好開心獲香港酒業總商會委任為「酒類鑒定與認證委員會」副主席。多謝家姐Barbara Wong 黃真真到來見證我升職,多謝Peter Kwong 支持同委任,亦多謝好多朋友同業界的恭賀。獲得業界認同很高興。由我讀書考酒類資格、到寫專欄、教酒、做酒評判、遊酒莊及作演講者,我的世界每天只有酒,十分快樂!我會繼續努力同分享更多美酒體驗!多謝!🥰🎉🥂🥃🍷
I’m very honored to be certified as the Vice Chairman of Wine & Spirits Identification & Certification by Hong Kong General Chamber of Wine & Spirits 香港酒業總商會. Thanks my sis Barbara Wong for her support to witness my special night, thanks Peter for your recognition, thanks all my friends & acquaintances’ support! My life is filled with wine & spirits everyday, from studying to get different certifications, writing wine & spirits columns, being wine & spirits judge, being trainer/speaker of wine & spirits to visit many wineries & distilleries and share my experiences everyday. I’m very happy everyday! Thanks for our industry’s recognition. I’ll continue to share more wine & spirits experiences with u all! Thank you! 🥰🎉🥂🍷🥃
#wine #spirits #hkgcws #vicechairman #wineandspiritsidentification #happy #recognition