記得,根據我2017年的影片介紹,R&B的音樂歷史比Hip Hop早太多,酸民們發言自重,RnB don't lose. Love wins.
謝謝朋友急電問候^V^但我身心靈狀況真的沒事啦,套句STARR CHEN的歌詞,要問我最近怎麼樣之前484要先問問您自身這10年來為節奏藍調、嘻哈貢獻了多少呢?先不要斗內我,#請斗內藝術家或轉發購買按讚多多鼓勵他們的作品^U^有人冒用我的名或圖或影或音,您可截圖蒐證報警,好好跟對方拿一筆財富,出國玩。
🔰在YOUTUBE上造口業會被Julie或其側翼截圖&戰👀「墨子哲學」兼愛非攻、勤民愛君,酸民黑特發文留言前先想9秒,往後9年可以不用擔心被人家嘴或吉。Don't start a war with an #ARIES like me. 🔥PLEASE BE PEACEFUL and help more people.宇宙會回報您。
[以下言論謹代表 #本人立場🧡] 真der警告很多次囉,當年攻擊藝術家還不夠,居然攻擊指名道名別人粉絲,不只弄我一個連其他粉絲也拖下去484?有夠沒品。可悲啊,認真做藝術寫心得的點閱率跟一篇談論牛肉的文章比就是如此,玫瑰少年才做成歌得獎,「破窗效應」(犯罪學術語)用「娘」來說R&B藝術家?過年回娘家是怎麼樣的家?厭女立刻改,不要一面玫瑰少年一面污名化中性的藝術。#矛盾也。You want BEEF?#去把這十年來我和藝術家們做的所有內容看完聽完啊 U/////////U 這個島國真的很小,BTW,混血兒是個不錯的廠牌,年輕強尼的擁抱總是如此溫暖,#親手為我做的豆花更是豐富多元美味營養好吃,只是如果混裡面的某位長輩有品一點會更好,換掉他更好^U^
車號STU開頭的,如果有人冒用盜車,請主動展開作為啊,大大方方說「我沒檢舉過」是什麼樣的心態?享受公眾人物的權利卻不用澄清負責任?您應該不會不敢報警吧?網友們🎀#螢幕前的您若發現STU_SIS或任何公眾人物被冒用,茱力都花10年做這些了,您花 #10分鐘 幫忙檢舉很簡單吧?😎 STU SIS也是這個社群中的聲音之一,除非很多人合寫一個帳號,內容還是超短超小。BTW,茱力做這個寫這些可都是一字一字一集一集自己做的,想聽的音樂自己做,想要的歌手我們自己推,想要的藝術我們親自動手,that's all。
#今天13th星期五,狗仔隊都在等料唷💥酸民們,聽說也是傳票寄到的好日子yo。💌 #臺灣報警的電話為119或反詐騙165,打什麼咦咦找不到人囉,#聽歌能聽到老是跟錯風向也滿厲害,真der是稱讚您們💫 No more hate speech, it is for the FUTURE of our industry. #我們活在民主自由又有法治的國家,人在臺灣心在美國很危險唷。
😍我的部落格延伸閱讀(除非您跟我認識年又私底下有見過面彼此都不錯開心,否則於未經告知下偷我的東西,我是會提醒的yo,其他粉絲也會提醒yo,別再恐同厭女活在古代。我是顧嘻哈與R&B粉絲的💌其他我不管囉^U^ 我雖然住海邊但每天也是要工作16小時的,8小時無償,8小時是隱私。):https://julie48tw.pixnet.net/blog/
🙄被人威脅要殺死要強暴喔,真der遇到也不是第一次,但如果其他人遇到怎麼辦呢?萬一弟弟妹妹或藝術家或粉絲聽個音樂也如此,聽古典樂與爵士永遠是男神女神、聽嘻哈聽節奏藍調聽龐克的標籤都只是負面的,how do we do?花了10年的我們不想容忍,各位,無論是粉絲還是藝術家,#您們也可以不忍💛截圖去領宇宙送的錢,對方一時沒錢,就等長大再告,小屁孩沙文主義沙豬告了沒錢喔,那就養肥了長大再告就有錢啦💥我是抱持著這種心情作這十年的事情的。^U^
延伸閱讀💛茱力親自用墨家的兼愛非攻觀點教您怎麼應對鍵盤酸民?How do we deal with haters online?有酸民很好、自己要提頭來見人,經紀公司不也缺錢嗎?^U^ 截圖一下賺十萬二十萬,行銷預算都有了💫https://youtu.be/dLHhG7Gx-vY
當年,欺負熊仔、豹子膽、JULIA WU、CHING G SQUAD或OSN爾宣的網路使用者,#應該不會不記得自己在哪則留言造了什麼口業吧?🎁快刪留言,我們都有截圖囉,隨時可以報警唷,想在做什麼?正中我們下懷!看看自己戶頭付不付得出罰金8^U^
酸民對您或您的藝術家各種body shaming與Virginity Shaming ,如何應對?請點底下,茱力陪您一起做思想上的反擊🎭
