由當初一班完全唔同路、3唔識7、膽生毛嘅細路,到依家變成一班好朋友、好兄弟,大肚腩嘅叔叔們,等到今日終於有個屬於呢個文化嘅頒獎典禮。無須多講,#FAM 嘅嘢,就係要撐!#WeMakeHistory
香港Hip Hop音樂盛事
2022年2月8日 晚上七時
香港會議展覽中心Hall 5BC
第一個真正屬於香港Hip Hop文化的音樂頒獎典禮,為香港樂壇寫下新一頁歷史。
#WhatsGoodMusicAwards2022 #WriteHistoryHK #Beatbox #Rap #HipHop #WhatsGood
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Repost from @whatsgoodmusicawards
24 Herbs @24herbs_official
Big Sammy @bigsammy1
KZ @k__z
LMF @lmf_lazy_clan
Mastamic @mastamic
黃禍 @yellowperil_yp2020
And there is more coming soon.
Filmed by @by_wavyboys
writehistoryhk 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Hong Kong’s first Hip Hop awards show coming next year! Showing love to the local HK hip hop community! The New Chapter of HK Hip Hop Music
“Whats Good Music Awards”
February 8, 2022, 7 p.m.
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre - Hall 5BC
The first award ceremony that truly belongs to Hong Kong’s Hip Hop culture, writing a new chapter in the history of Hong Kong’s music scene.