#巴黎情人節巧克力精選 / Valentine's is coming!
前一個禮拜陸續開始看到一些主廚們與品牌的復活節創作,完全忘了在復活節到來前還有一個節日。結果本週我光是在家就收到四個巧克力品牌的情人節禮盒,包括 La Maison du Chocolat、Pierre Marcolini、 Lenôtre 與 Michel Cluizel France。不僅被巧克力包圍,還被愛心包圍❤️💕
La Maison du Chocolat 的情人節禮盒其實有好多款,我收到的是「Au Cœur de Paris」,這句法文其實很難翻譯,直譯的話是「在巴黎中心」,結合了巴黎身兼美食與浪漫之都的獨特身份,以頂級的巧克力工藝打造充滿豐富味覺體驗的情人節商品。包括底部紅色的草莓果醬糖片、以及四種巧克力,包括充滿酥脆口感的蒙地安巧克力(Mendiant,註1),含「黑巧克力搭配堅果」「與牛奶巧克力搭配榛果碎」兩種口味、以及兩款帕林內巧克力,包括「核桃帕林內黑巧克力搭配焦糖核桃碎」與「榛果帕林內牛奶巧克力搭配可麗餅脆片」。
比利時的巧克力王子 Pierre Marcolini 主廚今年則與精於蕾絲編織的女性內睡衣品牌 Maison Carine Gilson 合作,設計了有五種口味的心型夾心巧克力,包括榛果帕林內、玫瑰百香果、日本柚子、鹹奶油焦糖與覆盆子。包裝上細緻的圖樣由 Carine Gilson 設計,文案那句「A temptation that weighs a few grams only」更是誘人,一顆僅有幾克重的巧克力,卻能讓人止不住心旌神搖。
另外還有 Lenôtre 小巧精緻的禮盒,六顆心型巧克力共有兩種口味,一種是黑巧克力覆盆子、另一種則是牛奶巧克力搭配榛果帕林內。
最後則是 Michel Cluizel,紅黑兩心包含紅莓果帕林內牛奶巧克力與 70% 巴西 Riachuelo 莊園出產的黑巧克力搭配焦糖的口味。和情人節禮盒一起送來的,是該品牌去年 11 月推出的純素熱巧克力(chocolat chaud vegan),以墨西哥 Mokaya 莊園出產的 66% 有機黑巧克力加上燕麥奶,100% 不含乳糖。純素巧克力顯然在持續發燒中,將來應該可以看到更多巧克力品牌進軍純素市場!
更多影音,請點我的 Instagram 精選動態欣賞:https://tinyurl.com/s3glne5
1. Mendian,蒙地安巧克力,中文有時翻為四果巧克力,在小巧的圓形巧克力片上方鑲嵌了數種堅果,是法國傳統甜點的一種。Mendiant原意為依賴捐助生存的教會人士,傳統上,鑲嵌在蒙地安巧克力上的堅果代表了四種羅馬天主教修道士長袍顏色,分別是方濟會(Franciscains,灰色,以葡萄乾代表)、加爾默羅會(Carmelites,褐色,以榛果或核桃代表)、道明會(Dominicains,白色,以切分為二的杏仁代表)、奥古斯丁會(Augustines,深紫色,以無花果或蔓越莓代表)。現代的蒙地安巧克力也能加入沒有宗教色彩的其它食材如可可豆、太妃糖碎片、海鹽、脆米、椰絲等。
2. 其實嬌貴的巧克力最好是買了之後盡快品嚐,適合的溫度是常溫(約20°C),也不適合放冰箱儲存,因為溫差容易讓脂質浮上表面、形成霜花,口感也會變得粗糙不再柔滑;若濕度過高,巧克力裡面的糖也會被水分溶解,形成糖晶。如果一下子吃不完,最好是放在能夠陰涼、通風的地點,以密封的方式儲存,適宜的儲存溫度是12-18°C、濕度則在65%以下。所以台灣的一般狀況其實很不合適巧克力儲存,但家裡如果有酒櫃就很合適。若非不得已需要將巧克力放在冰箱,建議用報紙或毛巾包裹(以免冰箱溫度太低)外包裝後放入密封盒內再放入冰箱儲存,品嚐時記得先拿出來回溫,口感才不會受到太多影響。
#yingc #paris #chocolate #chocolat #valentines #saintvalentin
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過444萬的網紅Hane & Mari's World,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■English Title : Anpanman slide Big stream somen slider Japan Toy Awards 2016 Excellence Award Tomy ■中文標題 : 麺包超人滑梯巨大的流動素面日本玩具大獎優秀獎 ■한국어 제목 : 호빵맨 미끄럼틀...
