1) 「〜もらう・受け取る」を表すgetの使い方
get の一つ目の基本イメージは、色々な物を手に入れることです。人から何かをもらったり、受け取ったりする時に使われ、receiveのより口語的な言い方として使われます。ちなみに、良いものだけでなく、get a speeding ticket(スピード違反で切符を切られる)のようによくないものを受け取るときにも使われます。
・get a present(プレゼントをもらう)
・get a message(メッセージ受け取る)
・get advice(アドバイスをもらう)
I got a new laptop for my birthday.
I got a text from Mike and he said he's running 10 minutes late.
Who do you usually get advice from?
I got a speeding ticket this morning.
また、人から何かをもらうだけでなく、自分で努力した結果何かを手に入れるときにも使われます。例えば、「仕事に就く・仕事が決まる」は get a job、「良い成績を取る」は get good grades、「昇進する」は get a promotionと表します。その他、getには「お金を得る」の意味合いもあり、「彼って月いくら稼いでいるの?」は「How much does he get a month?」のように表現します。
It took me a couple of months but I finally got a job.
I got good grades when I was in high school.
I heard you got a promotion. Congrats!
It's an easy job. I get 20 bucks an hour just for watching the dogs.
2) 「~を買う」を表すgetの使い方
getは「〜を買う」の意味としても使われます。buy のより口語的な言い回しとして使われ、お金を払って何かを手に入れるニュアンスがあります。また、レストランでは「注文する」の意味としても使われ、友達に「何を注文するの?」と聞く場合は「What are you going to get?」と言います。さらに、getは「おごる」や「御馳走する」の意味で使うこともでき、「I'll get it.」の一言だけで「私がおごるよ」を意味します。
I really like your scarf. Where did you get it?
You already got the iPhone 12? Did you pre-order it?
I'm thinking about getting the B.L.T sandwich. What are you going to get?
Don't worry. I'll get it today.
3) 「〜を取りに行く」を表すgetの使い方
何かを取りに行ったり、忘れ物を取りに戻ったりなど、物を取りに行って戻ってくるときに get が使われます。日常会話では、go and get ____ のように表すことが多く、例えば「僕が取り行くよ」は「I'll get it.」または「I'll go and get it.」両方のパターンで表すことができます。その他、「〜を迎えに行く」の意味としても使われ、友達に「迎えに来てくれる?」と聞く場合は「Can you get me?」または「Can you come and get me?」、「迎えに行くよ」は 「I'll get you.」もしくは「I'll go and get you.」と言います。
✔「迎えに行く」はgo and get、「迎えに来る」はcome and getで覚えましょう。
I'll get it for you. What do you want to drink?
I'm going to go and get Hiro from the train station.
Oh no. I forgot my mask. I need to go back to the car and get it.
4) 「〜を理解する」を表すgetの使い方
相手の言いたいことが分かったり、意図が理解できたときに英語ではよく「I get it.」と言います。ここでは相手のアイディアを「手に入れる」、要するに「理解する」ことを意味します。この表現は、「I don't get it.」のように否定形で使われることが多く、相手の言いたいことが理解できなかったり、冗談が分からない時に使われます。
I think I'm starting to get it. Let me practice a little more.
Why is that funny? I don't get it.
Do you get what he's saying? It makes no sense to me.
5) 「〜に到着する」を表すgetの使い方
get は「着く」や「到着する」も意味し、日常会話では arriveの代わりによく使われます。例えば、待ち合わせに遅れてきた友達が「Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?(遅れちゃってごめんね。だいぶ待った?)」と言った時は、「No, I just got here too.(ううん、僕も今着いたところだよ)」と言う具合に返事をするといいでしょう。
There's so much traffic. What time do you think we'll get there?
Have a safe flight! Message me when you get to Okinawa.
I got home, took a shower and went straight to bed.
