川普總統任命的國家安全顧問約翰‧波頓(John Bolton)於4月9日就職。你知道國安顧問在白宮扮演的角色是什麼嗎?一起來了解這個重要的職位:https://goo.gl/fg6a63
John Bolton, appointed by President Trump to be National Security Advisor, started his new position on April 9. Do you know what a national security advisor does in the White House? Here’s what you need to know about this important position: https://goo.gl/fg6a63 #USgovernment
usgovernment 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
傑羅姆∙鮑威爾接任下一屆美國聯邦儲備系統理事會主席! 而且, 他每天騎自行車8英里到辦公室上班。以下這篇文章介紹了美國聯邦儲備系統如何監管全世界規模最大的經濟體。快來看看吧! https://share.america.gov/trump-nominates-new-central-bank…/ #USgovernment
Meet Jerome “Jay” Powell, the new Chair of the “The Fed”, as the U.S. Federal Reserve System is commonly known. Apart from leading the Fed , he bicycles eight miles to work each day! Take a look at the following article for more on how the Fed helps regulate the world’s largest economy. https://share.america.gov/trump-nominates-new-central-bank…/
usgovernment 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
川普總統定於1月30日發表第一次國情咨文講話(台灣時間1月31日上午10時)。包括最高法院大法官、內閣成員和媒體在內的華盛頓所有重要人士將出席聆聽總統講話。一起了解國情咨文講話現場的座位安排: https://goo.gl/9gwuum
President Trump’s first State of the Union address is scheduled for January 30 (at 10am on 1/31 Taiwan Time). Take a look at where the president will make his remarks and where all the major players in Washington — including Supreme Court justices, the Cabinet and media — will sit to listen to him: https://goo.gl/9gwuum #USgovernment #StateoftheUnion