No phones. No iPads. No computer or video games. Minimal TV time. Occasional movies. Just lots and lots and lots of books.
Still, this day has arrived when my firstborn realises she can no longer see so clearly in her right eye and a trip to the optometrist confirmed one of my biggest fears. Well, at least she is still feeling positive about the entire experience and is excited to put on her brand new purple specs to read. I guess nothing will ever get in the way between this strong-willed girl and her books.
I can choose to keep on chiding "I told you so" or lamenting about why she never inherited my perfect eyesight genes, or I can accept the fact that this is a part of her now and while it is all new to us, I can do my part as a mum to support and encourage her. Oh, and keep on nagging about the importance of bright lighting and a good sitting posture.
Whatever it is, reading is a good habit that runs strong in our home and I hope we will still keep it up while doing our best to take care of our eyes. For someone who is born with astigmatism - which we discovered when she was in kindergarten - and never achieved 6/6 in her eye screening tests before, I just hope her myopia will not progress (too much). Sounds like a dream? Oh well, let's just take a step at a time and see where this journey leads us. Most importantly, as we move into a new chapter, may this book lover of mine continue to find joy between the lines and write her beautiful life story page by page.
P.S. We love you no matter what happens, my dear. Continue to dream big and never let life get you down or think that you are not enough. 我们永远支持你! ❤
#ahappymum #mylittlebookworm #wearingspecsforthefirsttime #learningtoaccept #还是走到这一天 #shelovestoread #booksareherlife #newphase #weareallinthistogether