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關於鯊魚骨的評價, 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News

《語錄.蔣勳.扶桑》 *有人問泰戈爾:「什麼事最容易?」他說:「指責他人。」 有人問他:「何事最難?」他回答:「了解自己。」 有人問:「何事最重要?」他說:「愛」。 急急惶惶終日指責他人,大約...

大家知到我同鯊魚游水反應都好驚訝。🤪如果鯊魚要傷害我,我已🍆了超過100次。 只能怪他們擁有全世界最差的公關,把他們的#形象破滅 。 其實最危險係食鯊魚,因為魚毒素超標,要健康,要靚,keep 年輕,最好不要食。 (鯊魚骨,鯊魚油,鯊魚肉比如某些炸魚薯條,某些護膚品,等等)💙 When people hear I dive with sharks, they think I’m crazy. The truth is, if sharks wanted to eat me, I’d be dead over 100 times. Sharks are just bad luck they have the worst PR in the world. 🙈 Danger does exist however, when you eat them, because they are packed with toxins, not good news for your health. 🙈 Missing my peace with these intelligent marine animals. Happy shark week! 💙 Video by @oceanramsey #coExist #whenTheBuyingStopsTheKillingWillToo #StopTheTrade #鯊魚有毒 #想健康就不要食 🤭 #全世界最比誤會的動物

大家知到我同鯊魚游水反應都好驚訝。🤪如果鯊魚要傷害我,我已🍆了超過100次。 只能怪他們擁有全世界最...