A normal adult human body is consist of 206 bones. Human skeleton can be divided into 2 main parts-
Axial skeleton & Appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton-
It can be further divided into 3 parts. The number of each bone is given-
Skull- It has 29 bones-
Cranial bones (8)-
The occipital bone
The parietal bones(2)
The frontal bone
The temporal bone (2)
The sphenoid bone
The ethmoid bone
Facial bones (14)-
The nasal bones (2)
The maxillae (2)
The lacrimal bone (2)
The zygomatic or cheekbone (2)
The palatine bone (2)
The inferior nasal concha (2)
The vomer
The mandible
The hyoid bone
Middle ears (6)-
Malleus (2)
Incus (2)
Stapes (2)Thorax- It has 25 bones -
The Sternum (1)
The ribs (24, in 12 pairs)Vertebral column- It has 26 bones-
The cervical vertebrae (7)
The thoracic vertebrae (12)
The lumber (5)
The sacral vertebrae (1)
The coccygeal vertebrae
Appendicular skeleton-
can be divided into 3 parts-
Arm- has 64 bones-
The humerus (2)
The scapula(2)
The clavicles (2)
The ulna(2)
The radius (2)
The carpals (16)
The metacarpals (10)
The phalanges of the handproximal phalanges (10)
intermediate phalanges (8)
distal phalanges (10)Pelvis- has 2 bonesLeg
The femur(2)
The patella or kneecap (2)
The tibia (2)
The fibula (2)
The foot (52)
The number of bones in adult are not the same as the time we born. There are 270 bones present in an normal human infant .
➡️Spine 26 ,Chest 25 ,Head 28 ,Arms 64 ,Legs 60 ,Pelvis 3
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,880的網紅駐家醫師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#訂閱我們 #開啟小鈴噹 Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response,簡稱ASMR,稱為「自主性感官經絡反應」、「自發性知覺神經反應」,也有人稱為「顱內高潮」。 是一種從頭皮開始,並向下移動到頸後或脊椎上方的發麻感,它為皮膚異常的一種愉悅形式,大部分都是由「聽覺」及「視...
vertebral body 在 Chris Leong Facebook 的精選貼文
A normal adult human body is consist of 206 bones. Human skeleton can be divided into 2 main parts-
Axial skeleton & Appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton-
It can be further divided into 3 parts. The number of each bone is given-
Skull- It has 29 bones-
Cranial bones (8)-
The occipital bone
The parietal bones(2)
The frontal bone
The temporal bone (2)
The sphenoid bone
The ethmoid bone
Facial bones (14)-
The nasal bones (2)
The maxillae (2)
The lacrimal bone (2)
The zygomatic or cheekbone (2)
The palatine bone (2)
The inferior nasal concha (2)
The vomer
The mandible
The hyoid bone
Middle ears (6)-
Malleus (2)
Incus (2)
Stapes (2)Thorax- It has 25 bones -
The Sternum (1)
The ribs (24, in 12 pairs)Vertebral column- It has 26 bones-
The cervical vertebrae (7)
The thoracic vertebrae (12)
The lumber (5)
The sacral vertebrae (1)
The coccygeal vertebrae
Appendicular skeleton-
can be divided into 3 parts-
Arm- has 64 bones-
The humerus (2)
The scapula(2)
The clavicles (2)
The ulna(2)
The radius (2)
The carpals (16)
The metacarpals (10)
The phalanges of the handproximal phalanges (10)
intermediate phalanges (8)
distal phalanges (10)Pelvis- has 2 bonesLeg
The femur(2)
The patella or kneecap (2)
The tibia (2)
The fibula (2)
The foot (52)
The number of bones in adult are not the same as the time we born. There are 270 bones present in an normal human infant .
