Make an effort generally means you give it a try. [To indicate that you put a lot of work into something, see put effort into below.]. ... <看更多>
Make an effort generally means you give it a try. [To indicate that you put a lot of work into something, see put effort into below.]. ... <看更多>
effort 這個字常常很不好解釋。 它有5 種用法: 1. 《不可數名詞》 energy used to do something I've put a lot of effort into studying English. ... <看更多>
I like this idea. Going to try this on my boyfriend. We been together 4 yrs and each time I tell him to put in more effort its excuses. ... <看更多>
Jul 25, 2015 - You are supposed to put effort into those who put effort into you. It's called loyalty. ... <看更多>