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WHA主席欲喊卡 友邦聖文森堅持挺台發言到底 聖文森衛生部次長奈特斯表示,當前世界正應對2019冠狀病毒疾病疫情,全世界應團結應對,絕不能排除任何國家,聖文森認為台灣未能參與世衛並不合理,台灣有應對疫情的專業知識,應能有意義參與,絕不能忽略台灣的重要性。 此時挪威籍的委員會主席拉森打斷奈特斯發言,提醒注意議事規則,應針對討論議題發言,隨後讓奈特斯繼續發言。 奈特斯回答:「我會繼續發言,我正要這麼做。」他隨後面不改色,繼續為台灣執言,發言中心圍繞台灣、支持台灣有意義參與世衛大會,以及台灣2300萬人民福祉,期間提到台灣約10次,直到發言結束... —以下是發言完整內容— 11月12日聖文森衛生部次長Cuthbert Knights在A委員會發言 發言內容: Mr. President, the 73rd annual World Health Assembly is being held at a time when the world is facing an unparalleled and unprecedented challenge from the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented outbreak of the novel coronavirus has made more urgent than ever the importance of the world’s most comprehensive health commitment to date, “Universal Health Coverage: Moving together to build a healthy world.” 主席先生,第73屆WHA舉行時,武漢肺炎正帶給世界前所未有的重重挑戰。新冠病毒造成史無前例的全球大流行,讓大家體認到目前世界最完整的健康承諾「施行全民健康覆蓋:共同創造健康的世界」顯得更加重要與迫切。 Mr. President, this historic declaration on universal health coverage adopted by the UN Member States underscores the significant role of Member States’ cooperation and reinforces further the importance of inclusivity in achieving universal health coverage, and thereby, prevent billions from accessing healthcare. 主席先生,這個被聯合國會員國所採納的歷史宣言內容中強調會員國彼此合作的重要性,並重申在實踐全民健康覆蓋時應確保包容性,讓數十億人獲得醫療照護。 At a time when the world is still checkmated by the coronavirus pandemic, the WHO’s repeated call for the world to work together to combat the disease can no longer exclude any member’s participation in the WHA. In other words, Mr. President, to make “health for all” a reality and ensure that no member is left behind, we must address the meaningful participation for all members in this most important and distinguished forum. 目前世界仍面臨武漢肺炎疫情威脅的當下,WHO多次呼籲的全球合作抗疫實不應排除任何成員參與WHA。換句話說,主席先生,為實踐「全民均健」並確保沒有任何國家被排除在外,我們必須讓所有國家有意義參與這個重要的論壇。 Cognizant of the critical importance for all people to have access to the healthcare they need, when and where they need it, without facing financial hardship, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is therefore of the view that it is entirely irrational and counterproductive not to have any member, including Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the WHO. Taiwan possesses the expertise, professionalism, and generosity to make a significant difference, and we cannot and should not allow great power politics to deny Taiwan’s meaningful participation. 聖文森認為讓所有人在適當的時間與方便的地點獲得所需之醫療照護,且不必擔心財務困難是非常重要的事情。因此,拒絕台灣等國家有意義參與WHO是不通情理且造成反效果的行為。台灣擁有醫療知識及專業並慷慨助人,能夠帶來正面影響,我們不能也不該讓大國政治阻止台灣有意義參與WHO。 [Chair] This is Chair. Saint Vincent, I would like to ask you in accordance with the rule 53 of the Rules of Procedures to confine yourself to addressing the agenda item under discussion. Thank you. You are welcome to continue. 聖文森,這是主席,依議事規定第53條,請配合目前議程討論項目進行發言。謝謝,請繼續。 [Saint Vincent] So I will continue. This is what I am doing. Taiwan, in view of its resounding success in responding to COVID-19, is in a position to share its best practices, expertise, professionalism, and generosity that can be helpful to combat COVID-19 pandemic. It has afforded many member states including Saint Vincent and the Grenadines the opportunity to access high quality health services, medical equipment, and supplies and skills; health workers to strengthen the health workforce; and infrastructure in the face of and in response to the relentless COVID-19 pandemic and other diseases. 所以我將繼續發言,這也是我正在做的事。臺灣在因應武漢肺炎方面展現出豐碩成果,能夠分享最佳作法、醫療知識、專業態度及慷慨大度,幫助世界對抗武漢肺炎疫情。在我們面對及應對無情的武漢肺炎與其他疾病時,臺灣讓聖文森及格瑞那丁在內的許多會員國有機會獲得高品質醫療服務、醫療器材、物資及技術,協助醫護人員強化醫療勞動力,並加強相關基礎建設。 And I will conclude, Mr. President, what therefore justifies the continued exclusion of Taiwan’s meaningful participation from this forum? As we are all undoubtedly aware, there is already an established precedence of Taiwan’s participation at this assembly as an observer, and its meaningful and ongoing interaction with the WHO. Hence it is reasonably normal to your expectations to conclude that Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHA as an observer is neither illegal nor inconsistent with any resolution. In this view, the WHO can no longer continue to disregard the health and human rights of the Taiwanese people. Should the legitimate health and welfare of the 23 million people in Taiwan be held ransom to the preference of a government? This must change. 主席先生,我將總結發言。試問持續排除臺灣有意義參與此論壇的理由何在?我們都清楚知道,臺灣往年曾以觀察員身分參與WHA,且持續與WHO有意義地互動,這都是有前例可循的。正因如此,臺灣以觀察員身分出席WHA既沒有違法,也沒有與任何決議衝突,這是合理正常且符合期待之結論。因此,WHO不應持續忽視臺灣人民的健康及人權。難道臺灣二千三百萬人之合法健康福祉就該因為某國政府的偏好而被劫持?我們必須做出改變。 Mr. President, Saint Vincent remains resolute in its stance regarding Taiwan’s participation in the WHO. Thank you, Mr. President. 主席先生,聖文森堅絕支持台灣參與WHO,立場並無改變。謝謝主席。

WHA主席欲喊卡 友邦聖文森堅持挺台發言到底 聖文森衛生部次長奈特斯表示,當前世界正應對2019冠...