📣📣New Online Group Session📣📣
Name: Animal Flow
Animal Flow是源自美國的自身重量訓練,動物的動作為基礎,建構出多套動作,合稱”ABCS” (Aape, beast, crab, scorpion)。而活動歸納為「六大要素」,包括手腕活動性、特定伸展、活動流暢性等等。其特點是可透過短時間的訓練,提升柔軟度、體能、力量等,亦可訓練核心肌群。
Animal Flow is a series of ground-based movements with various bodyweight training disciplines for a fun and challenging workout of multi-planar, integrated movement. The system is designed to improve strength power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination for all levels of fitness enthusiasts.
Animal Flow includes a range of movements and combinations that are grouped into categories called the “Six Components.” Each component is designed to elicit specific results, such as Wrist mobilisation, From specific Stretches and flows etc.
Instructor: Shin NG
Shin grew up training in Taekwondo since the age of five, and graduated from university with a major in Physical Education, where he was a key player on the football team. Driven by his passion to bring wellness to the community, Shin became certified in Animal Flow, TRX, kickboxing and yoga.
Beside being a fitness instructor, he also has many other roles such as a Lululemon ambassador and football commentator in i-Cable.
The idea of "to unite” in yoga inspired him to blend his training from different disciplines into one goal: “All is one, one is all, just go with the flow, and MOVE.”
Animal Flow Certified Instructor
RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certification
AASPF Muay Thai Instructor
Certified TRX GST, STC and TRX for Yoga Instructor
Time: First session will start on 16th April 8pm.
Enquiries on Online Training|
Markys Strength & Performance
WhatsApp: 65400442
Email: markystraining@gmail.com
yoga alliance certification 在 搖滾太妃糖 Yoga & Life Facebook 的最讚貼文
雖然是10分睏 但是好姐妹用心了好久的教室終於成立,有一種不禮貌分享就對不起天地的感覺
客座老師 感覺超酷的
Inspire Yoga 悟 瑜伽即將與重量級名師Prathap Black P合作,將帶來古老阿育吠陀的瑜伽智慧,歡迎Prathap 老師 成為會館的客座老師,敬請持續關注我們的粉絲頁
Welcome Teacher Prathap Black P for one day seminar on Ayurveda. Date will be announced soon. Stay tuned.
Prathap 老師簡介
來自在印度南部 Auppukkottai的小鎮,我在二十歲時與瑜伽啟蒙老師Sundaralingam上師相遇,他帶領我從體位法踏上瑜伽修練之路,之後在一間印度修 道場提魯瓦魯瓦爾瑜伽及自然療法中心分別受教於另二位大師, Alumuthu和Arunagiri ,這段期間是我投注全部心力在修道場中學習,但也漸漸領悟到原來體位法只是瑜伽道途上最基本的入門磚,學習體位法就像是播下瑜伽之路的種子,但在修道場與 上師學習八年後,其中受到瑜伽哲學不斷滋養,
之後生命中遇到影響很深的上師 ─ 奧修師父,在那之後我的靈性旅程就導向了對終極真理的追求。奧修演講的內容,記錄成書名為《瑜珈始末》(Alpha and the Omega),書中對帕坦加利瑜伽經的精闢的開示,更讓我進一步領悟到瑜伽的目的不僅是為了達到和諧的生活,而是獲致生命的開悟。
離開修道場後,極度渴望分享上師的愛和我的學習,於是2002年時,在南印度的Coimbatore創辦了我自己的瑜伽學校,命名為「極樂瑜伽學校」 (Elysium School of Yoga),在各式各樣的環境中教導不同年齡層的學生,我的教學經驗也越來越豐厚。2005年後來離開印度在香港擔任瑜伽老師兩年,之後在台灣扎根瑜伽志 業的傳承。從2009年起,成立涅槃瑜伽學苑,在台灣各城鎮及其他亞洲國家教授瑜伽、主持工作坊、開設認證課程及瑜伽和阿育吠陀的老師訓練。2013年, 我也獲得印度阿育吠陀學院的學位,對於阿育吠陀有更精深的了解後,發覺阿育吠陀這套古老的整體傳統醫學,其治療方式完全沒有副作用,阿育吠陀醫學加上 Pathya(飲食調整)能夠從根源醫治疾病,於是我開始將阿育吠陀的療癒哲學融入瑜伽教導之中。
之後,我成立的涅槃瑜伽學苑陸續在印度舉辦了瑜伽、阿育吠陀和靜心的僻靜之旅,及瑜伽師資的身心轉化課程,我們在瑜伽教學中實驗性地納入一些靜心技巧,那 些是從奧修和其他開悟大師那所獲得的啟發,儘管瑜伽練習本身就有靜坐,但現在已經變得過度制式化而失其精神了。因此,目前我們的教學是整合瑜伽、阿育吠陀 和靜心,阿育吠陀能協助療癒身體疾病,融入瑜伽練習之後,更能平衡療癒人的身心,當這兩者以適當的比例與靜心融合之後,就能對身心靈產生巨大助益。涅槃瑜 伽在印度的僻靜課程中完整呈現了瑜伽&阿育吠陀&靜心這三者的教導,許多學生朋友生命或的轉化提升,勇敢超越了傳統信念和僵化的教條,
Prathap 老師學習認證
* Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200 and RYT 500
* 1995-2003:
* Learned Asanas, Siddha, Yoga Philosophy, Hindu Mythology and Bakthi Yoga (8 Years) in Thiruvalluver Yoga and Naturopathy Centre, Aruppukottai, India. (a traditional “gurukul” system of being and learning with master without certification)
* 2003:
* Yoga Teacher Training (6 Months) AUM Yoga Trust, Coimbatore, India.
* 2010:
* Niguma Yoga Teacher Training with Geshe Michael Roach
* 2011:
* Basic Ayurveda Massage Course (320 Hrs), Coonoor, India.
* Diploma in Yoga Teacher Training (1 Year), Manav Bharti University, India.
* 2012:
* Master Level Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (500 Hrs) Yoga Alliance International, India.
* 2013:
* P.G Diploma in Ayurvedic System (2 years), Kuttalam, India.
* 2014:
* Certificate Course on Ayurveda Literature (4 Months), NLAM, Mumbai, India.
* 2016:
* Certificate Course on The Philosophy of Yoga, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, UK
yoga alliance certification 在 Corey The Man Yoga Facebook 的最佳貼文
All Yoga 瑜珈師資班 畢業者感言專頁
(1) All Yoga 200小時師資班 (台中山莊包食宿) 報名中尚有8位名額
(官網 http://www.coreyyoga.com/#!200--/c1omi )
(2)火箭瑜珈師資班/訓練營 (台北週末班 ) 尚有7位名額
(官網 http://www.coreyyoga.com/#!copy-of--50/crtm )
200小時瑜珈師資班免費說明會 (座位有限必須提早電話報名)
台北 9月19日 3:00PM~4:30PM
台南9月20日 4:00PM~5:30PM
台北: Core Yoga 新北市新店區二十張路11巷1-1號5F (新店大坪林站1號出口) TEL:02-29180503
台南: 飛越舞蹈教室 (台南東區大同路2段601號2F-1)
報名聯絡人: 鄭小姐 電話:0982-236136
Corey老師會帶來一堂課 教你如何自我練習 。讓你不管在任何地方任何地點, 都可以自我練習。也會解釋國際瑜珈證照(美國瑜珈聯盟 Yoga Alliance)到底是怎麼一回事?有哪些種類的認證? 如何申請 ? 並開放給同學問問題。