多謝瑪利嘉兒月刊邀請,分享2018年嘅葡萄酒及烈酒嘅潮流趨勢。我分享咗今年會有更多高級版粉紅葡萄酒,威士忌酒廠嘅活化重建計劃(包括Rosebank, Port Ellen 及Brora)同引入更多新口味酒桶,以及Gin酒繼續會百花齊放,由農場至酒杯概念等!Cheers! Happy 2018!🍷🥂🍻🍸🥃🎉
Thanks Marie Claire for interviewing me in sharing about 2018 trend in wine & spirits! There will be more premium Rose wines in the market, as it’s getting more and more popular. I also talked about the whisky distillery revival projects coming soon (eg Rosebank, Port Ellen and Brora) and the blossoming of craft gin (from farm to glass concept)! Cheers! Happy 2018! 🍷🥂🍻🍸🥃🎉
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