不要去宣傳我的平台,知道PRIVATE是「軍事用語」嗎?💛應該不會有人白目到在軍營打卡吧?Q口Q 再說一次我不接受任何、實、體、或、金、錢、的斗內,除非您跟我認識七年以上、私下很常見面也真的很要好了。若遇到冒用茱力產製的肖像權或任何無償勞動的內容,請、告、訴、我、也同時打119或反、詐、騙165,宇宙送錢來,您就跑完SOP去領💫無論您遇到什麼狀況或者您是LGBTQA容忍罷凌很久了,您就大膽處理,茱力是挺你的,您是可以有靠山的,君子報仇10年不晚,我這才在第9年呢U///////////U
最後,本期超商的今週刊LABOR RIGHTS勞動權益特輯,請付費支持一下吧,您應該不會覺得靠自己1個人傻傻地每個月付帳單、不主動爭取或認識自己的勞動權益,還能贏資本主義的遊戲吧?我景仰的作家男神 #傑克倫敦 從幾百年前就在爭取勞動權益了,我們所擁有的一切均不是理所當然,I love you all and just hope you KNOW YOUR LABOR RIGHTS.即使你是八大行業,茱力都覺得很酷,知道關聖帝君和岳飛專挺八大行業的嗎?知道你們的(能夠查證的)消息在媒體耳裡,很值錢嗎?有一部份的軍警也都靠你們挺喔。不怕,爭取自己的權益!「罷工權」(不爽所以沒有打算作),當然也是達成目的的合理手段!🎄
藝術家們,經紀公司如果不夠挺你,你就找 #體制外 的人處理,媒體啊警察啊關聖帝君岳飛穆王他們都洗耳恭聽喔,你是有權利要求工傷開診斷書、驗傷單、#主張身心靈不適想要休息的,IT IS OK TO SAY NO。💥don't be a circus animals, your fans are here for you, make sure you have time to CHILL AND HAKUNA MATATA💫
別 #今天公祭明天忘記喔,別步上韓國演藝圈的後塵。💘
同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅林子安 AnViolin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anviolin/ WEIBO:http://weibo.com/u/6511795600 Spotify:htt...
「you don't know me韓國」的推薦目錄:
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 茱力&Black Music Lovers Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 茉茉太太 x 全職媽媽向前走 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 lizzydaily Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 翻滾吧姨母- 【韓樂】SPICA - You Don't Know Me... 的評價
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 日文單曲《You Don't Know Me... - Mamamoo Taiwan 菜頭菜頭 的評價
- 關於you don't know me韓國 在 日文單曲《You Don't Know Me... - Mamamoo Taiwan 菜頭菜頭 的評價
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you don't know me韓國 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
【桃花開在周杰倫】The Peach Blossom named Jay Chou(English writing below)
我不是蔡依林的歌迷,但她這次為專輯的付出真的讓我刮目相看 - 回顧蔡依林出道至今的「黑歷史」MV《怪美》,邀請吳君如一起拍向80、90年代香港電影致敬的MV《腦公》,邀小S拍的MV《紅衣女孩》,以及今年榮獲台灣金曲獎年度歌曲獎的《玫瑰少年》等等。
2) 要賺錢,你速度要快。
錢如流水走很快不等人,你要懂得觀察局勢,學學那些Youtubers的掙錢速度及魄力。如果還是不會, 批八字看風水時,可請教你的師父如何迅速為自己增強桃花。
In my Youtube video last week, I talked about how Jay Chou cultivated his great Peach Blossoms in his past life and the correlation between your personal wealth and your Peach Blossoms.
