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大雨泥濘中的TSMOC AR Open class HD版完賽紀錄🎉🎉 昨天影片出現了無法回覆的異常狀況,只好重新上傳(_ _) Record of TSMOC AR Open Class HD version🎉🎉 Some strange error when I try to rewrite yesterday,so I upload again😕 💖戰略成功順利拿下季軍啦💖 這邊也來聊一下這次的感想吧(ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)🏆 相較以前的經驗,這場比賽不管流程上或規則上都是陌生考驗👽 有更多複雜的關卡和難纏的靶位,所以除了開槍射擊以外,更重要的是如何去安排自己的跑位方式和動線 讓自己能夠一氣呵成的從頭打到尾才是重點😈 老實講,對這種複雜路線的比賽如果還想跟鋼靶賽一樣拚速度的話我鐵定被海放,更何況這次不少對手有豐富的IPSC賽場經驗,這是短時間內我無法彌補的差距! 而賽前下了好幾天的大雨,整個場地變成無法正常行走的爛泥堆,我腳步輕快的優勢在這裡當然也完全跟著消失。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 所以最後我的策略是-拚準不拚快,穩穩打慢慢打,但每發都得拚Alpha來補成績👊 我很慶幸自己做了這樣的選擇💞💞 最後來總結一下各關卡的心得 Round 1: 這關流程很長而且有個需要推動行李箱才能開啟的隱藏靶,雖然打算順 但一時之間沒搞懂那個連動設計,拉開關時浪費了好幾秒 蠻可惜的 Round 2:全部是橫向移動的靶位,看起來很好打,但實際上擺的非常陰險而且錯綜複雜,一閃神就會MISS,結束後看成績時發現大部分的選手其實都有漏打….很妙 Round 3:我自認打不錯的一關,和平常練槍的模式很接近,所有靶位一目了然 開槍狂轟就對了;說真的在打這場時 我腦內都是John Wick的畫面 Round 4:流程比較複雜的一關,原本打的很順,但打到後面心理默數發數根本不對.鐵定有靶沒打到,回頭一看才找到躲在死角的紙靶,根本鬼遮眼....,當然最後成績也因為這樣被拖累了不少,我的MEGA和身上的裝備也在這關結束時噴了一堆泥水上去 Round 5:關卡設計和早上的Round2很像,但靶位之間的遠近高低落差兇猛許多,要上匣時還發現出氣口卡了一大塊泥,當下決定賭運氣不換匣尻掉泥巴直接上陣.說真的這場能順順打,全靠芭董MEGA的妥善率而已..… Round 6:這關我也自認打的不錯,又是個和平時練槍靶位類似的關卡;沿路開槍轟到底就結束了 Record of TSMOC AR Open Class 🎉🎉 I won the third place during the rainy and humid days last week. And now, I’m going to talk about my experience about TSMOC AR Open Class. Compared to the experience before, the process and rules in this contest is a new challenge for me. There are more and more complicated stages and Targets in the contest. How to arrange move pattern and moving lines are more important than shooting💖 In this case, if I still want as soon as possible just like 5.11 Steel Challenge, I must be ignored. What’s more, this contest has many other shooter has abundant experience about IPSC. I can’t keep up with them in such short time. Moreover, it rains for days before the contest, the space become muddy so that my superiority” light footsteps” become useless. 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 Finally, my strategy is 1.Accuracy replaced speed. 2.Be stable and slowly but every shoot should get two Alpha to make up the grade. I’m glad that I made this decision. 💞💞 The followings are six conclusions about each stage: *Round1: This stage has long process and a hidden target which needs to shove off the trunk to open. Although I was get on smoothly in the beginning, but I can’t understand the gearing design at that time. So I waste several seconds to open the switch. What a pity! *Round2: All targets moved horizontally. It seems easy to get, but actually its array is very complicated and intricate. Once you distracted, you will miss. Most of the shooters find them missed after the stage when watching their grades afterward. *Round3: This stage is similar to my practice mode at usual. Every target is clear, so I just have to shooting frantically. John Wick’s scene pop up to my head when I run this stage. lol *Round4: This stage is more complicated than other stage. I played well at first, but I found that the amount of the ammo are not correspond with what I count afterward. I looked back, and I found the target is at the neglected area. I waste a lot of time for this, my body and my arms is all covered with mud in this stage. *Round5: This stage is similar to Round2, but the height and the distance between the targets is difficult to shoot. Furthermore, I found a mud block stock on the exhaust port when I was loading the magazine. I didn’t change the magazine, I just scratched off the mud block then go into the stage. I have faith in my MEGA To tell the truth, it depends on the proper rate of A+ system to run this stage smoothly. *Roind6: This stage is similar to my practice mode at usual. I think I play well in this stage.

大雨泥濘中的TSMOC AR Open class HD版完賽紀錄🎉🎉 昨天影片出現了無法回覆的異常...