大家一起 HIGH 起来!
Decided to bring the kids out for a karaoke session to reward myself after nearly a week of solo parenting. Woohoo!
Yup, sometimes they need to do what Mama loves to do instead of always the other way round, right? Well, anyway, it's easy to see that all three of them ❤ to sing too lor!
Luckily, I brought along two extra mics so everyone could have one each and for those three hours, we sang - and ate our takeaway dinner and snacks - to our hearts' content. It's a rare Thursday mum-and-kids night out but hey, there's no school tomorrow for them mah, so must 尽情地玩!
走音 and squeaky voices aside, the most important thing was we had so, so much fun together tonight! Yup, we really let loose and felt free as we sang, danced, jumped, played the musical instruments and laughed together. The girls are seasoned karaoke goers but tonight, I was so thankful and amazed to see that the 3yo totally enjoyed himself too. 不信你自己看 on IG, 哈哈. I hope these moments will stay in our hearts always and that we will always make time for fun.
Wow. Still feeling very high now. And happy. All ready for the weekend with these babies tomorrow!
P.S. It was past 10pm and I asked them if they wanna take taxi or bus. The former would have taken us just 15 minutes. They chose the latter, which we had to switch and somehow waited very long for both buses, and we ended up reaching home near midnight lor. But, we were watching all these clips and they just kept laughing at each other and at me, haha, and I am just glad to feel that love and joy amongst all of us tonight. ❤
#ahappymum #mumof3 #mumandkidsnightout #iwannabeafunmum #welovetosing #karaokenight #letssing #singlikenooneislistening #swipeonlyifyoudontmindoursinging #checkoutmyrap #notbadright #kidsweresocooperativetonight #wetookbustoandfro #worththeeffort #weneedtodothismoreoften #hellopapahopeyouareashappyasweare
weneedtodothismoreoften 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的精選貼文
If you've read my recent post, you will understand why we don't have a dryer in the house. So we did the laundry this morning and ended up with a huge mountain of clothes to hang because we haven't done the washing in three days (or is it four?). Haha. Yup. Really huge pile.
In wanting to still keep this chore a light-hearted, family bonding affair and since it was all getting too dull, we decided to take a half time break to let loose and shake our booties a little. Yup, I am really loving how we all love to dance together, even the toddler is fast catching up!
Check out the half done laundry and heaps of unfolded clothes on the sofa. Yup, I wanted to remind myself that it's okay to take a break and not be so rigid or play by the rules all the time. In fact, just letting our hair down a little and having some fun will do everyone good.
Happy weekend, folks!
P.S. The kids did come back to help me finish up doing the laundry after their well-deserved break, so we are all good for now! Woohoo!
#ahappymum #laundrytime #ordancingtime #傻傻分不清楚 #justmeandmykids #大家一起high起来 #hubbystillsleeping #weekendmorning #welovetodance #itsokaytohavefun #doesntmatterwhatothersthink #weneedtodothismoreoften #justdance #bestsongever #dancelikenooneiswatching