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2 days ago, i did an interview with Brian from AsiaOne, he asked a really good question. How did the Covid situation influence my views on pregnancy and motherhood? If Covid has taught me anything, it is the fact that 'nothing is within our control'. Pre-Covid, life wasn't the same as it is now. People blocked their leave a year in advance with air tickets in hand, knowing exactly where they'll be traveling to early in the year. I have friends who were creature of habits, they needed routine to survive, they needed routine for security and comfort. Since CB, they had to find a new way of life, and have since adapted to a 'new norm'. Adaptability is what we are all capable of. Being adaptable also strengthens our resilience in positively coping with different situations that arises suddenly. Of cos, none of this will prepare me for whats to come as i enter motherhood. I keep hearing people tell me how i will never get to sleep again and i should rest rest rest rest rest now! I hear that loud and clear and i also appreciate the feedbacks, but it also really freaks me out! So how has Covid19 influenced me in pregnancy? I have adopted the beauty of being in the present and appreciating everything that is happening right now. That doesn't mean i don't build up my nursery or prepare in advance what i foresee #babyWooLaLa may need. But i constantly remind myself not worry before the problem shows up, bcos other than creating more anxiety for myself, it really serves no purpose at all. Learning to live in the present moment truly is an art. It's so easy to get lost and distracted with reminiscing about the past or rolling in the future. But as long as i keep trying, and keep setting an intention for it, it is still a step towards progression of being in the present moment. I blieve it is this mindset that have made my pregnancy such an enjoyable one. I'm blessed. I'm grateful! #sheilaloveherlife #positivepsychology #sspositivepsychology #ssfoodforthoughts #SSpregnancyjourney #emotionalhealing #mothertobe #pregnantbelly #alnaturale #divinetiming #consciousawakening #positivevibesonly #pregnantbelly #pregnantbelly #29weeks

2 days ago, i did an interview with Brian from Asi...