➡️Spine 26 ,Chest 25 ,Head 28 ,Arms 64 ,Legs 60 ,Pelvis 3
vertebral body 在 潘小濤 Facebook 的最佳解答
[壓頸] [醫學角度看警暴]
首先,「壓頸」可以導致頸椎過伸 (hyperextension)。頸椎之間嘅連繫,本身就比其他脊椎鬆動;要使頸椎移位 (dislocation),需要嘅力度一啲都唔多。咁樣「壓頸」、將成個身體嘅重量施於頸部,極有可能將頸椎後部嘅骨頭壓至骨折;而頸椎前方嘅結構,亦可以因為承受唔住張力而斷裂。其他嘅病狀(例如椎間盤損壞)亦會發生。如果壓住第 1 同第 2 頸椎體,更有機會引致絞死者骨折 (Hangman’s fracture),存活率極低。
另外,如果力度夠大,頸椎係可以骨折。咁樣嘅後果更大:骨折部分會壓住脊髓,使頸部以下失去感覺同活動能力。更大嘅問題在於,如果損傷發生喺第 5 頸椎體或以上,就會影響控制橫隔膜活動嘅膈神經 (phrenic nerve),導致呼吸衰竭,繼而死亡。
喺頸部創傷之後,亦多見頸椎椎間盤突出 (cervical disc herniation) ,導致四肢疼痛、無感,而且失去反射能力,需要手術治療。
唔知各位「執法者」喺「壓頸」之前,有冇用過 0.01 秒去學以上知識呢?
[Pressurising the neck] [Analysing police brutality from a medical aspect]
The HKPF had always claimed that they used “suitable force” to put “rioters” under control. Of course, who is the actual “rioter” and whether the force used is of “suitable compatibility” is yet for us to see and judge.
Today the focus is about this particular position - what I call “pressurising the neck” position that the HKPF used frequently. Never categorise this as “suitable” force - it brings severe and even fatal complications and harms.
First, severe hyperextension of the neck can cause dislocation of cervical vertebral arches, as the cervical vertebral arches are less tightly interlocked than other vertebrae. Such dislocation is easily attainable with less force than required. With the whole body sitting on the protestor, cervical fracture can also occur, severing posterior bony structures. Anterior structure (such as the anterior longitudinal ligament) an also get torn and injured due to tension. Other clinical entities like cervical disc damage can also occur. Specifically, compression of C1 and C2 vertebral bodies may lead to Hangman’s fracture, which has a very low survival rate.
Also, if the force is large enough, the cervical vertebral bodies can fracture. This brings along a grave problem: compression of the cervical spinal cord by the vertebral debris can lead to anaesthesia and paresis from the neck down. If the damage is above the C5 body, the phrenic nerve that controls the diaphragm is affected, leading to respiratory failure which is fatal.
Moreover, cervical disc herniation is often observed after trauma to the neck, leading to quadriplegia, quadrianaesthesia and loss of reflexes. Treatment of this condition is often surgical.
I often wonder if these “law enforcers” ever learn about these potential harms of “pressurising the neck” before sitting on the neck of a protestor.
#警暴 #壓頸 #坐頸
vertebral body 在 駐家醫師 Youtube 的最佳貼文
#訂閱我們 #開啟小鈴噹
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response,簡稱ASMR,稱為「自主性感官經絡反應」、「自發性知覺神經反應」,也有人稱為「顱內高潮」。
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, referred to as ASMR, is called "autonomous sensory meridian response", "spontaneous sensory nerve response", and it is also called "intracranial orgasm."
It is a tingling sensation that starts from the scalp and moves down to the back of the neck or above the spine. It is a pleasant form of skin abnormalities, mostly triggered by "hearing" and "vision".
The crackling sound of burning wood is also a sound that can trigger ASMR, causing the body to produce a numb sensation, and then get calm. After listening for a long time, it will have a relaxing and healing effect.
ASMR이라고하는 자율 감각 경락 반응은 "자율 감각 경락 반응", "자발 감각 신경 반응"이라고하며 일부 사람들은이를 "두개 내 오르가즘"이라고 부릅니다.
두피에서 시작하여 목 뒤 또는 척추 위로 이동하는 따끔 거림이며, 대부분 "청각"과 "시력"에 의해 유발되는 즐거운 형태의 피부 이상입니다.
나무를 태우는 소리도 ASMR을 유발하여 몸이 따끔 거림을 일으킨 후 차분 해지는 소리이기도하며, 오랫동안 들으면 이완과 치유 효과가 있습니다.
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, disebut sebagai ASMR, disebut "respon meridian sensorik otonom", "respon saraf sensorik spontan", dan beberapa orang menyebutnya "orgasme intrakranial."
Ini adalah sensasi kesemutan yang dimulai dari kulit kepala dan bergerak turun ke belakang leher atau di atas tulang belakang.Ini adalah bentuk kelainan kulit yang menyenangkan, sebagian besar dipicu oleh "pendengaran" dan "penglihatan".