On 11 September 2019 2300H, Jay Chou released his much-awaited new song "Won't Cry". His MV crossed 10 millions views within 48 hours on Youtube, setting a new record for Chinese music entertainment scene, and was the #1 trending MV in over 10 countries, including USA, Australia, Korea, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. His latest single also crashed Chinese music streaming site QQ music in less than a hour after its release.
In comparison, Jolin Tsai launched her new concept album end of last year, after a hiatus of 4 years. The album broke out of the conventional love ballads typical of Mandopop. 7 songs in this album were launched on Youtube with very creative and artsy music videos, which attracted much online discussion.
Yet the views on her MV cannot be compared with Jay Chou's latest MV.
While I am not a fan of Jolin Tsai, I applaud her effort for this album. The Ugly Beauty MV talks about the criticisms that Jolin Tsai had received since her debut. The Hubby MV was a salute to Hong Kong movies in the 80s & 90s, with Sandra Wu guest starring. Xiao S was also invited for her Lady in Red MV. The song Womxnly won the Song of the Year in this year's Golden Melody Awards, while this album won Album of the Year.
My personal favourite is the song Womxnly, which was inspired by the sensational story of Yeh Yung-chih, a secondary school Taiwanese student who had been long bullied for his perceived effeminate behaviour and thus, never dared to go to the school toilet at break times. One day, just five minutes before school ended, he was found dead in the school’s restroom in a pool of blood at the age of 15.
In May this year, Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage and Womxnly became even more symbolic.
Let's now take a look at Jay Chou's new single Won't Cry. If you also think that "Jay Chou is my youth", the many punchlines in this MV, the lyricist Vincent Fang and the mystery guest Ashin of Mayday will have you grinning in surprise.
To me, while this song is not bad and a continuation of Jay Chou's love ballad style, it does not carry as much creativity and positive energy as Jolin Tsai's Ugly Beauty album. Jay Chou's MV was also pretty similar to many of his past MVs. There was no breakthrough.
Yet, beneath all that we have seen till now, is the karma from many past lives.
My Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha expounded that in Jay Chou's past life, he practiced the Magnetization Sadhana of Varjayana, and had recited an astronomical number of the mantra of Love and Respect. As stated in his Bazi, his songwriting talent this lifetime is a reflection of his cultivated Peach Blossoms of Mass Appeal.
This is an extraordinary Peach Blossom, as it rewrote the judgment standard of Mandopop. The viewership of Jay Chou's Won't Cry MV and sales volume of the single are just as astounding. Within 24 hours of release, his new song sold 5.485 million copies online and raked in S$3.2million.
The entire physical appearance of Jolin Tsai spells of heavy Peach Blossom of mass appeal. However, with Jay Chou in the picture, both she and JJ Lin Junjie who released a new single The Right Time 3 weeks ago paled in comparison.
Some clever Youtubers quickly uploaded their own covers, in less than 24 hours of Jay Chou's new song release. There were cover songs, piano versions, and lyric version. This is a very smart way of leveraging on Jay Chou's Peach Blossom luck for FREE. Works best if the song and Jay Chou’s Bazi are compatible with their Bazi.
Through online searches and online entertainment channels who report about the covers, the Youtubers get to boost their subscriber volumes and viewership at a much faster rate.
These are the 3 points I wish to highlight to everyone after writing so much:
1) To my fellow Dharma brothers and sisters who are fortunate enough to receive our Root Guru's Dharma empowerment of Kurukullā and Rāgarāja, please cultivate this Sadhana diligently.
When you have Peach Blossom of Mass Appeal, your benefactors are prominent and everything that you do in life gets easily done, even earning money is faster for you. My personal experience is that if you practice this Sadhana with the Bodhicitta heart to benefit sentient beings, the effects will be incredible.
2) If you make money, you must be speedy.
Money waits for no man. You have to know how to observe the situations and learn the money-making speed and drive of those Youtubers. If you do not know how, seek the advise of your Chinese Metaphysics practitioner, when getting your Bazi analysed or Feng Shui audit done.
3)Move in the right direction with the right method, and you can change your life and others' too.