6) 「〜になる(状態が変化する)」を表すgetの使い方
getは状態の変化を表す時にも使われ、「〜になる」を意味します。状態の変化を表す時は一般的に getting ____ の形式が使われ、例えば、「疲れてきた」は 「I'm getting tired.」、「お腹が空いてきた」は「I'm getting hungry.」、「寒くなってきた」は「It's getting cold.」のように getting の後には形容詞がフォローします。
その他、「〜しやすい」をget ____ easilyと表現することができ、例えば、「私が暑がりです」は「I get hot easily.」、「彼は飽きっぽい」は「He gets bored easily.」、「彼女は嫉妬深い」は「She gets jealous easily.」のように表現します。
I'm getting hungry. Do you want to grab dinner soon?
It's getting chilly these days. It's starting to feel like autumn.
I carry around a blanket with me because I get cold easily.
7) 「病気になる」を表すgetの使い方
風邪を引いたり、インフルエンザにかかったり、病気になる時にもgetが使われます。例えば、「風邪を引いた」は「I got a cold.」、「インフルエンザにかかった」は「I got the flu.」、「彼は病気になった」は「He got sick.」と言います。ちなみに、「頭痛がする」は「I got a headache.」、「熱がある」は 「I got a fever.」、「喉が痛い」は「I got a sore throat.」のように表します。
It sounds like you got the flu. Drink a lot of water and rest up.
My cat got sick and I had to take him to the vet yesterday.
I think I got a cold. I got a fever and a sore throat.
8) 「どうにかして~させる」を表すgetの使い方
この表現は、人に何かをしてもらう時、または人に何かをさせる時の両方で使われますが、相手を説得したり騙したりするなど「どうにかして」何かをさせるニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、薬を飲みたくない子供を説得して飲ませる場合は「I got my child to take the medicine.(子供に何とかして薬を飲ませました)」と表します。
I finally got my dad to stop smoking cigarettes.
I can't get my son to do his homework. What do you think I should do?
My cat pees all over the house. How can I get her to pee in her litter box?
9) 「〜する機会を得る」を表すgetの使い方
get to do somethingは「〜する機会を得られる」を意味し、have the opportunity toのより口語的な言い方として使われます。例えば、「国際交流パーティーでいろいろな人たちとお話しすることができました」と言いたい場合は「I got to talk with a lot people at the international exchange party.」のように表現し、got to の後には動詞が続きます。ここでは、I got an/the opportunity to ____ と表現することもできますが、日常会話ではan/the opportunityを省くことがよくあります。
I got to travel all over the world in my twenties.
Did you get to see the autumn leaves when you were in Japan?
At the spring training camp, I got to meet some of the Dodgers' players.
10) Get + 前置詞の組み合わせ
getはいろいろな前置詞と組み合わせて使うことができます。例えば、「電車に乗ろう」は「Let's get on the train.」、「バスを降りよう」は「Let's get off the bus.」、「プールに入ろう」は「Let's get in the pool.」、「ここから出よう」は「Let's get out of here.」と言う具合に表現します。getと前置詞を組み合わせて使う場合は「動いている」イメージになります。
Get on bus number 10 and it'll take you to downtown.
This place is way too crowded. Let's get out of here.
Which stop are we getting off on? Is it the next one?
同時也有49部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Laura Ribeiro,也在其Youtube影片中提到,*New videos every Tuesday & Saturday 7pm JST* Click the bell to get notifications! Subscribe to my channel: http://youtube.com/lauraribeirotv Don't f...
what is okinawa 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文
1) Incredible(素晴らしい)
That was an incredible performance.
What an incredible game! Everyone played their hearts out.
Congratulations! That’s an incredible accomplishment. I’m so proud of you!
2) Look up(〜を調べる)
“look up”は、本やインターネットを使って何らかの情報を調べることを意味します。searchやresearchも「調べる」を意味する単語ですが、これらには研究者などが本格的に何かを調べたり、徹底的に何かを調査するニュアンスが含まれるため、気軽に「調べる」と表現したいのであれば“look up”を使うといいでしょう。日常会話でよく耳にする表現で、例えば、お店の営業時間をネットで調べたり、スマートフォンを使って目的地までの道順を調べたり、分からない単語を辞書で調べたりするような状況で使われます。
Can you look up the directions to the restaurant?
