關於rice cakes的評價, Peggie Neo
FULL video --> https://bit.ly/2RkefiW Cooking and eating super spicy Korean Rice Cakes, and Samyang'...
FULL video --> https://bit.ly/2RkefiW Cooking and eating super spicy Korean Rice Cakes, and Samyang'...
Cooking and eating spicy carbonara noodles with ri...
今日教大家 📌蟹炒年糕 📌冬菇炆髮菜蠔豉 📌 肉桂卷 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 💥盤菜/大地魚粉/菇粉...
Best After-School snack!!
Cheesy Fire ramen noodles and Korean spicy rice ca...
Cooking and eating Carbonara rice cakes + noodles,...
非常榮幸與郭元益如此重要的一年合作! 伴點時光—郭元益150周年〔伴手禮〕紀念禮盒 郭元...
Best After-School snack!!
Let's eat Korean food! Black bean noodles with egg...
Eating Korean spicy rice cake noodles, crispy egg ...