Regardless your Bazi has mass appeal affinity or not, to have money, to have charisma of Love and Respect, you must be diligent in forming mass positive affinities. Learn to give and accumulate your way through. For no matter how many mass affinities you have, they get expedited over time.
The celebrities and Youtubers I mentioned above are examples of diligence.
When your hard work brings you the ability to influence, you will be able to guide others to improve their luck, be it you are conscious of it or not. And that doubles up your merits.
Don't squander your youth by living aimlessly. Don't blindly give all your time to your family and be miserly in giving your time to others.
Constant giving requires thought, otherwise when your good fortune hits rock bottom, you and your family will face a dire drought of life resources.
"The smart one spends his effort in prevention and accumulation, while the fool puts his hope in salvaging. "
you don't know me韓國 在 茉茉太太 x 全職媽媽向前走 Facebook 的最佳貼文
真的真的非常好看,是一部有故事情節的discovery channel。我們家動物狂熱的兒子,看得目不轉睛、津津有味!
「Who are you? 你是誰?」
「Love never fails.」1 Corinthians 13:8
「愛是永不止息。」哥林多前書 13:8
狒狒:Your father is waiting. Do you see him? (你的父親在等,看到他了嗎?)
辛巴:I don't see anything.(我什麼都沒看到。)
狒狒:Look closer. You see? He lives in you. (靠近點看,看到了嗎?他活在你心裡。)
木法沙:Simba. (辛巴。)
辛巴: Dad? (爸?)
木法沙:Simba. You must take your place in the circle of life. (辛巴,你必須在生命循環中找到立足之地。)
辛巴:I can't. (我不能。)
木法沙:You must remember who you are. The one true king.(你必須記住你是誰,獨一無二真正的國王。)
辛巴:I'm sorry. I don't know how to be like you. (對不起,我不懂如何才能像你一樣。)
木法沙:As king, I was most proud of one thing. Having you as my son.(作為一個國王,我最驕傲的一件事,就是有你這個兒子。)
辛巴:That was a long time ago.(那是很久以前的事了。)
木法沙:No, Simba. That is forever.(不,辛巴,那是永遠。)
辛巴:Please. Don't leave me again. (求求你,別再離開我。)
木法沙:I never left you. And never will. Remember who you are.(我從未離開過你,以後也不會。記住你自己是誰。)
📣工商時間:茉太「🇰🇷來自韓國的育兒神隊友:Edison動物不銹鋼吸管水杯、寶寶米餅、Lusol 夾心海苔、Juicy健康水果乾、寶寶優酪球」熱烈開團中!
🛍來去團購享優惠👉 https://www.facebook.com/167477907084197/posts/645160795982570?s=580978474&sfns=mo
you don't know me韓國 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文
■ 更多林子安:
For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.
■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5
🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶
| Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of《Those Bygone Years》by Xia Hu
最後即使沒有happy ending,也謝謝過去有你陪我走過這段的感覺:)
Not sure if it's within the movie or hidden behind the theme song, the song is always like gravity pulling us bak to the past, so today's cover is trying to attract every single one of you back to those time, reminding those smile and tears good or bad =]
btw the movie is soooooooo famous that it's listed as top 5 fav Taiwanese movies by Koreans.
Tho some would mention those love and affairs in the movie, personally I'd prefer the" love at the moment," like we don't necessarily have a happy ending in the end, but I do appreciate the time we've been together. What's yours? commment below to let me know!
Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!
Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!
編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
鍵盤:Neon Lu
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu
🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
(Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ
還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !

you don't know me韓國 在 ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂 Youtube 的最佳貼文
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輸入我的promo code CLUMSY 就可以有 83% off + 3 extra months for free :)
▼ You can also find me here!
» Instagram: https://bit.ly/2QRx52C
» Drawing Instagram: https://bit.ly/2xrpUY2
» Facebook: https://bit.ly/3bv7tQQ
» Second channel: https://bit.ly/2QPFNyj
» My Podcast: "Oh fudge!" https://linktr.ee/clumsycynthia
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▼ 你可能會想知道... | You Might Be Curious…
» 咖啡機:Delonghi EC685.BK (自SOGO購入)
» 果汁機:Vitantonio (自HKTVMall購入)
» 睡衣:Uniqlo or Juuneedu http://juuneedu.com/ / 韓國代購 gn_korea or puc_korea
» 婚姻平權banner:from 禁獵女巫 on Pinkoi - https://bit.ly/353Ns3W
▼ What I use 拍攝相關
» 相機: Canon M50 or GoPro Hero 8
» 剪輯軟體: Final Cut Pro X
» 付費音樂網站: Artlist - http://bit.ly/2ky4ked (this is an affiliated link, 大家可以多獲得2個月的訂閱!)
