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為什麼叫大滿貫(Grand Slam)? Grand slam直譯過來是巨大的聲響,據說這個詞最早出自18世紀一種名叫「Boston」類似橋牌的撲克牌遊戲中。在Boston裡,grand slam是...

Video - Shower Time but not the Bicycle please - Haha ... Do u ever wonder why kids like to do the opposite ? They want to test you . They need to test you ... They want to see your reaction so that they can manipulate you the next time around . Kids are very smart . Hence it’s important if you made a decision , stick to it by whatever means no matter what . Because once you give in , they will not budge and will do whatever it takes to get what they want . That’s when tantrum arises ... It’s tricky but that’s how they are . Salam Jumaat Everyone ... Love As Always ... PS - Parents must always be two steps ahead of them . And how do you do it ? By knowing a child psychological behaviour & development before they are even born ...

Video - Shower Time but not the Bicycle please - H...


《文茜的世界周報》氣候變遷:城市暴雨篇 台灣 沉了嗎? 這不是海平面上升,淹沒過土地,而是一個「...