關於how to pronounce giraffe的評價, QiuQiu
My little precious.. @meregoround This is her wanting a bite of my fruit popsicle but we ask for a ...
My little precious.. @meregoround This is her wanting a bite of my fruit popsicle but we ask for a ...
“Time to get up for school, Daniel.” I could already feel the sweat soaking through my pajamas...
Music Dictionary... Including how to pronounce in Italian!! Awesome!! ...
我望著看起來超級複雜的售票機器頭痛, 他則是念起日文車站裡的漢字,還問我:「爸爸這個怎麼念?」 我像匆忙的旅人,為如何前進傷腦筋; 他像過客,只是偶然在這裡。 不知道的人看著一忙一閒的我們, 大概還以...
My dear Jai, now that you are gone, I can finally write this. Thank you for looking after me for n...
Does your kid love animals? Do they know how to pronounce different animal names, identify differe...
威士忌愛好者注意! 發現一個好網站,裡頭收集了眾多蘇格蘭蒸餾廠的發音,並按字母順序排列做成播放器,直接點按酒廠名就會唸給你聽,超實用。 連結裡往下拉到「Alphabetical Scotch D...
When I was born, some people from Malaysia laughed at my parents for naming me ‘Omar Mukhtar’. Acco...
Does your kid love Dinosaur? Do they know how to pronounce the different type of Dinosaur and ident...
6 bí kíp LUYỆN PHÁT ÂM TIẾNG ANH cho người mới bắt đầu Câu hỏi này mình nhận được nhiều lắm luôn. T...