在農曆中,這四天就是所謂的「四時八節」中的「四時」,是廿四節氣中最重要的四個節氣。在西曆中,這四個日子亦由於其天文學上的重要性,同樣被特別稱之為equinox(分)和solstice(至):春分vernal equinox、夏至summer solstice、秋分autumnal equinox、冬至winter solstice,而節氣則稱為solar term。
我們常說的西曆,其實叫做格里曆(Gregorian calendar),是世界通用的曆法。格里曆是一種陽曆(solar calendar)。陽曆的意思是,太陽在一年中相對背景星空的位置(黃道)在曆法中的日期是固定的。換句話說,由一個節氣到下年同一節氣之間的日子排列方式是固定的。這就是為什麼格里曆對於閏年的處理很簡單,而且新年都必定在同一天,因為每天都會對應於太陽在黃道的某個位置。亦因此,春分、秋分、夏至、冬至的日期不會相差多於一天。
至於農曆,很多人以為是陰曆(lunar calendar),但其實它並不是陰曆。陰者,太陰也,即月球。陰曆就是根據月球的月相而製成的曆法,例如伊斯蘭曆就是陰曆的一種。月相是太陽、月球、地球之間的相對位置造成的,但由於月球環繞地球運動(陰曆的根據)與地球環繞太陽運動(陽曆的根據)並無關係,因此陰曆裡的四季更替並不是固定在某幾個月的。
農曆其實是一種陰陽曆(lunisolar calendar)。故名思義,它結合了陰曆和陽曆,同時考慮到地日互動和地月互動對曆法的影響。因此農曆新年在陽曆中的日期雖然會浮動,但最多浮動約一個月的時間,不會發生陰曆新年日期浮動整整半年的效應。廿四節氣(包括春分、秋分、夏至、冬至)在農曆中的日期亦會浮動,因為節氣是根據太陽在黃道的位置(即地球繞太陽運行的位置)來決定的,而農曆月份的時間長度則是依據月相來決定的。因此,農曆的置閏方法十分特別,即我們可能聽過的「19年7閏」和「5年3閏」規則,而且是置閏月而非閏日。關於農曆置閏的詳細規則,請參考延伸閱讀文章。
winter solstice lunar calendar 在 Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 Facebook 的最佳貼文
祝福大家冬至快樂 〜 Happy Winter Solstice!
冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最長的一天,過了冬至,白天就會一 天天變長。傳統上中國北方大部分地區在這一天都會吃餃子,南方則有吃湯圓的習俗,都是寓意年終團聚。
小時候很愛過冬至,因為媽媽常說:「冬至大如年」,意指冬至的禮俗隆重如同年節。於是下午放學後便會趕緊回家,媽媽通常已把湯圓煮好,熱熱地給我們盛上一碗,吃過後就會很興奮地期待晚飯 ; 因為知道所有最渴望吃到的菜肴,都會在當晚擺滿一桌。
身為人母後,才深切明暸母親的心意,發現自己也不時重複她所說所做的。特別是當兒女現在都長大了,工作生活在外,每次冬至前,我就開始提醒他們兄妹:「別忘了早點回來啊 !『冬至大如年』」。我總是絮絮叨叨地不厭其煩。
Winter Solstice is one of the twenty-four Solar terms on the Chinese Lunar Calendar, and over time it has become one of the most important traditional Chinese festivals.
It’s sometimes referred to as the ‘Winter Festival’, or the ‘Winter Solstice Festival’. The date usually falls between the 21st-23rd December and marks the peak of winter; this is the shortest day of the year with the longest night – after this the days gradually grow longer again. Because of this, the big family meal enjoyed on this day is called the ‘ Mid-winter’s feast’.
Traditionally people in Northern China prepare rice flour dumplings for the occasion, whereas in the South of China glutinous rice flour balls are made to celebrate the festival. Both types of food symbolise the happy reunion of families at the end of the year.
I loved the Winter Solstice festival very much as a child because my mum always told us that it was as important an event as Chinese New Year. I’d rush home after school, knowing that a bowl of delicious, hot glutinous rice flour balls would be handed to me the minute I walked through the door. I’d then wait excitedly for dinner in the evening, because without fail all my favourite dishes would be there on the table.
Since becoming a mother, I’ve come to understand intuitively the family values my mother cherished and impressed upon us. I find myself copying the things she did subconsciously. Even now that my children are both working and living away from home, every year before the festival I remind them, “Don’t forget to come home early to have our dinner. Winter Solstice is as important as the Chinese New Year.” Just like my mother told me.
winter solstice lunar calendar 在 Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 Facebook 的最佳貼文
祝福大家冬至快樂 〜 Happy Winter Solstice!
冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最長的一天,過了冬至,白天就會一 天天變長。傳統上中國北方大部分地區在這一天都會吃餃子,南方則有吃湯圓的習俗,都是寓意年終團聚。
小時候很愛過冬至,因為媽媽常說:「冬至大如年」,意指冬至的禮俗隆重如同年節。於是下午放學後便會趕緊回家,媽媽通常已把湯圓煮好,熱熱地給我們盛上一碗,吃過後就會很興奮地期待晚飯 ; 因為知道所有最渴望吃到的菜肴,都會在當晚擺滿一桌。
身為人母後,才深切明暸母親的心意,發現自己也不時重複她所說所做的。特別是當兒女現在都長大了,工作生活在外,每次冬至前,我就開始提醒他們兄妹:「別忘了早點回來啊 !『冬至大如年』」。我總是絮絮叨叨地不厭其煩。
Winter Solstice is one of the twenty-four Solar terms on the Chinese Lunar Calendar, and over time it has become one of the most important traditional Chinese festivals.
It’s sometimes referred to as the ‘Winter Festival’, or the ‘Winter Solstice Festival’. The date usually falls between the 21st-23rd December and marks the peak of winter; this is the shortest day of the year with the longest night – after this the days gradually grow longer again. Because of this, the big family meal enjoyed on this day is called the ‘ Mid-winter’s feast’.
Traditionally people in Northern China prepare rice flour dumplings for the occasion, whereas in the South of China glutinous rice flour balls are made to celebrate the festival. Both types of food symbolise the happy reunion of families at the end of the year.
I loved the Winter Solstice festival very much as a child because my mum always told us that it was as important an event as Chinese New Year. I’d rush home after school, knowing that a bowl of delicious, hot glutinous rice flour balls would be handed to me the minute I walked through the door. I’d then wait excitedly for dinner in the evening, because without fail all my favourite dishes would be there on the table.
Since becoming a mother, I’ve come to understand intuitively the family values my mother cherished and impressed upon us. I find myself copying the things she did subconsciously. Even now that my children are both working and living away from home, every year before the festival I remind them, “Don’t forget to come home early to have our dinner. Winter Solstice is as important as the Chinese New Year.” Just like my mother told me.