《國際文宣 》 致世界的公開信 — 為何要讓台灣加入世衛 #TWcanhelp
事實上,台灣政府亦不時接觸世衛 ,跟組織分享他們在控制病毒方面的研究成果及經驗。早於2019年12月31日,台灣曾經聯絡世衛查詢及提出新冠病毒能夠人傳人的可能性,但不受理會。直至2020年1月14日,世衛仍宣稱沒有證據顯示病毒可以透過人傳人傳播。
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A public letter to the world: why should WHO reconsider Taiwan’s membership
Hello everyone,
My name is will. I’m from Hong Kong and I’m a final year medical student. And this is an open letter to the whole world on why we need a reformation of the world health organization (WHO) and why the WHO should reconsider the inclusion of Taiwan as its member.
In December 2019, a pneumonia of unknown source was described in Wuhan, Hubei province in China which has since then spread to nearby places with Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea and Japan being the first few Asian countries hit by the virus. This pneumonia of unknown source was later on known as COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Despite being hit early on by the coronavirus, Hong Kong and Taiwan have been doing an incredible job in containing the spread of the virus. Having the experience of SARS in 2003, with the tragic loss of 299 lives in Hong Kong and 73 lives in Taiwan, We know that we must learn from the history and we cannot let this happen again. In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Both Hong Kong and Taiwan promptly established effective public health measures in particular Taiwan has the best public health system in the world in terms of identifying patients, quarantining infected patients and performing contact tracing which are all crucial components in containing infectious disease.
Today, four months after the outbreak of coronavirus, many countries were devastated by the rapid spread of the virus. Countries such as the UK, Italy, France, India, China, Newzealand, Australia and the United States are in lockdown and travel restriction. Hundreds and thousands of people have died because of virus, for those who are still alive are living an incredible difficult and dreadful life with social distancing and isolation. The world we used to live in ceased to exist as of this moment.
But if you take look at Taiwan, they are still almost business as usual, people are still going out to work, to have dinner with friends and family, most importantly the number of community transmission is exceptionally low compared to all the other countries. These are all because of the rapid response and effective measures adopted by the Taiwan Government.
as a matter of fact, the Taiwan government has time and time again proactively approached the WHO to share their research and experience in containing the virus. December 31st 2019, Taiwan contacted WHO to inquire and suggest the possibility of human to human transmission of the coronavirus but was disregarded. And until January 14 2020, the WHO was still claiming that there is no evidence of human to human transmission.
Had Taiwan been a member of WHO, and had WHO taken Taiwan’s opinion more seriously and encouraged countries to promptly prepare for the coronavirus, the rest of the world maybe able to contain the virus like Taiwan and the tens of thousands of lives could have been saved.
Throughout the entire coronavirus outbreak, WHO has time and time again failed us by downplaying the severity of the pandemic, claiming that there was no evidence of human to human transmission, all along reiterated that mask provide no protection to the general public, advising countries to not impose travel restriction and most importantly the poor recommendation of PPE for healthcare workers which resulted in multiple infections to doctors and nurses in Japan who followed their advice initially.
17 years ago, we had SARS and we learned a great lesson at the expense of the tragic loss of hundreds of lives. Hong Kong is already a member of WHO and our latest research published by the University of Hong Kong showed that mask can drastically reduce the risk of viral transmission which is invaluable to the whole world. I have no doubt that Taiwan would be able to help the world if Taiwan is given a voice in the WHO. I urge the WHO to include Taiwan as its members so that . Let’s not let history repeats itself, let’s battle this war together as one world and let’s show the world solidarity. Taiwan and Hong Kong can help and they will continue to help.
And a final message to all, the coronavirus does not discriminate, no matter you are an infant, a child, an adolescent, a young adult or an elderly, we are all equally susceptible. Do not take this lightly, it has claimed enough lives already, one is too many, please stay home and it can save life. Please do not lose hope and We will get through this, together as one.
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