【#美國聯邦眾議院 壓倒性通過 #台北法案】
「今天及每一天,國會都持續向世界傳達一個訊息,那就是 #美國與台灣同在‼️」
眾院議長裴洛西 (Nancy Pelosi) 👩⚖️在「415票贊成、0票反對」一槌定音時如是說...
這份由 #美國參議院 外委會亞太小組主席
#賈德納 (Cory Gardner, R-CO) 領銜提出的
就這樣在美國眾院院會霸氣通過啦 👏👏👏
"T"aiwan "A"llies "I"nternational "P"rotection and "E"nhancement "I"nitiative Act
(不是只適用天龍國啦~ 🤣
也促使美國政府採取具體作為支持台灣 💪
強化與 #印太地區 及全球各國的 #正式外交夥伴關係
#傳統大三角變形注意 ⚠️
#台美友好 #誠意鉅獻
415 ayes, zero nays – the ayes have it!
The Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative Act, AKA #TaipeiAct (we see what he did there), proposed by Senator Cory Gardner, the chair of the Subcommittee on East Asia, The Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy under the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, was approved by the House of Representatives on March 4!
The act aims to support #Taiwan in strengthening its official diplomatic relationships as well as unofficial partnerships with countries in the #IndoPacific region and around the world and states that the #US may consider enhancing economic, security, and diplomatic engagement with nations that upgrade relations with Taiwan and reducing engagement with those that undermine Taiwan’s status.
It also states that the US will advocate for Taiwan’s participation in international organizations and calls for strengthened trade relations.
Thanks to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for scheduling the vote and for saying: "Today and on all days, Congress continues to send a message to the world that America stands with Taiwan."
Read the Act here: http://bit.ly/2TEclf7
what did congress vote on today 在 House debates Build Back Better bill before expected vote 的推薦與評價
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