回歸到她的動作,對照她三週前的分享。動作的串連步調明顯放慢,硬舉、改良式的波比、藥球、弓步。仍是以全身性多組數的方式維持體能。可以發現在弓步及壺鈴上拉時,她會輔助手撐牆壁,摸肚子的方式幫忙核心穩定。這是因為到了中後期,隨著肚子變大,重心改變,核心的穩定更加困難,恥骨下背疼痛的情形可能隨鬆弛素的上升更明顯,這樣的小動作,可以避免動作不穩定和降低肌肉拉傷的風險。至於孕期運動能不能拿重量,我想這個答案應該是要客製化。假設妳是健身老手,動作熟悉,孕期當然可以適當的負重(12-20RM) 肌耐力的訓練,避免力竭。
#bbg2019 #SWEAT12wc So here is my pregnancy safe #bbg style workout!
I just want to say, I KNOW this look super hard and it looks like I’m SO fit... but I need you ladies to know, ESPECIALLY the ladies who have had kids, that pregnancy for me, has definitely not been an easy journey. I don’t ‘feel’ fit - at all. I am saying this because I don’t want you to feel pressure when you look at me and what I’m doing on my pregnancy journey - to workout or eat clean. I’m working through this as all women do and doing what I believe is safe and healthy for my baby, which is different for every woman’s journey. I need you to understand that my workouts aren’t the complete reflection of my entire day. I’m also tired and get fatigued and take rest periods during the day. I was VERY sick for the first 16 weeks. I felt like I had no energy, struggled to stomach most foods. Even now in my second trimester, I still don’t feel ‘great’, but pregnancy also isn’t about that. It’s about maintaining health, to grow a child. “People ask, how do you feel!?” and my response is...”tired actually”. I know a lot of women tend to “feel amazing in the second trimester”... but that hasn’t happened for me. I feel crap, to be honest.. BUT I do MY best everyday. I spend bits of time during my day napping if I can fit it in. It’s been a near record setting heat wave where I live, which is definitely not amazing while being pregnant haha. I’m doing this 12 week challenge to remind me that fitness isn’t about going as hard as possible. It’s about health, a lifestyle and maintenance and that’s all I’m trying to do. Maintain my health and that of my baby. This community is so supportive of one another, and I feel that too. So thankyou .. really, for helping me get out of bed everyday and stay healthy and strong for my baby. I can’t put into words how much you ladies, as a community, help ME every day. Thankyou thankyou thankyou!