✅Veggie Straws: 本期減價$2,跟台灣的蔬菜薯條差不多,很涮嘴,吃多會覺得有點鹹XD 這包跟Trader Joe's的蔬菜薯條我都會買~
✅巴西莓汁: 本期減價$3,前幾天有跟大家介紹過健康的巴西莓汁~ 可以單喝或冷凍做成Acai Bowl~詳細看這篇: https://bit.ly/2ZzAqVt
✅Nutella & GO!: 本期減價$4.2,餅乾棒沾Nutella就不多介紹了~放辦公室超適合!
✅Chobani水果希臘優格: 本期減價$4,這系列我覺得水果蠻多的,口感濃郁,很適合當點心! 好吃~
希臘優格介紹看這篇: https://bit.ly/3lZEEEP
✅Meiji Hello Panda: 本期減價$2.5~美國版的小熊餅乾,雖然買了好幾年,但是還是覺得熊貓版本的長相不太討喜XD 還是無尾熊口愛!
✅Frito-Lay洋芋片澎派箱組合: 本期減價$3.9 ~零食人必備品! 只要打折就會買回家~
✅沛綠雅氣泡水: 本期減價$4.5,這個也是回購無數次,只要打折就會買回家~
✅Bibigo 韓式牛肉餃: 本期減價$4~Bibigo是韓國食品大牌~韓國朋友說看到這家的東西買了就沒錯😂這款是MANDU,評價好像蠻兩極化的~ 我自己是喜歡,拿來蒸餃. 煮韓式餃子湯或直接煎都可以! 皮薄,內餡則是蠻甜的韓國牛肉BBQ風味~ 既然是牛肉BBQ所以比其他餃子餡油一點。
veggie straws 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Designed for the little hands, these yummy snacks comes in allergen friendly range, with no additional preservatives and artificial colors or flavours! Importantly they taste really nice 👍🏻😝
Ranging from wafers, puffs, biscotti, veggie straws, meltz and rolls! We loved that they have a wide variety of flavours such as coconuts 🥥 , berries 🍓🫐, vegetables 🥕and tropical fruits!🍎🍌
Perfect for 👶🏻 , toddlers 🧒🏻and eve big kids and adults to munch on! We really can’t decide which is our fave coz everything taste really yummy 🤤!
Personally I like that every packets are in portion-contrôlled packs so our missy gets the right amount each time she snacks 😝and the sizes are perfect for the little hands to grasp on.
Can’t seems to chose which pic of Ellie munching on the vege straws so I put it all up! Do you have a fave pic? 😝
Together with Kiddylicious , THREE (3) lucky winners will receive a set same as us! Here’s how TO WIN this:
➕ 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 @kiddylicious.sg
➕ 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 @familystaysg
➕ 𝙏𝙖𝙜 as many friends as possible! No limits pls, per tag per comment!
➕ 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 this post onto your IGS, please tag us both so we can see! 🪄
The Giveaway ends on 12 Aug 2021, only limit to Singapore residents. Winners will be announced on my IG, so 𝙎𝙖𝙫𝙚 this post to stay tune!
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veggie straws 在 Angel Li - 極簡人生幸福捨義・斷捨離 Facebook 的最讚貼文
國際品牌 Louis Vuitton 也推出了Straws and Case套裝,經典LV Monogram花紋皮革套內裡為Microfiber,盛載著6支壓印上Monogram圖案、可循環再用的金、銀色金屬飲管加1支Stirrer,以LV Circle zipper pull包裹著,每套售價US$1,300。
只能說每個人願意為環保付出的代價也各有不同😆 不過不同的國際知名品牌願意推出一系列加入環保元素的產品,包括使用veggie leather等,也算是全球社會攜手積極帶出環境保護意識的重要一步。
#極簡人生 #幸福捨義 #小改變大省錢 #斷捨離 #断捨離 #極簡 #極簡主義 #極簡生活 #簡單生活 #每日一捨 #整理 #收納 #山下英子 #近藤麻理惠 #減癈 #環保 #循環再用 #減法生活 #環境保護
#SparkJoy #Minimalism #Minimalist #Minimalistic #Lessismore #Simplicity #EnvironmentalProtection #EnvironmentallyFriendly #reducereuserecycle #lvstraw #lvstrawandcase