I think the last train is at midnight, but let me look it up just in case.
I usually look up recipes on Cookpad.
3) Fizzle out(少しずつ終わる)
fizzleは本来、炭酸飲料の泡がシューっと音を立てて徐々に消えていく様子を表しますが、日常会話では勢いが徐々になくなってフェードアウトしたり、計画していたことが途中でダメになる意味で使われます。例えば、友達と一緒に沖縄旅行をする話で盛り上がったが、プランを話し合うことなく数ヶ月が経ち、最終的に沖縄旅行の計画が立ち消えとなるような状況で“fizzle out”が使われます。
Our plan to Okinawa fizzled out.
I got busy with work and my YouTube channel fizzled out.
My friends and I were talking about starting an app together but that idea fizzled out.
4) Catchy(覚えやすい)
catchyは「人の心をとらえる」を意味する表現で、多くの人に受け入れやすいものを指します。例えば、一度聞いたらすぐに覚えてしまうような曲やメロディーは“a catchy song”、印象に残る会社のキャッチコピーは“a catchy slogan”、YouTubeで視聴者の目を引く面白そうなタイトルは“a catchy title”と言います。
This is a catchy song. Is this Justin Bieber?
We need to come up with a catchy title. Does anybody have any ideas?
I really like your logo. It’s very catchy!
5) Mix up(ゴチャゴチャにする)
“mix up”は「ごちゃ混ぜにする」や「混同する」を意味する表現です。秩序あるものをゴチャゴチャにするような状況で使う時もあれば、頭が混乱したり、心が乱れた状態を表す時にも使います。
その他、“mix up”は「間違える」や「勘違いをする」といった意味でも使われます。例えば、6時の集合時間を7時だと勘違いした場合は「I mixed up the time.(時間を勘違いしていた。)」と表現します。
Instead of studying your English expressions in alphabetical order, you should mix them up.
I always mix up John and Jason. Is John the lawyer or is that Jason?
Sorry I mixed up the time. I thought we were meeting at 7.
本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第347回「アメリカの高校と大学の違い」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。
what is okinawa 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
Miura Shohei joins the cast of TV Asahi spring drama "Ano Toki Kiss Shite Okeba" starring Tori Matsuzaka, Kumiko Aso and Arata Iura. He will play as Haruto Takamizawa the heroine's ex-husband. Starts on April 30 every Friday at 11:15 pm
Nozomu Momochi (Tori Matsuzaka) works at supermarket Yumehana. He is a nice person and doesn't mind helping those in trouble. He also doesn't care about success and doesn't desire to date. In his free time, Nozomu Momochi enjoys reading manga at his home. One day, while he is working at the supermarket, he has a fateful encounter with Tomoe Yuizuki (Kumiko Aso). Tomoe Yuizuki is the writer of popular manga "Seika no Sora,” which is Nozomu Momochi’s favorite manga. Nozomu Momochi is a bit surprised by Tomoe Yuizuki. She seems different from what he imagined. She is rich, lives in a luxurious house, and wears expensive clothes.
Meanwhile, Tomoe Yuizuki loves her work as a manga writer. Her hobby is to attend hula dance classes and going grocery shopping at the supermarket where Nozomu Momochi works. Due to the enormous popularity of her manga, she has also obtained a lot of anti-fans on social media and regularly receives spiteful words from them. She gets tired of all the negativity. At that time, she meets her fan Nozomu Momochi. Spending time together, they become close and she slowly changes. One day, they set out on a trip to Okinawa, but they have an accident. Tomoe Yuizuki never makes it back. Nozomu Momochi doesn’t know how to deal with the sudden loss of someone he likes. At that time, a man named Masao Tanaka (Arata Iura) appears and tells him "Momochi, I am Tomoe."
Source: https://asianwiki.com/Ano_Toki_Kiss_Shite_Okeba
what is okinawa 在 Laura Ribeiro Youtube 的最讚貼文
*New videos every Tuesday & Saturday 7pm JST* Click the bell to get notifications!
