列 类型 参考
relname name
relnamespace oid pg_namespace.oid
reltype oid pg_type.oid ... <看更多>
列 类型 参考
relname name
relnamespace oid pg_namespace.oid
reltype oid pg_type.oid ... <看更多>
pg_class is an internal system table that stores information about tables (and similar objects") available in the database. ... <看更多>
To contribute, please see https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Submitting_a_Patch - postgres/src/include/catalog/pg_class.h at master · postgres/postgres. ... <看更多>
Turns out I had the same table (same name) within two different schemas. So each had an entry in pg_class. Work around from the wiki page is ... ... <看更多>