關於devote to的評價, Robert Downey Jr
Not sure whether I should say "You're welcome," or "I'm sorry that you're about to devote your life...
Not sure whether I should say "You're welcome," or "I'm sorry that you're about to devote your life...
Was sworn-in together with my new Cabinet at the ...
By now, you have probably heard about my father’s...
70% of my life I devote myself to work . 20% self-...
很多人問我最喜歡台灣的那一個部分是什麼。 這問題對我來說很太容易回答:台灣文化!自從我第一次來台灣開...
COVID-19 is the most severe crisis for humanity i...
想跟大家分享一個好消息, 我獲得了2021的 #黛安娜人道主義獎 The Diana Award。...
'Always ' remember the Name of your Lord, and devo...
【LIVE🔴多國元首峰會發表演說】 「哥本哈根民主高峰會」就「從香港戰場為民主奮鬥(Fightin...