weighs中文 在 艾力克斯 Alex Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 我每次po都用中英文雙語寫。我也提醒詠嫻要多寫中文。我英文可以一分鐘打60個字,中文打6個!!超慢的,但是我們還是要練。然後我早上寫“開學了”我以為是中文。對不起。哈哈;)加上國外的粉絲有超過3萬所以英文也要用。
2. 其實背書包這件事我跟詠嫻都討論過。我小時候都自己背但是我的書包到國一才跟Ryder現在小二的這麼重。最近美國有很多報道關於背書包應為小朋友都開學了。但是我看的都是英文,一定也有同樣的中文報道。http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/…/heavy-backpacks-can-trigge…/
重點是小朋友背包的重量應該最多是他們體重的15%。長期背以後很有可能會有問題。Ryder 22公斤,他的背包4.5公斤有時候超過5公斤!那是20-25%!!有沒有人可以找中文的報道?找到寄給我,我來po。
LOL! Didn't realize when I posted the picture this morning it would be the topic of such a passionate debate. Just wanted to capture the moment of Ryder going off to 2nd Grade. The comments became a debate about who should carry the backpack and the language of my posts. That's why we love this FB page cuz our fans are so passionate about everything. Here's our two cents.
1. When I post, I always make it bilingual and I remind Jackie the same. I can type 60 words/min in English and my Chinese comes in at a snail's pace of 6 words/min. Serious! It's taken me like an hour to write the above in Chinese. Anyway, we think it's important to write in both languages because a bulk of our fans are from Taiwan but there are thousands that live abroad. Anyway, when I posted this morning“開學了”, I really thought the three words were in Chinese. As of tonight, I still to. Contrary to a couple of people who may read it as Latin. haha! JK.
2. Now the serious part. Jackie and I actually discussed this whole backpack thing many times and there have been numerous news reports about it cuz it's back to school season. Basically it says, children's backpacks are getting heavier and long term abuse can lead to back pain and other problems. A child should carry, at most, 15% of his body weight. Well, Ryder weighs 22kg and his bag his 4.5kg and on most days it is over 5kg which is 20-25% of his weight. That's like me carrying Ryder to school everyday on my back which would be crazy.
So if you want your child to carry his/her backpack, then be my guest. Everyone is free to make their own decisions. You just gotta live with them. Ryder will definitely carry his own bag when he gets a little bigger and stronger. But for now, mommy will carry it and daddy will just walk behind taking pictures. haha! Plus Makayla, I'm sure, will just find a boy to carry her bag!!!!
Good luck, and we really thank everyone for the support.
weighs中文 在 Hane & Mari's World Youtube 的精選貼文
■English Title : Anpanman slide Big stream somen slider Japan Toy Awards 2016 Excellence Award Tomy
■中文標題 : 麺包超人滑梯巨大的流動素面日本玩具大獎優秀獎
■한국어 제목 : 호빵맨 미끄럼틀 빅 스트림 소면 슬라이더 일본 장난감 대상 2016 우수상 다카라 토미
■中文标题 : 面包超人滑梯巨大的流动素面日本玩具大奖优秀奖
■チャンネル登録はこちら / Channel subscript → https://goo.gl/in9442
■Video Description / Overview
Takara Tomy Arts will release a waterslide type flow Somen machine the "Big stream Somen slider" on June 2.
From think of developers called "toy of want to have an authentic feeling beyond", "Tokyo Summerland" and of a born-impact collaboration waterslide type of flowing somen machine. In fact, the thing that finished received the supervision of the technical staff of the waterslide in the "Tokyo Summerland".
Size is about 75 × 58 × 33cm (width × height × depth), difference in height 56cm. By the waterslide type, realize the length of the full-length 3.6m in a tabletop size. It is possible to enjoy a long run "noodles" distance of noodles on the table. It weighs 2.26kg.
Usage is only flowing somen put the water.
- Put the water to the line on the inside of the "pool" of the body that was assembled.
• When you press the switch, pumped up by driving the pump in the somen slider to the top of the water. Then, because the circulating water continues to flow through the slider. Be allowed to flow Somen from the appropriate amount, it is possible to enjoy the flowing somen.
- Somen to help take the established a "whale Somen gate".
- It is a waterslide play by passing the "slider Man" of ice that can be made in the "ice maker" of accessories.
- Flowing sound of water can feel even "cool" in the ear.
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■撮影機材/Photographic Equipment → キャノン Canon EOS 80D + EF-S18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM
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