My inner thighs 🤢🤮 Please take a moment to check your inner thighs, armpits (i was looking around for armpit models and i needed someone with darkened armpits due to daily abrasions to volunteer but guess what, out of all the people i find, all tell me "Don't have leh, i don't have any dark patches" HOW CAN IT BE?! Your elbows??? All those time spent playing games / doing homework / using phone with elbows on bed or table or floor.. Kneecaps leh?! Ankle?! We sit cross-legged in schools how many years 😂 The pressure and weight of our legs on the poor ankles.
Anyway basically i tried whitening products and all for my inner thighs (it's one of the few areas i'm very conscious about cox go swimming all can see!!!) but not really working maybe cox too much dead skin. I got these dark patches from rubbing when walking when i was pregnant with Meredith 5 years ago. Grew super big and that's when these marks got formed. And stay. I thought it's for ever but i guess not!!! 😍
Worked on this for manyyy months and it's FINALLY ready!!! With proper lab testsss run so it's safe for usage! Mostly fermented rice yeast, fruit enzymes and manyy hydrating and regenerative ingredients!
Gently exfoliates + brightens + promotes regeneration of new skin ☺️ My 5 year old darkened inner thigh also made way after 5 days of usage.
Swipe to see my sister's neck. The back and both sides dark dark one ☺️ Still can tell me don't have ☺️👹
Please support this Skin Sake @qingbyqult ☺️❤️ You can DM @qingbyqult to order. I only produced ONE product in these many months, it's super underachieving but promise it's good.
Our current distributors are @typicalben @pxdkitty @pixiepax so you can find out more from them as well!!! ☺️ #QingByQult