There are five students in the classroom. b. ... 請問各位先進, 這題要選a 或b 呢PS: 課本的有一題是: A: Are there any boys in the pool? ... <看更多>
There are five students in the classroom. b. ... 請問各位先進, 這題要選a 或b 呢PS: 課本的有一題是: A: Are there any boys in the pool? ... <看更多>
各題答對得1分;未作答、答錯、或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 ... For example, a chimpanzee may __16__ there is no food when his companions are around ... ... <看更多>
老師好~想請問以下幾題OG題目: 725. At the end of 2001, motion picture industry representatives said that there were about a million copies of Hollywood ... ... <看更多>
108課綱實施後,你知道素養如何融入到題目嗎?TOEFL Primary帶你認識素養教學原則,動手做英語素養題目,搞懂素養題的樣貌,陪伴孩子一起提升英語素養力! ... <看更多>
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