This morning, as I started putting on my shoes to go for a run, my grandfather exclaimed "You've got to teach online in 25minutes!" 😱
"Yeah, I'm just going for a whizz round the block." 😎
"What on earth is the point in that??" 🤨 he responded.
I would be less fit if I never went for a run unless I had time to warm up, run 5k and stretch. I would be weaker if I only lifted weights when I had 1.5hrs for a full balls-to-the-wall session 🏋🏻♂️
Sure, some people can routinely make time for high intensity, high volume exercise.
Some people love making that the centrepiece of their day.
Some are both and content with fitness being a focal point of their life 👍🏽 but, contrary to what the instagram fitness world will lead you to believe, that's really fucking rare.
Way too may of us seem to think the goal is to "get fit". I can almost guarantee it shouldn't be for most. Not by whatever arbitrary definition of it you're using. You just need to get fit-ter 📈
A friend of mine the other day said "I can't go to the gym without a PT because if I go on my own I just get in a 60% workout and it's a waste of my time." 🤦🏻♂️
HOW have we been convinced that exercise at 60% is a waste of time? I’ll bet most “waste” more time daily scrolling 📱
Side note: If you think a PT's “job” is to run your arse into the ground at 100%, I can almost guarantee you've got a mediocre one 💁🏻♂️
Equally, it doesn't have to take a lot of your day ⏱ I consulted a couple the other day who have been "meaning to get fit" for a while. They already had a few machines, but seemed to think 15mins on them 3 times a week was pointless. No. What's pointless is having machines you never use.
🙏🏽 Please, just start by doing SOMETHING. Something you enjoy, that doesn't feel unpleasantly or unsustainably intense / difficult, and then do it for as long as is convenient. Once it's a habit, start trying to give it a bit more effort, and making a bit more time for it. I know we say to have goals in fitness and business and life but, for some, maybe it's the goal that has been getting in the way? Maybe it's the goal that's so daunting that you don't do ANYTHING to get yourself closer to it? 🧐
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過87的網紅Angeles Ng,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Im yours/ have it all (Remix version hope u like it :) [Intro] Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing We're just one big family And...
you bet meaning 在 2how Facebook 的精選貼文
Poche, pochissime erano le foto in casa di Henri Cartier-Bresson; una, forse due. Una, per cui il grande fotografo aveva una vera e propria ammirazione, era “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika” di Martin Munkácsi. Tre ragazzini immortalati di spalle che sprigionano un’incontenibile vitalità mentre corrono verso le acque del lago. Perché Cartier-Bresson amava quella fotografia? Perché, come ha detto lui stesso: “Ho capito improvvisamente che la fotografia può fissare l’eternità in un momento”. Osservando la fotografia “Flying Boys” di Dimpy Bhalotia, e con la quale si è aggiudicato il Female in Focus Award 2020 del British Journal of Photography, sembra che i tre ragazzini di Munkácsi siano tornati dopo un viaggio lungo novant’anni. Di più, pare che siano tornati per spiccare il volo e catturati nel preciso momento in cui occhio, cuore e mente del fotografo sono perfettamente allineati come una costellazione lontana. C’è, nelle fotografie della giovane indiana di Londra, qualcosa che arriva da una precisa tradizione fotografica e che àncora saldamente la composizione a quelle tre fondamentali componenti cui si faceva cenno, orientandola verso la ricerca del momento in cui un episodio umano – e non solo – ha la capacità di espletare il suo senso. Irripetibilmente. I riferimenti non mancano, e sono segno di una solida cultura visiva. Quanto guardiamo nelle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia sembra fuoriuscire da un racconto riscritto con nuove parole, nuovi cenni ma fermamente determinato a essere interpretato attraverso un lessico che costringe a sostare nello spazio citazionista giusto il tempo che occorre prima di assumere una vita propria. E questa sottile e aggraziata visione delle cose che plana sugli avvenimenti, ha quel respiro che sta dentro in una visione poetica della vita, perché per scattare fotografie che sappiano restituire la bellezza d’un gesto occorre amare la vita e i suoi interpreti. Ecco che uomini e animali, colti singolarmente o al crocevia della reciproca interazione, ci appaiono come soggetti appena involontariamente dialoganti ma che, a ben guardare, sono catturati nell’esatto momento di un dialogo segreto. La forza delle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia viene da lontano e dunque è ben strutturata. E si vede soprattutto nell’azzardo di forme, nella scommessa formale giocata sul corpo dei soggetti animali, da cui, in altre circostanze, cogliamo una felice traccia surrealista, un terreno ideale nel quale risolvere talune spericolatezze compositive. Il lavoro di Dimpy Bhalotia sosta alla confluenza di due differenti correnti fotografiche: l’umanesimo e il surrealismo (lo stesso Cartier-Bresson sperimentò un delicatissimo surrealismo prima di fondare la Magnum), maneggiati entrambi con disinvoltura e sicurezza. La sua è una voce limpidissima, minimale. Le composizioni obbediscono al comandamento d’essere rigidamente impostate su un registro essenziale, al limite del calligrafico, ma la sobrietà ci convince del risultato. Il solco della tradizione è tracciato, ma seguirne il percorso senza aggiungere le proprie impronte è come non averci camminato. La fotografia è un libro che non finisce mai di essere scritto, a patto d’avere qualcosa da dire. Come in questo caso.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
