Some components may not look correct without vector icons and might need extra configuration. Using the icon prop. Many components such as Button accept an icon ... ... <看更多>
Some components may not look correct without vector icons and might need extra configuration. Using the icon prop. Many components such as Button accept an icon ... ... <看更多>
IconButton. An icon button is a button which displays only an icon without a label. By default button has 150% size of the icon. ... <看更多>
To anyone looking for a list, I often refer to the list of icons from the library that react-native-paper depends on for the vector images ... ... <看更多>
React Native Paper uses Material Community Icons as default, it is a bit difficult to figure out the Icon names, below is the CDN URL for ... ... <看更多>
Let's move on to this issue, I am developing a component that uses react-native-paper which should also run on the web as the documentation says. In turn, react ... ... <看更多>
If you are facing issues with react-native-vector-icons, Icons are not loading properly or loading with x sign. ... <看更多>
Changes introduced in react-native-paper 3.0 version. Library level changes ... To use custom icon component setup properly the PaperProvider. ... <看更多>