關於photoshopping的評價, Xiaxue
@mikesayre has to bodily carry me up on this ledge for this photo 😅 It was very precarious so pleas...
@mikesayre has to bodily carry me up on this ledge for this photo 😅 It was very precarious so pleas...
《對不起,我不美》 自從有記憶以來,我就對自己的長相很沒自信。我恨我的外表,尤其是臉。 黑眼圈、內斜視、蒙古摺、單眼皮(混合式?)、蒜頭鼻、山根塌陷、嘴唇乾裂、滿臉痘、疤與痣、etc. 右眉角上的小...
Had the best time with @AnthonyAnderson tonight! C...
Pledging to stop editing flaws out of the pictures...
Question: Does Tomia do plastic surgery? Answer:...
Thank you everyone for your well wishes!!! Dash 1...
From my mind to yours ♩♫♪♬ http://worldcosplay.n...
When the world is full of portraits and images of...
Thank you for all your support! Another fun & suc...
I LOLED 🤣 Did we just go from #StayHomePhotoChalle...