around the corner 亦可指在附近的意思,如A: I'm so tired. How far should we walk? B: Just a few steps. The supermarket is around the corner. 6 yrs Report. ... <看更多>
around the corner 亦可指在附近的意思,如A: I'm so tired. How far should we walk? B: Just a few steps. The supermarket is around the corner. 6 yrs Report. ... <看更多>
Facebook: C's English Corner ☛ Instagram: csenglishcorner ☛ 每週四晚上9:00準時發影片喔! ... <看更多>
hidexjapan06/28 20:17Silence corner那組背帶不錯 ... 之銘言: 剛才臉書滑倒,還以為是我搞錯意思,但Google 發現各大新聞都有報,還有影片. ... <看更多>