» Ending Music: Eric Reprid, Basement - https://thmatc.co/?l=15C8AAFF
» LOGO設計:writehanded2.0 - https://bit.ly/2wLIObQ
» Music used:
hey-love by rex-banner (Artlist)
Music by Grace Chiang - sleeping on the floor - https://thmatc.co/?l=A76762E2
Music by HiGi - Lonely & Lazy - https://thmatc.co/?l=EFFBCA06
Music by Kissmykas - Don't Want to Go Back - https://thmatc.co/?l=A76D67B2
Music by Grace Chiang - staying in on Sunday (it is well) - https://thmatc.co/?l=C8FA4EC7
Music by Coolin Cal - Heart - https://thmatc.co/?l=6BB7923F
Reneé Dominique - Cant Take My Eyes Off Of You (ukulele cover) by - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19cSv7zjdfU
hot-cocoa by davis-absolute (Artlist)
Reneé Dominique - Somewhere Only We Know - Keane (cover) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCHRBn2hoOk
Music by Oscar Louis - Noodle - https://thmatc.co/?l=A3ED02DD
▼ Disclaimer:
**This video is sponsored by Surfshark! :)
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you don't know me韓國 在 lizzydaily Youtube 的最佳貼文
希望在週末的早上可以給大家一點開心的氛圍~Have a nice weekend여러분!!
Lil Brazil - On Me
Yea yea I used to hate all the love songs
But when she turns to me I fell in love on a blink
If you wanna love you'd better act on
But if you love me you'd better fall for me
Oh she is on me
But she is down on me*3
I've got no place for a love h*e
I've got to paint her like Mona Lisa and tell her what she wants to know (ha)
Then I don't call back cause she is going to call
If she don't call back cause your game is weak (hey)
All mornings first step praying
Fuck with me, you'd better start praying it's all games I'm just saying
Until there is no game
Them guys like to act tough but we know they ain't (ye)
Yea yea I used to hate all the love songs
But when she turns to me I fell in love on a blink
If you wanna love you'd better act on
But if you love me you'd better fall for me
Oh she is on me
But she is down on me*3
On me
Whatever we fight about that is on me
If you wanna love you gotta have to commit
Things come hard and go easy that's what is
Chillin with my babe
What she says it goes babe
Put it up let's go crazy
I tell her on a daily
You can't tell us nothing I ain't playing
Don't come around with the bullshit I throw that shit like Tom Brady
Yea yea I used to hate all the love songs
But when she turns to me I fell in love on a blink
If you wanna love you'd better act on
But if you love me you'd better fall for me
Oh she is on me
But she is down on me*3
This video is not a sponsored video.
關於Liz | About me
- 訂閱我吧:https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLiz0908
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- EMAIL: [email protected]
Silva's Instagram: guignobrega

you don't know me韓國 在 日文單曲《You Don't Know Me... - Mamamoo Taiwan 菜頭菜頭 的推薦與評價
... 《You Don't Know Me 》中字】:https://youtu.be/Hy2txPenels ... 印象中纖細、甜美的韓國女團。 MAMAMOO出道初期,非主流的外型被放大評論 ... ... <看更多>
you don't know me韓國 在 日文單曲《You Don't Know Me... - Mamamoo Taiwan 菜頭菜頭 的推薦與評價
... 《You Don't Know Me 》中字】:https://youtu.be/Hy2txPenels ... 印象中纖細、甜美的韓國女團。 MAMAMOO出道初期,非主流的外型被放大評論 ... ... <看更多>
you don't know me韓國 在 翻滾吧姨母- 【韓樂】SPICA - You Don't Know Me... 的推薦與評價
【韓樂】SPICA - You Don't Know Me http://chiungying.pixnet.net/blog/post/31959576. ... <看更多>