瑞典環保少女通貝里(Greta Thunberg)獲選2019年美國《時代》雜誌風雲人物,成為《時代》以來最年輕的當選者。她以「周五為未來而戰」運動(Fridays for Future),吸引全球數百萬人對抗氣候暖化問題,所代表的正是全球年輕社運一代的化身,影響及感動各地年輕抗爭者,而我便是其中一員。
This week, Greta Thunberg was named Person of the Year by the TIME magazine. She is a Swedish Schoolgirl that inspired the “Friday for Future” campaign against climate change. Greta is regarded as the figure of the power of the youth, and inspired many, including me.
I applaud for her statement “We can’t just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow.” There is a future where Greta and I will live long enough to see, and we are responsible to shape it into a desirable one. When the world cheer and appalled for the youth standing up against threats of climate change or dictatorship, we actually all play a role in the fights. No man is an island. We are all living here today, and we will be living here tomorrow as well. It is not only up to the youngsters or the figures to fight for a better future.
Some people are respectable because they indeed did something great and conquered the limitations of humanity— being selfless, leading an Europe-wide climate change campaign, sacrificing their future and even their lived for the sake of fundamental human rights. These figures hope to encourage more people to do the same to really address the issues. It is not up to a few people to resolve problems that requires collective effort.
Climate Change and the fight for democracy in Hong Kong share some similarities. Both of them cannot be resolved simply by the handwork of one place, and China has to be held responsible for both issues, and China’s response to them appears to be similar as well.
Greenhouse gas emissions by China are the largest in the world. It is found by scientific research that global warming cannot be kept below 2 °C unless the emission of greenhouse gas in China falls sharply. China emitted over 12 gigatonnes CO2eq of greenhouse gases and makes up almost 30% of the world total. And in 2018-2019, the emissions shows an increasing trend, contrary to the promise China made in the Copenhagen Accord and Paris Agreement. However, when China were asked publicly about this, its response is simply “China is a developing countries and it is in desperate needs of economic development”. This clearly shows China does not take the pledge it made in the global arena as promises it has to fulfil.
China made a Joint-Declaration together with Britain before the Handover of Hong Kong to promised “One Country, Two System” and universal suffrage for Hong Kong in 1984. The Joint-Declaration is bounded Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which is an international agreement governing treaties between states. Now it is clear that China is unwilling to keep its promise, and worse still, China has recently declared the Joint-Declaration to be invalid on its own. The Joint-Declaration was a historical document that no longer had any practical significance, China said.
The two examples illustrate that China is never trustworthy and do not take any rules into consideration. It will simply do anything it wants, no matter what are the norms and regulations that it should follow. It takes more than just the youth to address the problem. Greta and the participants of the strike alone can never hold China responsible for breaking its promise. Hong Kong’s youth along can never hold China responsible for violating international treaties. The world has to stand in solidarity to be able to achieve results and forces China to comply to the norms that all players in the world ought to.