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Video - Twin Baby in tummy wasn’t moving We had a traumatic experience last nite . The twins Adam & Noah were playing and accidentally fell on Dr Halina’s tummy . It was a big hard blow ... Dr Halina was quiet the whole time and only told me one of the twins in the tummy was not moving or kicking for the past 2 hours . Hati pun tak sedap ... Normally the twins in the tummy are very active at night especially the Girl twin . Not taking chances we went straight to the Emergency Department at 0100 in the morning . It was the longest 20 minutes drive . Both were quiet praying inside . I could see Dr Halina was in tears ... Did an urgent Ultrasound Scan and Alhamdulillah both heartbeats were detected . Syukur sangat kepada Allah ... I can’t imagine if anything happens to the unborn twins or to any of our kids - God forbid Nauthu Billah - I wanted to share to all pregnant mothers out there ... Don’t take things for granted . Follow your instinct as Mothers know best . Make sure the baby is kicking well - at least 10 kicks within an hour . Do not delay going to the hospital. Every second matters ... Pregnant mothers need to be knowledgeable on their unborn in whatever circumstances . Expect the unexpected The Spouse need to be there at all times supporting each other . It could happen to anyone ... Salam Everyone Love As Always PS - Do pray for Dr Halina to have a smooth pregnancy Everyone . Amiinn ... Amiinn ... Repeating another Scan today - InsyaAllah

Video - Twin Baby in tummy wasn’t moving We had ...