關於omission的評價, mrbrown
When I read this article about The top 10 countries for Asian food, http://www.traveller.com.au/the-...
When I read this article about The top 10 countries for Asian food, http://www.traveller.com.au/the-...
记得收看今晚8.30pm《潛行狙擊》精彩大结局!Remember to catch the fin...
錯過還是犯錯 矽谷創投名人Marc Andreessen最近在史丹佛的一場座談,談到一個觀念很...
幾年沒見! Laughing與丁敏重聚了! @謝天華Laughing. Reunited with...
Check out great deals for staycations and travel p...
政府同西九管理局咩「加強」財務安排,左手交右手。又隻字不提故宮一筆,擺明係 dishonesty b...
记得收看明晚9.30pm《潛行狙擊》的首播!Remember to catch the first...
《潛行狙擊》 宣傳片. Lives of Omission trailer. ...
巴菲特說過他犯的最大錯誤不是做錯了甚麼,而是沒有做甚麼 (greatest errors being...