foto Dimpy Bhalotia
Few, very few were the photos in Henri Cartier-Bresson's house; one, maybe two. One, for which the great photographer had a real admiration, was Martin Munkácsi's “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika”. Three kids immortalized from behind who release an irrepressible vitality as they run towards the waters of the lake. Why did Cartier-Bresson love that photograph? Because, as he himself said: "I suddenly understood that photography can fix eternity in a moment". Looking at Dimpy Bhalotia's “Flying Boys” photograph, and with which she won the British Journal of Photography's Female in Focus Award 2020, it seems that the three kids from Munkácsi are back after a 90-year journey. What's more, they seem to have returned to take flight and captured at the precise moment when the photographer's eye, heart and mind are perfectly aligned like a distant constellation. There is, in the photographs of the young Indian woman based in London, something that comes from a precise photographic tradition and that firmly anchors the composition to those three fundamental components mentioned, orienting it towards the search for the moment in which a human episode - and not alone - has the ability to carry out its meaning. Unrepeatable. There’s no shortage of references, and they are a sign of a solid visual culture. What we look at in Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs seems to come out of a story rewritten with new words, new hints but firmly determined to be interpreted through a lexicon that forces us to pause in the quotationist space just the time it takes before taking on a life of its own. And this subtle and graceful vision of things that hovers over events, has that breath that lies within a poetic vision of life, because to take photographs that are able to restore the beauty of a gesture, you need to love life and its interpreters. Here men and animals, caught individually or at the crossroads of mutual interaction, appear to us as subjects that are barely involuntary in dialogue but who, on closer inspection, are captured in the exact moment of a secret dialogue. The strength of Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs comes from afar and therefore is well structured. And it is seen above all in the balancing of forms, in the formal bet played on the body of animal subjects, from which, in other circumstances, we grasp a happy surrealist trace, an ideal terrain in which to resolve certain compositional recklessness. Dimpy Bhalotia's work stops at the confluence of two different photographic currents: humanism and surrealism (Cartier-Bresson himself experienced a very delicate surrealism before founding Magnum), both handled with ease and confidence. Her is a very clear, minimal voice. The compositions obey the commandment to be rigidly set on an essential register, bordering on calligraphic, but the sobriety convinces us of the result. The groove of tradition is traced, but following its path without adding one's footprints is like not having walked through it. Photography is a book that never stops being written, as long as you have something to say. As in this case.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
ph. Dimpy Bhalotia
you bet meaning 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 的最佳解答
ORACLE vs SAP ศึกซอฟต์แวร์องค์กรล้านล้าน / โดย ลงทุนแมน
อันดับที่ 1 Microsoft 25.3 ล้านล้านบาท
อันดับที่ 2 Oracle 6.7 ล้านล้านบาท...
Continue ReadingOracle vs sap trillion enterprise software battle / by investing man
If it comes to the most valuable software company in the world
1nd place Microsoft 25.3 trillion baht
2ND PLACE ORACLE 6.7 trillion baht
3ND PLACE SAP 4.0 trillion baht
From the above rank
A lot of people are familiar with Bill Gates's Microsoft.
But probably not familiar with oracle and sap
Because the customers of both companies are not common..
So who are their customers?
Invest, man will tell you about it.
In fact, both oracle and sap customers are the company..
These two companies do business, software development, data planning and corporate resources.
AKA ERP (enterprise resource planning)
SAP ย่อมาจาก System Applications & Products in Data Processing
German nationality company, founded in 1972 by 5 former IBM employees.
While Oracle is an American nationality company
Founded in 1977 by Mr. Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates
So why do companies need erp software
Assuming a simple example is..
Unilever produces dove shampoo
After the production, I sent items to the inventory.
Last step. If order will be delivered to the supplier..
The question is if our business size is so big
How do we know if the inventory is actually out of stock
So the sales we record match the account side?
This has become a problem.
That caused corporate data structuring software for over 40 years ago.
Such software is designed and developed for all types of business.
From production side cuddle supply chain and all flows together on the accounting side.