Suara derak kayu yang terbakar juga merupakan suara yang dapat memicu ASMR, menyebabkan tubuh menghasilkan sensasi kesemutan, kemudian menjadi tenang, setelah mendengarkan dalam waktu lama akan memberikan efek relaksasi dan penyembuhan.
La Respuesta de Meridiano Sensorial Autónomo, conocida como ASMR, se llama "respuesta de meridiano sensorial autónomo", "respuesta nerviosa sensorial espontánea", y algunas personas lo llaman "orgasmo intracraneal".
Es una sensación de hormigueo que comienza en el cuero cabelludo y se desplaza hacia la parte posterior del cuello o por encima de la columna vertebral. Es una forma agradable de anomalías cutáneas, principalmente provocadas por el "oído" y la "visión".
El crujido de la madera quemándose es también un sonido que puede desencadenar ASMR, provocando que el cuerpo produzca una sensación de hormigueo y luego se calme. Después de escucharlo durante mucho tiempo, tendrá un efecto relajante y curativo.
La réponse méridienne sensorielle autonome, appelée ASMR, est appelée "réponse méridienne sensorielle autonome", "réponse nerveuse sensorielle spontanée", et certaines personnes l'appellent "orgasme intracrânien".
C'est une sensation de picotement qui part du cuir chevelu et descend jusqu'à la nuque ou au-dessus de la colonne vertébrale.C'est une forme agréable d'anomalies cutanées, principalement déclenchées par « l'audition » et la « vision ».
Le crépitement de la combustion du bois est également un son qui peut déclencher l'ASMR, provoquant une sensation de picotement dans le corps, puis un apaisement.Après une longue écoute, il aura un effet relaxant et cicatrisant.
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response หรือที่เรียกว่า ASMR เรียกว่า "การตอบสนองต่อเส้นเมอริเดียนทางประสาทสัมผัสแบบอัตโนมัติ" "การตอบสนองของเส้นประสาทสัมผัสที่เกิดขึ้นเอง" และบางคนเรียกมันว่า "การสำเร็จความใคร่ภายในกะโหลกศีรษะ"
เป็นการรู้สึกเสียวซ่าที่เริ่มต้นจากหนังศีรษะและเคลื่อนลงไปที่หลังคอหรือเหนือกระดูกสันหลัง เป็นรูปแบบที่น่าพอใจของความผิดปกติของผิวหนัง ส่วนใหญ่เกิดจาก "การได้ยิน" และ "การมองเห็น"
เสียงแตกของไม้ที่ไหม้ยังเป็นเสียงที่สามารถกระตุ้น ASMR ทำให้ร่างกายรู้สึกเสียวซ่าและสงบลงได้ ฟังเป็นเวลานาน จะมีผลผ่อนคลายและรักษา
Ang Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, na tinukoy bilang ASMR, ay tinawag na "autonomous sensory meridian response", "spontaneous sensory nerve response", at ang ilang mga tao ay tinawag itong "intracranial orgasm."
Ito ay isang pangingilabot na sensasyon na nagsisimula mula sa anit at gumalaw pababa sa likuran ng leeg o sa itaas ng gulugod. Ito ay isang kaaya-ayang anyo ng mga abnormalidad sa balat, na karamihan ay pinalitaw ng "pandinig" at "paningin".
Ang pumutok na tunog ng nasusunog na kahoy ay isang tunog din na maaaring magpalitaw ng ASMR, na sanhi ng katawan na makagawa ng pangingilig na sensasyon, at pagkatapos ay maging kalmado. Matapos makinig ng mahabang panahon, magkakaroon ito ng nakakarelaks at nakagagaling na epekto.

vertebral body 在 The Vertebral Column - Joints - Vertebrae - TeachMeAnatomy 的相關結果
The vertebral column (also known as the backbone or the spine), is a column of approximately 33 small bones, called vertebrae. The column runs from the ... ... <看更多>
vertebral body 在 Vertebrae of the Spine | Cedars-Sinai 的相關結果
The vertebral body is the main portion of the vertebra. It bears about 80 percent of the load while standing and provides an attachment for the discs ... ... <看更多>
vertebral body 在 Vertebra - Wikipedia 的相關結果
There are thirty-three vertebrae in the human vertebral column—seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, five fused sacral ... ... <看更多>