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關於stinging的評價, Yo Yossavadee

#แมลงก้นกระดก อาการอับเดทช่วงบ่าย3 โยอาเจียนไป3รอบ ตัวเย็นไม่มีไข้ ปวดท้องนิดหน่อย และแผลแดงมากแต่ไม...

關於stinging nettle的評價, A-Ann

【A-Ann X 咬人貓 Stinging Nettle】 Go small theatre, see a play. 如果有一個手遊,我單身但我可以養「#新好兒童」?! 這是印象中第二次看小劇...

我痛到依家,痛左11個鐘都仲痛緊!哎呀,好彩游完環島泳先比我今日咁樣賴嘢,如果唔係我可能唔敢游添。不過更好彩係我游環島時冇遇到,可能真係好心好報。我啱啱查完,呢啲 sea lice 最旺係四至八月,其實佢好似水母咁,又細又透明,真係防不勝防。 the stings of jellyfish larvae “sea lice bites.” The name just stuck. But that’s not the only name. Some doctors call the skin irritation "seabather's eruption." The jellyfish larvae that cause this condition float in the ocean. When they swim up under your bathing suit, they get stuck and release stinging toxins. It’s the same thing full-grown jellyfish do, but it hurts a lot less. The toxins trigger your immune system. That’s what causes the bumpy rash. Here are some things you should know before your next jaunt in the ocean. Jellyfish larvae stings form small, very itchy red bumps on your skin. The bumps may change into blisters. The rash typically appears between 4 and 24 hours after you swim. You might feel a slight prickling sensation in the water when the larvae release their toxins. You'll often see the rash on areas of your body that your bathing suit covers. You might also find spots on your arms, legs, neck, and in your armpits. https://www.medicinenet.com/sea_lice/article.htm #10km #sealice #師奶attack #我都話唔游海 #好唔鍾意游海 #itsawonderfonglife #nottoday #hkswimmingacademy #getfitwithalexfong #跟着小方去健身
