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關於second縮寫的評價, Rice & Shine

#1000daysriceandshine Day 787 - 經過一天的黃疸照光,今天早上診所通知我們可以去接寶寶們啦。(開心) - 所以我們就帶著昨天墨嘴上邊唸著「I miss them」邊創作的...

支持苗圃,推廣助學,並繼續tag 3 個朋友,copy and paste 以下呢段資料,將助學消息傳開去: 「畀面。挑戰 」點樣玩? 「畀面。挑戰」有雙重含意,一是畀面支持籌款助學;二是面對馬拉松比賽挑戰。 請你: 「畀面」 - 在臉上寫上活動名稱縮寫「挑戰12小時」或「CH 12Hrs」, 「畀錢」 - 上網捐款最少$200, 「比賽」 - 上網報名參加比賽, 並把「畀面」照片或影片/捐款確認書/參加馬拉松確認書分享到社交網站,及邀請三位朋友於三日內接受挑戰,籍此不斷宣傳。 How to participate in "Face Challenge"? "Face Challenge" serves two main purposes: first is to raise fund for the education of the impoverished students in rural China; second is to challenge yourself through a marathon event. Inviting you to: "Give Face to Challenge" - write 「挑戰12小時」 or "CH 12Hrs" characters on the face "Give Money to Education" - donate at least $200 online to Sowers Action "Give Effort to join the Race" - participate in any race of New World Department Stores Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours 2015 Please then share "Face Challenge" photo / donation record / race entry record to your social media, and invite 3 friends to accept the challenge in 3 days, so as the spread the words of this event 「畀面。挑戰 」網頁 "Face Challenge" webpage:http://c12hrs.sowers.org.hk/home/main.php 「畀錢」連結 "Give money - Donation":http://c12hrs.sowers.org.hk/home/Donate.html 「比賽」連結 "join the Race" : https://online.sowers.org.hk/sowers-c12h-2015/enrollmentEdit.do?do=mainScreen

支持苗圃,推廣助學,並繼續tag 3 個朋友,copy and paste 以下呢段資料,將助學消息...