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我在紐約被關了十個月,我來分享一些我渡過的方式! / 1. 煮菜,超級消耗時間,我quarantine的時候一直燉湯。我室友努力學習做蛋糕,我吃了好幾個外面焦焦裡面濕濕的蛋糕ㄎㄎ,還有種菜!我跟室友在...

Helloooo! Now here’s a first: my first ever Skillshare video! In this class, I’ll be teaching you how to make your very own self-portrait with objects or materials you can find at home. Do share your work with me; I’m keen to see! I’m almost done with uploading my videos and will share it in a link on my bio. In the meantime, here’s a peak into the intro of my class! A big thank you for Andy Chia for filming and editing this for me!

Helloooo! Now here’s a first: my first ever Skills...