1. 北亞的面貌 How North Asia looks like
After entering Russia in a gloomy day, I quickly fell asleep on the train. As I woke up the next day, wow, what a scene that I had never seen before! The train was going along a river. There was grassland near the railway, and forest farther way. There were mountains, but there were not prominent; there were rivers, but there were not rapid; there were houses, but they were flat and built with wood, showing no contrast to the forest in the background. Every component looked familiar, but the combination is not something I had seen before. Except the animals feeding on the grass and slow-moving water, everything seemed like resting.
This is North Asia, where temperate forest and temperate prairie meet.
Suddenly I realized, other parts of Asia sound more familiar to us -- when hearing Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia or Central Asia, we can easily come up with some scenes of that region; while when it comes to North Asia, we can scarcely imagine how it looks like. My first impression of North Asia was surprising: it is developed so lightly that everything looks so pure and pleasant. Finally, I've got a scene that I can connect with when hearing the term North Asia.
2. 俄羅斯裡的蒙古國度 A Mongolian nation within Russia
走在街上,隨處可以見到嘴裡說著俄文的亞洲面孔,和我們習慣見到的中日韓三國不太一樣,他們整體來說眼睛比較細小、雙頰相對圓潤,但比起歐洲裔俄羅斯人,看起來和我們明顯是比較接近的,尤其年輕女生上了妝之後和中日韓女生沒太大差別,導致我覺得這個城市特別有親和力。他們的正式名稱是:布里亞特蒙古人(Buryat Mongols)。
After riding trains for almost 24 hours, I arrived at a large city in Russian Far East: Ulan-Ude. Its probably the Russian city closest to Mongolia - not only geographically, but also culturally.
As you walk on the street, you can see many Asian faces. They are different from Chinese/Japanese/Korean - usually thinner eyes and more rounded cheeks. Compared to European Russians, I felt they are closer to I. Especially when the young ladies put on makeup, they look not much different from the CJKs. Officially, they are called Buryat Mongols.
Before Russia acquired North Asia in the 17th century, this region had been Mongolian territory. Buryat was one of the Mongolian tribes, their language is one dialect of Mongolian, and their religion is Tibetan Buddhism. During the Soviet time, they were established as a autonomous republic, and their uniqueness was preserved. The Soviet Communist Party even funded the construction of temples and datsans (religious schools). This place is like a Mongolian nation within Russia.
However, as I walked on the street, I could barely see any Mongolian influence other than the Asian faces. The only other visible thing is the buildings that incorporate Mongolian components. As for the Buryat, they all spoke Russian, as if they had been like the Slavs, as part of the great nation Russia from the very beginning.