Subscribe to my channel: http://youtube.com/lauraribeirotv
Don't forget to LIKE this video to help my algorithm, thank you!
Hey guys! After what seemed like a long time my girlfriend and i were able to take a vacation together. We visited Okinawa, which I definately recommend you guys trying to go when you come visit Japan. We had a wonderful time, I recorded a few of the days to share with you.
Hope you like it!
▹Laura’s Instagram - http://instagram.com/lauraribeiro.x
▹Laura’s Twitter - http://twitter.com/lauraribeiro_x
▹Spotify - https://spoti.fi/32gT32B
▹Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/lauraribeiro-x
Hey, I’m Laura Ribeiro. I am Brazilian-Portuguese, raised in London. I moved to Tokyo in 2014.
I work as a full-time model, and a singer-songwriter musician. My channel is based on lifestyle, beauty & fashion videos. I have always loved documenting everything, and being able to look back.
Love xox
thanks for watching, don't forget to subscribe ♡
Free Range by Mona Wonderlick https://soundcloud.com/monawonderlick
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/-free-range
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/XcqtbhIc1ZQ
You & I by Soyb & Amine Maxwell
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/l-you-and-i
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/NS71HLgd9q4
Clocks by Smith The Mister https://smiththemister.bandcamp.com
Smith The Mister https://bit.ly/Smith-The-Mister-YT
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-clocks
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/6MT6-JzUw1w
Track: Coffee Dreams — Le Gang [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/JAL3i9ZIwQo
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/coffee-dreams
Track: Good Evening — Amine Maxwell [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/2BEJUXf_U38
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/good-evening
Campfire by Roa https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/al-campfire
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/lxdDvNO5aD0
Cali by Wataboi https://soundcloud.com/wataboi
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/wataboi-cali
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qXptaqHIH5g
Track: Oceanic Space — Artificial.Music [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/ZFO3KSsDg5E
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/oceanic-space
Track: Doing Nothing — sakura Hz [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/o5ivAJQ_iHQ
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/Doing-nothing
🇯🇵 finally going on vacation! | okinawa islands, japan
what is okinawa 在 mimi33333333 Youtube 的最佳貼文
I usually drink in the room after a delicious dinner on a trip.
But I don't feel like drinking much tonight.
Therefore, I will introduce the souvenirs I bought during my trip to Okinawa.
The drink is Orion's WATTA and the snack is Ayumi's Sata Andergie.
I bought Shima Rakkyo at a greengrocer near the Makishi public market.
Made in Iejima.
I cooked it with salted and tempura and ate it.
I think Rafute from Oki Ham is a good souvenir.
There is also Soki.
Sea jerky is a specialty of Minami Daito Island.
I bought it at SAN-A.
Ishikawa Shuzo's Tamayu kameshikomi.
This is a souvenir.
Fukugiya on Kokusai Dori.
The piece of Baumkuchen is easy to eat and is sold at a great price.
There is a fishing cooperative near the port on Tokashiki Island.
I bought tuna jerky here.
Also dried tuna.
I also went to Zuisen Sake Brewery.
I bought two awamori for myself.
Omoro and limited edition.
And I bought Tofuyou.
ビデオカメラは SONY HDR-PJ790V を使って撮影しました。
編集はEDIUS 9です。
A video camera is SONY HDR-PJ790V.
what is okinawa 在 Ghib Ojisan Youtube 的精選貼文
Today I had a video call with two Singaporeans living in Japan. What culture shock did they have? How is it really like living in Japan? What's the difference between Singapore? Watch till the end to get a grasp of the differences between two countries. Thank you Lydia and Ananda for taking part in this video. It was a joy talking to you two.
Lydia https://www.instagram.com/quekchannel/
Ananda https://www.instagram.com/anandanandayo/
?Subscribe: http://urx3.nu/HTUJ
?Watch - My Culture Shock in Japan:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3cQUpbw2ic
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