關於the passion of the christ的評價, Joseph Prince
Once, I was watching a movie about the passion of Christ. In one scene, as Jesus collapsed from the...
Once, I was watching a movie about the passion of Christ. In one scene, as Jesus collapsed from the...
Today is Good Friday, a holy day for Christians. ...
Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weakn...
"Jesus Christ Superstar" I really didn't have a...
Experience Holy Week in Spain, the annual Catholic...
#為了五十個銀幣而出賣親友 文革之可怕在於摧毀人與人之間的倫理及信任。在傳統中國人觀念,家齊後興邦...
【THX 1138:一場左右電影史的片廠竊盜案】#葉郎電影徵信社 George Lucas 執導的...
(Scroll down for english version) 「歷史將宣判我們無罪!」 李卓...
【傳說中的──梵蒂岡的電影清單】 . 看膩了一堆導演、演員、影評人選出來的個人片單嗎?不如來看看教...
你有沒有過一種經驗? 看的時候揪著心(或者說掐著脖子)看 散場時胸口像被重擊了一拳 可能在走...