關於dvorak的評價, Yo-Yo Ma
Join the New York Philharmonic, Lincoln Center, and me on Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 pm EST for the st...
Join the New York Philharmonic, Lincoln Center, and me on Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 pm EST for the st...
分享德弗札克新世界交響曲第二樂章,由小澤指揮的版本!(這版本很棒!) 阿智 Antonin Dvorak - New World Symphony No. 9 2nd Movement - Sei...
Join the New York Philharmonic, Lincoln Center, and me on Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 pm EST for the st...
Join the New York Philharmonic, Lincoln Center, and me on Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 pm EST for the st...
【這鍵盤佈局,或加快打字速度,但卻從不入主流】 Dvorak 這款鍵盤佈局由 Augustus Dvorak 於 30 年代發明。它的支持者宣稱,Dvorak 容易上手之餘,能令人打字更快更舒服...
過兩天就要前往柏林錄製第三張專輯 期待好久的計畫就要付諸實現,感覺很興奮 謝謝奇美博物館,謝謝環球唱...
準備好接下來6天的「午後強烈熱對流」了嗎? #颱風 #天氣 #下雨 #吳德榮 #老大洩天機...
前兩天與倫敦愛樂一起演出 英國作曲家 Ralph Vaughan Williams 的作品, The...
Had the chance to talk with South China Morning P...
The Knights are a group of really brilliant musici...