大食い
78才おじいちゃん屋台ラーメンの朝『幸っちゃん』夜明けの銀座【飯テロ】Old Style Ramen Stall Yatai Japanese Street Food
神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen
【大食い】ラーメン二郎のルールを完全攻略!全マシマシを完飲完食しながら解説!【ラーメン二郎目黒店】飯テロ ramen

us to yen 在 japanesestuffchannel Youtube 的精選貼文
Retort Bento RetoBen 'Gyu-Don Beef Bowl'. This is new type bento and I like the concept. It's convenient because you can eat it without microwave(without heating). The expiration date is long(3 years), so it's a kind of emergency foods. Btw, Today(September 1st) is Disaster Prevention Day. The day reminds us of the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake. The RetoBen is suitable for that day, isn't it? The only thing is I felt the process(especially before microwave) wasn't appetizing. The tastes is very good so it's a bit bummer. The drink is Fruit Punch Jelly. It contains fruits pulp and nata de coco. The package images Hanabi fire works. I want to see Hanabi festivals next year. The bento is about 500 yen(4.6 USD), The drink is 250 yen(2.3 USD).
#japanesestuffchannel, #emergencyfood, #bento

us to yen 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的精選貼文
旅先で出会った気になるお店の気になるランチ…!新潟県加茂市『割烹 笹』にお邪魔しました。信号待ちしていた時に何やら気になる看板が目に入り、思わず伺ったお店です。リーズナブルだし、缶コーヒー40円も気になる…どんなランチが出てくるか入ってみることにしました。入ると座敷とカウンターの落ち着いたお店で飲みにちょうど良い一品料理もたくさんあるようでした。注文が入ってから揚げてくれるので熱々が食べられるのも嬉しいですし、小鉢がたくさんがまたいいですね。それでは早速ご覧ください!
An interesting lunch at an interesting shop I met while traveling ...! I visited "Kappo Sasa" in Kamo City, Niigata Prefecture. When I was waiting for the traffic light, I saw a signboard that I was curious about, and I visited this shop. It's reasonably priced, and I'm curious about 40 yen for canned coffee ... I decided to enter what kind of lunch would come out. When I entered, there seemed to be a lot of dishes that were just right for drinking in the calm shop of the tatami room and the counter. It's nice to be able to eat hot because it's fried after the order is placed, and it's nice to have a lot of small bowls. Please have a look!
* We take thorough measures against infection.
*When shooting, we give due consideration to the shop and customers around us.
いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )
#とんかつ #新潟 #ランチ #ロイドごはん #フラメンコロイド
『割烹 笹』
—————《ロイドごはんオススメの動画! ROIDGOHANs’ Recommended video》———————————
78才おじいちゃん屋台ラーメンの朝『幸っちゃん』夜明けの銀座【飯テロ】Old Style Ramen Stall Yatai Japanese Street Food
神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen
★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》

us to yen 在 US Dollar, Japanese Yen - The Currency Report - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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