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Video - Adam & Noah In spite of our tight schedules with the girl’s , we are slowly increasing the activities for the Boys too - not sure how to squeeze into our schedules yet . The Boys are now 2.5 years old and we are exposing them to lots of activities as how we did to the Girls . But raising Boys are totally different compared to Girls ... 1. Boys development are slower compared to Girls in walking , talking , expressing emotions , etc but they catch up as they grow . 2. Boys are more clingy to their parents 3. Boys tend to have more energy , love climbing and wrestling - more physically aggressive behaviour 4. Boys tend to get distracted easily . Their sense of focus is less and short span 5. Boys are less expressive and less- talker compared to Girls 6. Boys tend to have a better appetite , drink more milk and eat more ... 7. Boys weight are heavier too 8. Boys tend to be less in tune to people’s emotions 9. Boys have better spatial skills - they tend to be better in Maths later on 10. Boys tend to learn potty-training slower compared to Girls . 11. Boys tend to have less social skills . Girls make friends easily compared to Boys . 12. Boys tend to be taller and stronger but Girls will catch up when they are 11 13. Boys have slightly larger brains but more electrical synaptic activities seen in Girls - showing Girls mature faster in every way . 14. Boys are late bloomers . They tend to play catch up with Girls in every department and able to catch up when they reach 10 years old . 15. When it comes to language and fine motor skills - boys lose in that department too - Haha Just sharing you some stereotypical behaviour of Boys vs Girls but not necessarily true . But it does help on raising our kids . Salam Everyone . Just sharing ... Love As Always ... PS - But what’s important is that every child is different and we raised them based on their personalities .

Video - Adam & Noah In spite of our tight schedul...