Simple summary is sap and Oracle Design Software for companies to apply to business and plan all information on the same platform..
When the factory has shipped items, the inventory knows right away.
Inventory has been cut. Sales Department knows right away.
Sales Department has posted the wrong numbers. Know immediately and can fix it in time.
Most Manufacturing-related businesses, factories, inventory and offices are in different places.
But erp brings together the information of these sources.
Meaning the erp system occurs in real-time resulting in business data more efficient.
Including reducing potential errors on the way..
So what are the results of both companies?
Year 2015 Income 7.45 billion baht. Profit of 1.09 billion baht.
Year 2016 Income 7.91 billion baht. Profit of 1.31 billion baht.
Year 2017 Income 8.41 billion baht. Profit of 1.44 billion baht.
Oracle Company
Year 2015 Income 1.16 trillion baht. Profit of 2.79 billion baht.
Year 2016 Income 1.18 trillion baht. Profit of 2.93 billion baht.
Year 2017 Income 1.25 trillion baht. Profit of 1.19 billion baht.
So what is the income structure of both companies?
SAP INCOME FROM CLOUD AND License 83 % and services 17 %
Oracle Income comes from cloud and license 82 %, hardware 10 % AND SERVICES 8 %
Essentially, software revenue comes from license and later start adjusting models to the era through cloud technology.
This makes the software that seems difficult to use. It's more accessible to smaller entrepreneurs.
Including it consulting companies that buy copyright to design systems for organizations like Accenture, deloitte or ey (Ernst & young) have more playful..
Also, if the income is divided by each region, company.
SAP has a customer in hand 425,000 account
From Asian Zone 16 %
American Zone 40 %
Europe, middle east and Africa zone (Emea) 44 %
Including Partnerships with 18,000 other companies covering 180 countries.
While Oracle has a customer on hand 430,000 account
From Asian Zone 16 %
American Zone 55 %
Europe, middle east and Africa zone (Emea) 29 %
Oracle can see that the American Zone Income is over half of the total income.
Let's go back. SAP EARN MONEY FROM BOTH AMERICA and emea group equally..
Ending with the value of both companies
Oracle 6.7 trillion baht
SAP 4.0 trillion baht
Getting here, we can see that all 2 companies are competing close..
However, behind the success of both sap and oracle should be from the charm of business to business that pays for good for a company called trust.
By this trust, there is a bet that
" all our company information, we will leave it to you.."
Free Seminar..
Topic "the process of bringing company to the stock exchange with solution sap business one" Wednesday, March 6, 13.00-17.00 pm at sap Thailand. Register at
For more information, please contact 02 274 4070, email: Marketing@Fmsconsult.Com or
-Yahoo Finance
-Market Capitalisation, YChart
-SAP SE Annual Report 2017
-Oracle Corporation Annual Report 2017Translated
you bet meaning 在 Angeles Ng Youtube 的精選貼文
Im yours/ have it all
(Remix version hope u like it :)
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved
Well, you done done me, and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool-done run out, I'll be giving it my best-est
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Do do do do do do do do
Yea yea
[Verse 2]
May you have auspiciousness and causes of success
May you have the confidence to always do your best
May it take no effort in you being generous
Sharing what you can, nothing more, nothing less
May you know the meaning of the word happiness
May you always lead from the beating in your chest
May you be treated like an esteemed guest
May you get to rest, may you catch your breath
And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows, woa-oh
And may the road less paved be the road that you follow, woa-oh
Well, here's to the hearts that you gonna break
Here's to the lives that you gonna change
(I wont hesitate no more, no)
Here's to the infinite possible ways to love you
I want you to have it
(More, it cannot wait, im yours, there's)
Here's to the good times we gonna have
You don't need money, you've got free pass
(No need to complicate, our time is)
Here's to the fact that I'll be sad without you
I want you to have it all
(Short, this is our fate, im yours)
I want you to have it all
I want you to have it all
I want you to have it
I want you to have it all
All you can imagine, oh
No matter what your path is
If you believe it then anything could happen
Go go go, raise your glasses
(Please don't, please don't, please don't
There's no)
Go go go, you can have it all
(need to complicate, cuz our time is short)
This, oh, this, oh, this is our fate
I'm yours
I toast you
Here's to the hearts that you gonna break
(I wont hesitate)
Here's to the lives that you gonna change
(No more, no)
Here's to the infinite possible ways to love you
(More, it cannot wait)
I want you to have it
(Im sure)
Here's to the good times we gonna have
You don't need money, you've got free pass
(There's no need to complicate, our time is)
Here's to the fact that I'll be sad without you
I want you to have it all
(Short, this is our fate, im yours)
Well, open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and, damn, you're free
Look into your heart, and you'll find love, love, love, love, love
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved
