關於prayer的評價, 9bulan10hari
Sehebat manapun seseorang pakar perubatan & doktor yang mengesahkan sesuatu perkara... Namun percay...
Sehebat manapun seseorang pakar perubatan & doktor yang mengesahkan sesuatu perkara... Namun percay...
【不是王牌也不是冤家:「無瑕心靈裡的永世陽光」背後的各種因緣】 #葉郎電影徵信社 #舊文更新重貼 #遲到的學測解題 1.達文西密碼的 A. Pope 也有份: How happy is the b...
The Lord's Prayer (Albert Hay Malotte version) rehearsal with pianist Lady Evelyne at the Cathedral ...
Sehebat manapun seseorang pakar perubatan & doktor yang mengesahkan sesuatu perkara... Namun percay...
The Lord's Prayer (Albert Hay Malotte version) rehearsal with pianist Lady Evelyne at the Cathedral ...
Make this declaration: A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it sh...
Friend, sickness is an oppression from the devil, not from God, and it is not something intended to ...
Take a moment to pray this prayer: "Lord Jesus, because You love me, You have provided everythin...
蕭叔叔雖非教徒,卻非常喜歡這一段禱文。 《The Serenity Prayer》節錄: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I ca...
Yesterday, hubsy saw Bella looking up at the sky.. and she started taking to herself.. "Ya Allah, pl...